Blogs Kendra Little in Blogs Predictions for Healthcare and Database Infrastructure in 2021 Grant Fritchey, Kathi Kellenberger, and I recently collected our ideas and predictions about how the healthcare sector will evolve in... 07 December 2020 4 min read
Database DevOps Kendra Little in Database DevOps Feature branches and pull requests with Git to manage conflicts Feature branching and pull requests are two important concepts when using Git. In this article, Kendra Little explains these patterns... 07 December 2020 14 min read
Blogs Kendra Little in Blogs Why it makes sense to monitor SQL Server deadlocks in their own Extended Events trace We recently had customer ask why SQL Monitor creates an Extended Events session to capture deadlock graphs, when SQL Server... 03 December 2020 4 min read
Blogs Kendra Little in Blogs Database DevOps Considerations for SQL Server Availability Groups One question which comes up periodically from our Microsoft Data Platform customers is whether there is anything special that they... 19 November 2020 4 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials Three ways that taking the State of Database DevOps Survey helps the community Redgate has recently opened the 2021 State of Database DevOps Survey. Whether or not your organization does DevOps, I would... 16 November 2020 2 min read
Kendra Little in Editorials Why database folks should care about User Research I attended a training session at Redgate this week by Chris Spalton. Chris’ session topic was “An Introduction into Planning... 27 October 2020 4 min read
Kendra Little in Blogs Reordering Deployments in Database DevOps We recently received an interesting question in our Redgate forums from Peter Daniels about altering the order of deployments in... 26 October 2020 17 min read
Database DevOps Kendra Little in Database DevOps The Two Ways Containers Will Revolutionize Database DevOps Containers have already transformed the way application development works, but adoption has been slower for databases. Finally, the revolution is... 17 August 2020 8 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials Will We Still be Talking About DevOps in Two Years? While individual buzzwords will come in and out of fashion, the ideas at the heart of DevOps aren’t going anywhere. ... 26 June 2020 2 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials SQL Server Management Studio is as Relevant as Ever After fifteen years of heavy usage by developers and DBAs, it might seem like Microsoft’s free tool, SQL Server Management... 24 September 2019 3 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials What is Automation? Today I got a bit closer to a meaningful definition of automation as it applies to the software development process.... 30 April 2019 5 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials Why You Shouldn’t Hardcode the Current Database Name in Your Views, Functions, and Stored Procedures “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things” Phil Karlton I’m terrible at naming... 12 March 2019 4 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials Implementing DevOps Doesn’t Get Rid of Database Administrators I hear from a lot of database administrators who are worried about being automated out of a job. These kinds... 21 January 2019 5 min read
Editorials Kendra Little in Editorials Security, Compliance, Data Ethics, and Breaking the “Not My Job” Mindset Security, compliance, and data ethics are related concepts that everyone who works with software should know about, from the help... 30 August 2018 3 min read