The Art of XSD – eBook Download

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“When information is exchanged in XML format, there needs to be an agreement between the sender and receiver about the structure and content of the XML document. An XSD (XML Schema Definition Language) Schema can be used to enforce this contract and validate the XML data being exchanged.”

Jacob Sebastian, Author.

The Art of XSD (link to eBook download – 13MB)

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 01: Introduction to XML Schema
  • Chapter 02: Start Writing the First Schema
  • Chapter 03: LAB: Order Processing Application for North Pole Corporation
  • Chapter 04: Understanding Schema Components
  • Chapter 05: Understanding Element Declarations
  • Chapter 06: Understanding Attribute Declarations
  • Chapter 07: XSD Primitive Data Types
  • Chapter 08: Simple Types
  • Chapter 09: XSD Built-in Derived Data Types
  • Chapter 10: Complex Types
  • Chapter 11: Complex Type Derivation
  • Chapter 12: XSD Regular Expression Language
  • Chapter 13: Advanced Schema Concepts
  • Chapter 14: SQL Server Schema Collections and Metadata
  • Paperback: 467 pages
  • Publisher: Red Gate Books

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About the author

Jacob Sebastian

See Profile

Jacob Sebastian is a SQL Server Consultant based in Ahmedabad, India. He's a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, a Moderator at the MSDN and Technet Forums, and volunteers with the Professional Association for SQL Server as Regional Chapter Coordinator for Asia. He also runs a SQL Server User Group in his home town and is a frequent columnist at Jacob started his database career in the early nineties with Dbase and then moved to Clipper, Foxpro and finally settled on SQL Server. He's now been working with SQL Server for over 11 years and is a regular speaker at local User Groups and SQL Server events. He is also a well-known SQL Server trainer, and teaches at various SQL Server classes across the country.

Jacob Sebastian's contributions