Reclaim Microsoft Virtual PC Console that Displays Outside the Desktop

I ran into a bit of a problem the other day with Microsoft Virtual PC staring outside of my viewable desktop area.  And it turns out that it wasn’t just a fluke, because it’s happened a couple of times since then.  And Robby, one of the guys I work with at Cogent, had the same problem.  Here’s how you get around the issue (I assume this works for any window if you have this issue, not just VPC):

  1. Right click on the Microsoft Virtual PC Taskbar item and choose “Move” from the context menu
  2. Hold the CTRL button and hit your arrow keys a few times.  This makes the title bar of the window “stick” to the mouse.
  3. Wave your moue around wildly until you see the window
  4. Click the left mouse button and the title bar will “unstick”

That should get your window back.