In this workbench, we’ll show you some fairly simple string User-Functions. Rather than invent the ones we like, we’re going to take a different angle and implement the Python string functions, as much as we can. Plenty of examples, and some programming tricks too!
- Capitalize
- Center
- Count Substring in String
- EndsWith
- ExpandTabs
- IsAlnum
- IsAlpha
- IsDigit
- IsLower
- IsTitle
- IsSpace
- LJust
- LStrip
- RFind
- RJust
- RStrip
- Strip
- SwapCase
- Title
- Zfill
Sometimes, when developing a SQL Server application, you start to want to do some string manipulation. For the beginner, the SQL String functions seem pretty unpreposessing – there seems little there in the same league as what’s available in Python.
The difference is more one of style. The basic TSQL functions have great power but it isn’t always obvious, from looking at the code, what they are doing. Nobody would attempt to argue that the famous STUFF
function is intuitive! (Robyn documented the basic string functions in her Robyn Page’s SQL Server String Manipulation Workbench.)
When setting out a database project, it is always best to start out with a basic toolkit of elementary string user-functions that make your code readable. It is only when you hit a particular performance problem that you’d need to use the built-in functions rather than your own. In the heat of a team development, things generally seem to go better if the basic string user-functions are there, and ready to use.
For no particularly good reason, we like to use the PHP and Python string functions, adapted for SQL Server use. We’ve already described some of the routines we borrowed from PHP in The TSQL String Array Workbench.
The Python ones we use are…
Capitalize string Function
Return a copy of the string with only its first character capitalized.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Capitalize') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Capitalize GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Capitalize] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @FirstAsciiChar INT SELECT @FirstAsciiChar = PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z][abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz]%', ' ' + @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) IF @FirstAsciiChar > 0 SELECT @String = STUFF(@String, @FirstAsciiChar, 1, UPPER(SUBSTRING(@String, @FirstAsciiChar, 1))) RETURN @string END GO SELECT dbo.capitalize('god save her majesty') --God save her majesty GO |
Centre string Function
Returns a copy of @String
centered in a string of length @width
, surrounded by the appropriate number of @fillChar
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Center') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Center GO CREATE FUNCTION Center ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @width INT, @fillchar VARCHAR(10) = '''' ) /* e.g. select'Help me please',100,'*') select'error',100,'*!=') select'error',null,null) select,null,null) */ RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN IF @string IS NULL RETURN NULL DECLARE @LenString INT DECLARE @LenResult INT -- Declare the return variable here SELECT @lenString = LEN(@String), @Fillchar = COALESCE(@Fillchar, ' '), @width = COALESCE(@Width, LEN(@String) * 2) SELECT @lenResult = CASE WHEN @LenString > @Width THEN @LenString ELSE @width END RETURN STUFF(REPLICATE(@fillchar, @lenResult / LEN(REPLACE(@FillChar, ' ', '|'))), (@LenResult - LEN(@String) + 2) / 2, @lenString, @String) END GO GO |
Count substring in string Function
Returns the number of occurrences of substring sub
in string s
. Allows you to specifying the start and end position of the search.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Count') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION [Count] GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[Count] ( @string VARCHAR(MAX), @Sub VARCHAR(MAX), @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @more INT DECLARE @count INT IF @string = NULL RETURN NULL SELECT @count = 0, @more = 1, @Start = COALESCE(@Start, 1), @end = COALESCE(@end, LEN(@string)) SELECT @end = CASE WHEN @end > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @end END, @Start = CASE WHEN @start > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @start END WHILE @more <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @more = PATINDEX('%' + @sub + '%', SUBSTRING(@string, @Start, @End - @start + 1)) IF @more > 0 SELECT @Start = @Start + @more, @count = @count + 1 IF @start >= @End SELECT @more = 0 END RETURN @count END GO SELECT dbo.COUNT('The artistic temperament is something that afflicts amateurs', '[^a-z][a-z]', NULL, NULL) --wordcount (not include first word) 4 SELECT dbo.COUNT('IT salesmen are sometimes so intellectually simple as to hide in packing cases or pretend to be their own aunts.', '[aeiou]', NULL, NULL) --37 vowels SELECT dbo.COUNT('45667892398', '8', NULL, NULL) --2 SELECT dbo.COUNT('if something is worth doing, it is worth doing badly', 'worth doing', 17, 46) --2 GO |
EndsWith string Function
Return non-zero if the string ends with the specified suffix, otherwise return False
. Suffix can also be a list of suffixes to look for. With optional start, test beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing at that position.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'EndsWith') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION EndsWith GO CREATE FUNCTION EndsWith ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @suffix VARCHAR(MAX), @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN SELECT @Start = COALESCE(@Start, 1), @End = COALESCE(@End, LEN(@String)) IF @string IS NULL OR @suffix IS NULL RETURN NULL SELECT @end = CASE WHEN @end > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @end END, @Start = CASE WHEN @start > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @start END RETURN PATINDEX('%' + @suffix, SUBSTRING(@string, @Start, @End - @start + 1)) END GO SELECT dbo.endswith('Silence is the unbearable repartee', 'tee', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) SELECT dbo.endswith('a yawn is a silent shout', 'shout', 3, DEFAULT) SELECT dbo.endswith('Most people are struck by inspired ideas, but they generally pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened', 'inspired', 3, 35) SELECT dbo.endswith('Prudent dullness marked him out as project manager.', '[.;:,]', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) |
Expand Tabs in a string
Returns a copy of @String
where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'ExpandTabs') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION ExpandTabs GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ExpandTabs] ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @tabsize INT = NULL ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN SELECT @tabsize = COALESCE(@tabsize, 4) IF @string IS NULL RETURN NULL DECLARE @OriginalString VARCHAR(MAX), @DetabbifiedString VARCHAR(MAX), @Column INT, @Newline INT SELECT @OriginalString = @String, @DeTabbifiedString = '', @NewLine = 1, @Column = 1 WHILE PATINDEX('%[' + CHAR(9) + CHAR(10) + ']%', @OriginalString) > 0 BEGIN--do we need to expand tabs? IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(9), @OriginalString + CHAR(9)) > CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), @OriginalString + CHAR(10)) BEGIN--we have to deal with a CR SELECT @NewLine = 1, @Column = 1, @DeTabbifiedString = @DeTabbifiedString + SUBSTRING(@OriginalString, 1, CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), @OriginalString)), @OriginalString = STUFF(@OriginalString, 1, CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), @OriginalString),'') END ELSE BEGIN--de-tabbifying SELECT @Column = @column + CHARINDEX(CHAR(9), @OriginalString + CHAR(9)) - 1, @DeTabbifiedString = @DeTabbifiedString + SUBSTRING(@OriginalString, 1, CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),@OriginalString) - 1) SELECT @DeTabbifiedString = @DeTabbifiedString + SPACE(@TabSize - (@column % @TabSize)), @OriginalString = STUFF(@OriginalString, 1, CHARINDEX(CHAR(09), @OriginalString), '') SELECT @Column = @Column + (@TabSize - (@column % @TabSize)) END END RETURN @DeTabbifiedString + @Originalstring END GO |
IsAlNum string Function
Returns Non-Zero if all characters in @String
are alphanumeric, 0 otherwise.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'IsAlnum') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION IsAlnum GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[IsAlnum] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) /* Select dbo.isalnum('how many times must I tell you') Select dbo.isalnum('345rtp') Select dbo.isalnum('co10?') */ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%', @string) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
IsAlpha string Function
Returns non-zero if all characters in @String
are alphabetic, 0
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'IsAlpha') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION IsAlpha GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsAlpha (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) --Select dbo.isalpha('how many times must I tell you') --Select dbo.isalpha('SQLsequel') --Select dbo.isalpha('co10') RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z]%', @string) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
IsDigit string Function
Returns non-zero if all characters in @string
are digit (numeric) characters, 0
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'IsDigit') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION IsDigit GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[IsDigit] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) /* Select dbo.isdigit('how many times must I tell you') Select dbo.isdigit('294856') Select dbo.isdigit('569.45') */ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @string) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
IsLower string Function
Returns non-zero if all characters in s are lowercase characters, 0
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'IsLower') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION IsLower GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[IsLower] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) /* Select dbo.islower('how many times must i tell you') Select dbo.islower('how many times must I tell you') Select dbo.islower('How many times must i tell you') Select dbo.islower('how many times must i tell yoU') */ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]%', @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
IsTitle string Function
Return true
if the string is a titlecased string and there is at least one character, for example uppercase characters may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return false otherwise.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'isTitle') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION isTitle GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[isTitle] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) /* Select dbo.IsTitle('How Many Times Must I Tell You') Select dbo.IsTitle('this function is pretty useless') Select dbo.IsTitle(dbo.title('this function is pretty useless')) */ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[a-z][ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]%', @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) > 0 THEN 0 WHEN PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z][abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]%', @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
IsSpace string Function
Returns non-zero if all characters in s are whitespace characters, 0
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'IsSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION IsSpace GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[IsSpace] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) /* Select dbo.IsSpace('how many times must i tell you') Select dbo.IsSpace(' <>[]{}"!@#$%9 )))))))') Select dbo.IsSpace(' ????/>.<,')*/ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN PATINDEX( '%[A-Za-z0-9-]%', @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI ) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END GO |
LJust -Left justify string Function
Returns a copy of @String
left justified in a string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fillchar
string (default is a space). The original string is returned if width is less than len(s)
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'LJust') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION LJust GO CREATE FUNCTION LJust ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @width INT, @fillchar VARCHAR(10) = ' ' ) /* e.g. select dbo.LJust('Help me please',5,'*-') select dbo.LJust('error',100,'*!=') select dbo.LJust('error',null,null) select dbo.LJust(null,default,default) */ RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN IF @string IS NULL RETURN NULL DECLARE @LenString INT DECLARE @LenFiller INT -- Declare the return variable here SELECT @lenString = LEN(REPLACE(@String, ' ', '|')), @Fillchar = COALESCE(@Fillchar, ' '), @LenFiller = LEN(REPLACE(@Fillchar, ' ', '|')), @width = COALESCE(@Width, LEN(@String) * 2) IF @Width < @lenString RETURN @String RETURN STUFF(LEFT( REPLICATE(@Fillchar, (@width / @LenFiller) + 1), @width), 1, @LenString, @String) END GO |
LStrip– remove leading characters from a string
Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. The chars argument is a string specifying the set of characters to be removed. If omitted or None
, the chars argument defaults to removing whitespace. The chars argument is not a prefix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped:
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-- Select dbo.lstrip('','cmowz.') IF OBJECT_ID(N'Lstrip') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Lstrip GO CREATE FUNCTION Lstrip ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @chars VARCHAR(255) = ' ' ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN SELECT @Chars = COALESCE(@Chars, ' ') IF LEN(@Chars) = 0 RETURN LTRIM(@String) IF @String IS NULL RETURN @string WHILE PATINDEX('[' + @chars + ']%', @string) = 1 BEGIN SELECT @String = RIGHT(@string, LEN(REPLACE(@string, ' ', '|')) - 1) END RETURN @String END GO SELECT dbo.lstrip('', 'cmowz.') SELECT dbo.lstrip('', ' ') SELECT dbo.lstrip(NULL, '[]') |
rfind– Find highest index of Substring
Return the highest index in the string where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within s[start,end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'rfind') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION rfind GO CREATE FUNCTION rfind ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @Substring VARCHAR(MAX), @Start INT = NULL, @End INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN IF @substring + @string IS NULL RETURN NULL IF CHARINDEX(@substring, @string) = 0 RETURN 0 SELECT @Start = COALESCE(@Start, 1), @end = COALESCE(@end, LEN(REPLACE(@string, ' ', '|'))) IF @end <= @Start RETURN 0 SELECT @String = SUBSTRING(@String, @start, @end - @Start + 1) RETURN @start - 1 + COALESCE(LEN(REPLACE(@string, ' ', '|')) -CHARINDEX(REVERSE(@substring), REVERSE(@substring + @string)) - LEN(REPLACE(@substring, ' ', '|')) + 2, 0) END GO IF OBJECT_ID(N'Rjust') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Rjust GO |
RJust -Right justify string Function
Returns a copy of @String
right justified in a string of length width
. Padding is done using the specified fillchar
string (default is a space). The original string is returned if width is less than len(s)
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CREATE FUNCTION Rjust ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @width INT, @fillchar VARCHAR(10) = ' ' ) /* e.g. select dbo.Rjust('Help me please',5,'*-') select dbo.Rjust('error',100,'*!=') select dbo.Rjust('error',null,null) select dbo.Rjust(null,default,default) */ RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN IF @string IS NULL RETURN NULL DECLARE @LenString INT DECLARE @LenFiller INT -- Declare the return variable here SELECT @lenString = LEN(REPLACE(@String, ' ', '|')), @Fillchar = COALESCE(@Fillchar, ' '), @LenFiller = LEN(REPLACE(@Fillchar, ' ', '|')), @width = COALESCE(@Width, LEN(@String) * 2) IF @Width < @lenString RETURN @String RETURN STUFF(RIGHT(REPLICATE(@Fillchar, (@width / @LenFiller) + 1), @width), @width - @LenString + 1, @LenString, @String) END GO |
RStrip: remove trailing characters from a string
Return a copy of the string with trailing characters removed. The chars argument is a string specifying the set of characters to be removed. If omitted or None, the chars argument defaults to removing whitespace. The chars argument is not a suffix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped:
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-- Select dbo.Rstrip('','cmowz.') IF OBJECT_ID(N'Rstrip') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Rstrip GO CREATE FUNCTION Rstrip ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @chars VARCHAR(255) = ' ' ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @RString VARCHAR(MAX)--the string backwards SELECT @Chars = COALESCE(@Chars, ' '), @rstring = REVERSE(@String) IF LEN(@Chars) = 0 RETURN RTRIM(@String) IF @String IS NULL RETURN @string WHILE PATINDEX('[' + @chars + ']%', @Rstring) = 1 BEGIN SELECT @RString = RIGHT(@Rstring, LEN(REPLACE(@Rstring, ' ', '|')) - 1) END RETURN REVERSE(@RString) END GO SELECT dbo.Rstrip(' spacious ', ' ') SELECT dbo.Rstrip(' 0', ' 0') SELECT dbo.Rstrip('mississippi', 'ipz') |
Strip: remove trailing or leading characters from a string
Return a copy of the string with the leading and trailing characters removed. The chars argument is a string specifying the set of characters to be removed. If omitted or None
, the chars argument defaults to removing whitespace. The chars argument is not a prefix or suffix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped:
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'strip') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION strip GO CREATE FUNCTION Strip ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @chars VARCHAR(255) = ' ' ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN RETURN dbo.RStrip(dbo.LStrip(@String, @Chars), @chars) END GO |
SwapCase string Function
Return a copy of the string with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'SwapCase') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION SwapCase GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SwapCase (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ii INT, @LenString INT, @ThisChar CHAR(1) SELECT @ii = 1, @LenString = LEN(@String) WHILE @ii <= @LenString BEGIN SELECT @ThisChar = SUBSTRING(@string, @ii, 1) IF @ThisChar BETWEEN 'a' AND 'Z' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI SELECT @String = STUFF(@string, @ii, 1, CHAR(ASCII(@Thischar) ^ 32)) SELECT @ii = @ii + 1 END RETURN @string END GO SELECT dbo.swapcase('What a silly function') SELECT dbo.SwapCase('This is a Hoary Old Programmer trick. It only works with the ASCII character set! !"£$%^&*()_+1234567890-=[]{}') /*Gives: tHIS IS A hOARY oLD pROGRAMMER TRICK. iT ONLY WORKS WITH THE ascii CHARACTER SET! !"£$%^&*()_+1234567890-=[]{} */ GO |
Title string Function
Returns a titlecased copy of @String
, i.e. words start with uppercase characters, all remaining cased characters are lowercase.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Title') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Title GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[title] (@string VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Next INT WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN --find word space followed by lower case letter --This makes assumptions about the language SELECT @next = PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z][abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz]%', ' ' + @string COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) IF @next = 0 BREAK SELECT @String = STUFF(@String, @Next, 1, UPPER(SUBSTRING(@String, @Next, 1))) END RETURN @string END |
zfill: left-fill the numeric string with zeros
Return the numeric string left-filled with zeros in a string of length width
. The original string is returned if width is less than len(s)
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GO IF OBJECT_ID(N'zfill') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION zfill GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.zfill ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @Width VARCHAR(255) = ' ' ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN RETURN dbo.Rjust(@string, @Width, '0') END GO SELECT dbo.zFill('789', 10) |
All finished? Well, no, actually. We’ve now reached the point where we can tie in the String Array work we did in the TSQL String Array Workbench and implement the handful of Python functions that use tuples and lists. However, that’s certainly enough for one sitting, and the more complicated functions will take some explaining, so we’ll meet again for Episode 2 of the String User Function Workbench.
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