.NET Demon support for VS 11 dark theme

I’m pleased to announce that .NET Demon will be shipping simultaneously with Visual Studio 11, whenever it ends up being released. That means we’re going to make sure that a version of .NET Demon is released very near to the Visual Studio 11 final release which supports the new version of VS fully.

The interesting part of this support is going to be the new dark theme of VS, which I’m looking forward to using. I’m told dark colours reduce eye strain for developers. It’s important that extensions like .NET Demon switch to a dark theme when the rest of the IDE changes, or the dark theme will look silly. Unfortunately, none of my favourite extensions look right in the dark theme yet, so even though I use Visual Studio 11 beta for my day-to-day development already, I can’t use the dark theme.

Luckily .NET Demon uses WPF throughout, and the team at Microsoft are helping us to use the WPF Style system to make it easy for me to implement the support without having to add colour attributes to all the controls manually. We should have dark theme support in .NET Demon in the next month or so.