This series is in four parts: This is part 4
- Part 1: Help, Syntax, Display and Files
- Part 2: Variables, Parameters, Properties, and Objects,
- Part 3: Collections, Hashtables, Arrays and Strings
- Part 4: Accessing, Handling and Writing Data
Notes on Using the Tables
A command will typically use full names of cmdlets but the examples will often use aliases for brevity. Example: Get-Help has aliases man and help. This has the side benefit of showing you both long and short names to invoke many commands.
Most tables contain either 3 or 4 columns: a description of an action; the generic command syntax to perform that action; an example invocation of that command; and optionally an output column showing the result of that example where feasible.
For clarity, embedded newlines (`n) and embedded return/newline combinations (`r`n) are highlighted as shown.
Many actions in PowerShell can be performed in more than one way. The goal here is to show just the simplest which may mean displaying more than one command if they are about equally straightforward. In such cases the different commands are numbered with square brackets (e.g. “[1]”). Multiple commands generally mean multiple examples, which are similarly numbered.
Most commands will work with PowerShell version 2 and above, though some require at least version 3. So if you are still running v2 and encounter an issue that is likely your culprit.
The vast majority of commands are built-in, i.e. supplied by Microsoft. There are a few sprinkled about that require loading an additional module or script, but their usefulness makes them worth including in this compendium. These “add-ins” will be demarcated with angle brackets, e.g. <<pscx>> denotes the popular PowerShell Community Extensions (
This is a multi-part series, covering a variety of input and output techniques: reading from and writing to files; writing and merging the multitude of output streams available in PowerShell (it’s not just stdout
and stderr
anymore!); file housekeeping operations (move, copy, create, delete); and various other I/O techniques related to CSV, JSON, database, network, and XML.
Be sure to review the earlier parts, too, though:
Part 1 Help, Syntax, Display and Files begins by showing you how to have PowerShell itself help you figure out what you need to do to accomplish a task, covering the help system as well as its handy command-line intellisense. It also examines locations, files, and paths (the basic currency of a shell); key syntactic constructs; ways to cast your output in list, table, grid, or chart form.
Part 2 Variables, Parameters, Properties, and Objects, covers key PowerShell concepts of variables, parameters, properties, and objects. Part 3 explores the two fundamental data structures of PowerShell: the collection (array) and the hash table (dictionary), examining everything from creating, accessing, iterating, ordering, and selecting.
Part 3 Collections, Hashtables, Arrays and Strings also covers converting between strings and arrays, and rounds out with techniques for searching, most commonly applicable to files (searching both directory structures as well as file contents).
Each part of this series is available as both an online reference here at, and as a special wide version here, as well as a downloadable wallchart in PDF format for those who prefer a printed copy near at hand. Please keep in mind though that this is a quick reference, not a tutorial. So while there are a few brief introductory remarks for each section, there is very little explanation for any given incantation. But do not let that scare you off-jump in and try things! You should find more than a few “aha!” moments ahead of you!
- Reading from Files
- Writing to Files
- Basic Writing Streams
- Move, Copy, Create, Delete
- Convert, Combine, and More
- Patterned Data: CSV and More
- Network Basics
- Database
- XML Data
Reading from Files
When reading a file, your first consideration is whether to read it into a collection or into a single string. For the latter choice, carefully consider how you want line endings to be handled; the first few entries illustrate several line ending options. The next few entries consider multiple files together; you can read them into a string collection with either one file per slot or one line per slot, or into a MatchInfo
collection, which provides meta-data about each line. The final few entries consider counting what is in files by lines, words, and characters, with several options available. Many of these entries rely on the sample files (f1.txt and f2.txt) shown early on. Note that the fhex (Format-Hex) cmdlet is part of the PowerShell Community Extensions.
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
Output |
1 |
Read one file as an array of strings |
[1] Get-Content filespec [2] ${drive:filespec} # must include a drive designator! |
$myFileLines = gc foo.txt $myFileLines = ${c:subdir/foo.txt} |
2 |
Read one file into a single string |
Get-Content filespec | Out-String |
“a b`r`ncd” | sc f1.txt # a 2-line file $a = gc f1.txt |Out-String; $a.Length; $a | fhex -s ascii |
9 61 20 62 0D 0A 63 64 0D 0A |
3 |
Read one file into a single string |
(Get-Content filespec) -join “`r`n” |
$a =(gc f1.txt) -join “`r`n”; $a.Length; $a | fhex -s ascii |
7 61 20 62 0D 0A 63 64 |
4 |
Read one file into a single string |
[string] (Get-Content filespec) |
$a = [string](gc f1.txt); $a.Length; $a | fhex -s ascii |
6 61 20 62 20 63 64 |
5 |
Read one file into a single string-faster! |
[1] Get-Content filespec -ReadCount 0 | Out-String [2] [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText(filespec)
[1] $a = Get-Content f1.txt -ReadCount 0 | Out-String; $a.Length; $a | fhex -s ascii [2] $a = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText(‘f1.txt’); |
9 61 20 62 0D 0A 63 64 0D 0A |
6 |
Read multiple files as a collection of MatchInfo objects (one per line) |
Get-ChildItem filespec | Select-String “.*” |
“a b`r`ncd” | sc f1.txt # a 2-line file “one`r`n`r`ntwo`r`n” | sc f2.txt #a 4-line file dir *.txt | sls “.*” | select LineNumber, Filename,Lline |
LineNumber Filename Line ———- ——– —- 1 f1.txt a b 2 f1.txt cd 1 f2.txt one 2 f2.txt 3 f2.txt two 4 f2.txt |
7 |
Read multiple files as a collection of lines (strings) |
Get-ChildItem filespec | Get-Content |
$a = dir *.txt | gc; $a[0]; $a.Count |
a b 6 |
8 |
Read multiple files, each file as a single string |
$a = dir *.txt | % { gc $_ | out-string}; $a[0]; $a.Count |
a b cd 2 |
9 |
Include literal text passage |
@” . . . “@ |
$passage = @” line one line two “@ |
10 |
Read and execute PowerShell code from text file |
Invoke-Expression |
iex (“@`”`n” + (gc stuff.txt| Out-String) + ‘”@’) |
11 |
Read with different encoding |
Get-Content filespec -Encoding encodingType |
gc myfile.txt -encoding UTF8 |
12 |
Count non-empty lines in files |
dir files | Get-Content |Measure-Object -Line |
(dir *.txt | gc | measure -line).Lines |
4 |
13 |
Count all lines in files |
(dir *.txt | gc).Count |
6 |
14 |
Count words in files |
dir files | Get-Content |Measure-Object -Word |
(dir *.txt | gc | measure -word).Words |
5 |
15 |
Count characters in files, skipping line breaks |
dir files | Get-Content |Measure-Object -Char |
(dir *.txt | gc | measure -char).Characters |
11 |
16 |
Count characters, skipping all whitespace |
dir files | Get-Content |
(dir *.txt | gc | measure -char -ignore).Characters |
10 |
Writing to Files
Writing to files seem like it should be one of those very trivial, obvious operations. But because PowerShell’s fundamental unit is an object (rather than a string like DOS or Linux) it is not quite so simple. The two main cmdlets Out-File
and Set-Content
both deliver content to a file but in different formats and different encodings! See John Cook’s ‘PowerShell output redirection: Unicode or ASCII?‘ ( and Oisin Grehan’s ‘What’s the difference between Set-Content and Out-File?’ ( for more details. Then there’s the question of streams; the next section covers that topic.
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
1 |
Write each object with CR/LF line endings (Unicode default; use -Encoding to change) (Works only with FileSystem provider) |
[1] any | Out-File -FilePath filespec [2] any > filespec |
ls | Out-File \Âtmp\Âfile.txt ls > \Âtmp\Âfile.txt |
2 |
Append to end of file(Unicode default) |
[1] any | Out-File -FilePath filespec -append [2] any >> filespec |
3 |
Write each object.ToString() with CR/LF |
[1] any | Set-Content filespec [2] ${drive:filespec} = any |
ls | Set-Content \Âtmp\Âfile.txt ${c:\Âtmp\Âfile.txt} = ls |
4 |
Append string content to end of file (ASCII default; faster than Out-File) |
any | Add-Content filespec |
5 |
Convert Unicode to ASCII without temp file |
(Get-Content filespec) | Set-Content filespec |
(gc foo.txt) | sc foo.txt |
6 |
Write to file with specified line ending (see |
$writer = []::CreateText(filespec); $writer.NewLine = lineEndingString; |
$writer = []::CreateText(“temp.txt”); |
7 |
Detect file encoding |
Get-FileEncoding filespec <<code from>> |
Basic Writing Streams
Unlike DOS or Linux, PowerShell goes beyond the basic stdout
and stderr
streams to introduce several more that may be written to or redirected as desired. See ‘About redirection‘ ( for details. The three redirection columns act as follows: Write creates or overwrites a file; Append creates or appends to a file; Merge joins the specified stream with stdout.
# |
Action |
Command |
Write |
Append |
Merge |
Example |
1 |
Write to console (bypasses stdout) – cannot be redirected! |
[1] Write-Host string [2] [console]::WriteLine(string) |
NA |
NA |
NA |
write-host “hello world” [console]::WriteLine(“hello world”) |
2 |
Write to output stream (i.e. stdout) This is implicit if omitted, so usually not needed. |
Write-Output |
> |
>> |
NA |
write-output “hello world” echo “hello world” “hello world” |
3 |
Write to file (Unicode) and to stdout |
Tee-Object |
NA |
NA |
NA |
ps | tee output.txt |
4 |
Write to error stream (i.e. stderr) |
Write-Error |
2> |
2>> |
2>&1 |
write-error “problem with …” |
5 |
Write to warning stream |
Write-Warning |
3> |
3>> |
3>&1 |
write-warning “NB: null detected…” |
6 |
Write to verbose stream Requires $VerbosePreference or -Verbose to manifest |
Write-Verbose |
4> |
4>> |
4>&1 |
write-verbose “parameters: a, b, c” |
7 |
Write to debug stream Requires $DebugPreference or -Debug to manifest |
Write-Debug |
5> |
5>> |
5>&1 |
write-debug “xyz” |
8 |
Redirect all streams |
NA |
*> |
*>> |
*>&1 |
Move, Copy, Create, Delete
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
1 |
Copy file or folder |
Copy-Item source target |
cp -Recurse C:\Âtest \Â\Âremotesys\Âtest |
2 |
Copy files from a tree and flatten hierarchy |
Get-ChildItem spec -Recurse | Copy-Item -dest target |
gci *.txt -recurse | Copy-Item -destination c:\Âtarget |
3 |
Copy files from a tree and maintain hierarchy |
Copy-Item -Recurse -Filter spec source target |
Copy-Item -Recurse -Filter *.txt -path c:\Âsource -dest c:\Âtarget |
4 |
Rename file or folder |
Rename-Item oldName newName |
rni foo.txt bar.txt |
5 |
Move file (same drive or between drives) |
Move-Item source destination |
mv c:\Âfoo.txt d:\Âtemp |
6 |
Move directory on the same drive |
Move-Item source destination |
mv c:\Âtmp\Âsomedir c:\Âother\Âsomedir |
7 |
Move directory to a different drive |
Copy-Item – recurse source target; |
cp -r c:\Âsome\Âdir d:\Âsome\Âdir; rm -r c:\Âsome\Âdir |
8 |
Create file |
[1] New-Item path – ItemType file -Value “text” [2] echo ” text ” | Set-Content path |
[1] ni foo.txt – ItemType file -Value “Hello world” [2] echo “Hello world” | Set-Content foo.txt |
9 |
Create empty directory |
New-Item path -ItemType directory |
mkdir foo.txt – ItemType directory |
10 |
Delete file |
Remove-Item path |
rm foo.txt |
11 |
Delete folder |
Remove-Item path -recurse |
rmdir -r .\Âsome\Âtempdir |
12 |
Empty a file |
Clear-Content path |
clc foo.txt |
13 |
Empty a folder |
Remove-Item path\Â*.* |
Convert, Combine, and More
Beyond basic reading and writing, here are some notions on other file manipulations. Note that processing large files deserves special consideration-for example, while Get-Content
can be very fast (with -ReadCount 0)
, the PowerShell pipeline is not as peppy, so avoid it-see ‘Speeding Up Your Scripts!‘ (
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
1 |
Convert line endings (Windows to Unix) |
ConvertTo-UnixLineEnding <<pscx>> |
2 |
Convert line endings (Unix to Windows) |
ConvertTo-WindowsLineEnding <<pscx>> |
3 |
Append to start of file |
. { any; cat filespec } | Set-Content newFilespec |
.{ cat addstuff.txt; cat stuff.txt } | sc newstuff.txt |
4 |
Append to end of file |
Add-Content filespec -value text |
ac -path *.txt -value “END” |
5 |
Concatenate multiple files |
Get-Content filespec-array |
[1] cat example1.txt, example2.txt > examples.txt [2] cat example*.txt > allexamples.txt [3] gci filespec | Get-Content | Set-Content .\Âall.txt |
6 |
Concatenate 2 files |
[1] Get-Content filespecB |Add-Content -Path filespecA [2] Add-Content -path filespecA -value (Get-Content filespecB) |
gc .\Âfile2.txt| ac -Path .\Âfile1.txt |
7 |
Read a large file (see |
Get-Content filespec -ReadCount 0 |
8 |
Retrieve first n lines of a large file (see |
Get-Content filespec -TotalCount n |
9 |
Remove first n lines of a file(see |
[1] ${C:filespec} = ${C:filespec } | select -skip count [2] (gc filespec | select -Skip count) | sc filespec |
10 |
Display new input from end of a file |
Get-FileTail -Wait filespec <<pscx>> |
tail -Wait c:\Âusr\Âtmp\Âlogfile.txt |
11 |
Trim all lines in a file |
(Get-Content filespec)| % { $_.trim() } | |
(gc $myFile)| % {$_.trim()} | sc $ myFile |
12 |
Write compressed archive |
[1] Write-Zip <<pscx>> [2] Write-Gzip <<pscx>> [3] Write-Tar <<pscx>> |
13 |
Hex Dump |
Format-Hex filespec <<pscx>> |
fhex c:\Âusr\Âtmp\Âfile.dat |
Patterned Data: CSV and More
For an in-depth treatment on getting data in and out of PowerShell, peruse my article ‘PowerShell Data Basics: File-Based Data‘ ( covering all the items below plus fixed-width fields, ragged-right text, multi-line record input and more.
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
Output |
1 |
Convert CSV data to objects |
[1] Import-Csv filespec [2] any | ConvertTo-Csv |
@’ Shape,Color,Count Square,Green,4 Rectangle,,12 ‘@ | ConvertFrom-Csv |
Shape Color Count —– —– —– Square Green 4 Rectangle 12 |
2 |
Convert CSV data to objects with delimiter |
[1] Import-Csv file -Delimiter char [2] any | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter char |
@’ Shape+Color+Count Square+Green+4 Trapezoid+Black+100 ‘@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ‘+’ |
Shape Color Count —– —– —– Square Green 4 Trapezoid Black 100 |
3 |
Convert CSV data to objects with unprintable delimiter |
[1] Import-Csv file -Delimiter “$([char]hexCode)” [2] any | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter “$([char]hexCode)” |
@” Shape`tColor`tCount Square`tGreen`t4 Trapezoid`tBlack`t100 “@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter “$([char]0x09)” |
Shape Color Count —– —– —– Square Green 4 Trapezoid Black 100 |
4 |
Convert CSV data to objects with multi-character delimiter |
Get-Content file| foreach { $_ -replace delimiter,[char]uncommonChar } | |
Get-Content file.dat| % { $_ -replace “.1234.”,[char]0x06 } | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter 0x06 |
5 |
Convert CSV data to objects with external headers |
[1] Import-Csv file -Header field1, field2, … [2] any | ConvertTo-Csv -Header field1, field2, … |
@’ Square,Green,4 Trapezoid,Black,100 ‘@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Shape, Color, Count |
Shape Color Count —– —– —– Square Green 4 Trapezoid Black 100 |
6 |
Convert objects to CSV data (see |
Export-CSV or ConvertTo-Csv |
Get-Date | Select Hour,Minute,Second | ConvertTo-Csv |
#TYPE System.DateTime “Hour”,”Minute”,”Second” “19”,”5″,”27″ |
7 |
Convert patternable data to objects (i.e. not regular enough to simply specify a single delimiter but definable with regex) |
ImportWith-Regex <<code from>> |
#Assume file.dat contains: george jetson 5 warren buffett 123 horatioalger -99 $regex = “^(?<FName>.{7})(?<LName>.{10})(?<Id>.{3})$” ImportWith-Regex file.dat $regex |
Id FName LName — —– —– 5 george jetson 123 warren buffett -99 horatio alger |
8 |
Convert objects to JSON |
any | ConvertTo-Json |
Get-Date | Select-Object -Property Hour,Minute,Second | ConvertTo-Json |
{ “Hour”: 19, “Minute”: 0, “Second”: 44 } |
9 |
Convert from JSON to objects |
json | ConvertFrom-Json |
‘{ “Hour”:19, “Minute”:0, “Second”:44 }’ | ConvertFrom-Json |
Hour Minute Second —- —— —— 19 0 44 |
Network Basics
From simple network (UNC) paths to full-blown web-scraping and file downloading, here are the key cmdlets to get you going.
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
1 |
Display current location (non-UNC paths only) |
[1] Get-Location [2] $pwd [3] $pwd.Path |
same |
2 |
Display current location (UNC or non-UNC paths) |
$pwd.ProviderPath |
cd \Â\Âlocalhost\Âc$; $pwd.ProviderPath |
3 |
Display UNC path of current location |
$pwd.Drive.DisplayRoot |
same |
4 |
List all mapped drive ids and their UNC paths |
Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -filter “drivetype=4” | select DeviceId, ProviderName |
same |
5 |
Display UNC path for a mapped drive |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’drive’ “) .ProviderName |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’H:’ “).ProviderName |
6 |
Display server name of mapped drive |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’drive’ “) .ProviderName.Split(‘\Â’)[2] |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’T:’ ” ).ProviderName.Split(‘\Â’)[2] |
7 |
Determine if a file system drive is a mapped drive |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’drive’ “) -ne $null |
(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter “deviceid=’E:’ “) -ne $null |
8 |
List all free drive letters (see |
ls function:[a-z]: -name | where {-not (get-psdrive $_[0] -ea 0)} |
same |
9 |
Open URL in default browser |
Start-Process -FilePath url |
Start-Process |
10 |
Encode HTML |
[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode(string) |
[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode(‘something <something else>’) |
11 |
Decode HTML |
[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode(string) |
[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode(‘something <something else>’) |
12 |
Get web page content (a la wget or webget) |
(Invoke-WebRequest uri).Content |
$page = (Invoke-WebRequest |
13 |
Get multiple files from the web |
Start-BitsTransfer -Source uri -Destination path |
Start-BitsTransfer -Source http://s01/testdir/*.* -Destination c:\Âtestdir\Â |
14 |
Web scraping |
Add-Type -Path .\ÂHtmlAgilityPack.dll; $doc = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument; $page = (Invoke-WebRequest uri).Content; $status = $doc.LoadHtml($page); $items = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(xpath) |
Specify a value for uri and for xpath. |
Install the sqlps
module (installed automatically with SS2012), then import the module (recommend using –DisableNameChecking
due to non-standard names). Once installed you will have a SQL Server provider (Get-PSProvider
) and a SQL Server data store (Get-PSDrive
) available, allowing navigating the data space with familiar commands.
The last two entries in the table below are perhaps the most intriguing: converting between PowerShell and SQL Server. From SQL Server to PowerShell is simple; the other way is less so. Chad Miller provides an outstanding foundation with his cmdlets Out-DataTable
, Add-SqlTable
, and Write-DataTable
(see references). I added a few bells and whistles and provided a convenience wrapper function that composes all three cmdlets into one: the Out-SqlTable
which I reference below.
- Hierarchy of SQL Server objects –
- Canonical aliases for navigating SS provider –
- Using SMO Methods and Properties –
- Comparing Invoke-Sqlcmd and sqlcmd utility options –
- Practical PowerShell for SQL Server Developers and DBAs
- Inserting data into a DB table with ADO (Richard Siddaway) –
- Use PowerShell to Write to SQL (Chad Miller) –
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
1 |
Go to root of SQL Server data store |
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\Â |
same |
2 |
Go to root of DB objects |
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL |
same |
3 |
List instance names on machine |
Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL\Âmachine |
ls SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL\Âlocalhost |
4 |
List databases on selected instance of machine |
Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\ÂÂSQL\Âmachine\ÂÂinstance\ÂDatabases |
5 |
List tables in selected database |
Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL\Âmachine\Âinstance\ÂDatabases\Âdatabase\ÂTables |
ls SQLSERVER: \ÂSQL\Âlocalhost\ÂDEFAULT\ÂDatabases\Âsandbox\ÂTables |
6 |
Create mapped drive for shortcut path |
New-PSDrive -Name name -PSProvider SQLSERVER -Root root |
mount -name sandboxDB -PSProvider SQLSERVER -Root SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL\Âlocalhost\ÂDEFAULT\ÂDatabases\Âsandbox |
7 |
List tables in selected database with shortcut |
Get-ChildItem mappedDrive:Tables |
ls sandboxDB:\ÂTables |
8 |
Get properties of DB object |
Get-Item databasePath | Get-Member -Type Properties |
gi sandboxDB:\ÂTables | gm -type properties |
9 |
List subset of tables using SMO property |
gci sandboxDB:\ÂTables | where {$_.Schema -eq “dbo”} |
10 |
Generate create scripts for all tables using SMO method |
gci sandboxDB:\ÂTables | % { $_.Script() } |
11 |
Create script for particular table |
(gci sandboxDB:\ÂTables | ? { $ -eq “temp1” }).script() |
12 |
Generate create scripts for each table using SMO method sending output to one file |
gci sandboxDB:\ÂTables | % { $_.Script() | Out-File C:\Âtmp\ÂCreateTables.sql -append } |
13 |
Invoke query (with default context) |
cd SQLSERVER:\ÂSQL\Âmachine\Âinstance (or lower) |
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “SELECT DB_NAME()” |
14 |
Invoke query with server specified |
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query tsqlCommandString -Server machine\Âinstance |
15 |
Convert DB data to PS objects |
[1] Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query tsqlCommandString |Out-GridView [2] Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query tsqlCommandString |Format-Table |
[1] Invoke-Sqlcmd “select * from Table1” | ogv [2] Invoke-Sqlcmd “select * from Table1” | ft -auto |
16 |
Convert PS objects to DB data |
any | Out-SqlTable options <<code from>> |
ps | select ProcessName, Handle | Out-SqlTable -TableName “processes” -DropExisting -RowId “MyId” |
XML Data
There is much to say about XML data access in PowerShell. One very nice feature is that you can use either XPath notation or object notation to access nodes! This topic does not really lend itself to table entries here, though, so see ‘PowerShell Data Basics: XML‘ ( for the full story.
# |
Action |
Command |
Example |
Output |
1 |
Convert literal text to XML |
[1] [xml] variable = any [2] variable = [xml] any |
[xml]$xml=@” <root> <first><more>foobar</more></first> <second>data</second> </root> “@; $xml.SelectNodes(“//*”) | Select -Expand Name |
root first more second |
2 |
Convert file contents to XML |
[xml]$variable = Get-Content filespec |
[xml]$xml = Get-Content mystuff.xml |
3 |
Access XML nodes with XPath |
variable.SelectNodes(xpath) |
$xml.SelectNodes(“//first[more]”) |
more —- foobar |
4 |
Access XML nodes with object notation |
variable.nodeName.nodeName… |
$xml.root.first |
more —- foobar |
5 |
Pretty-print XML |
[1] any | Format-Xml <<pscx>> [2] Format-Xml filespec <<pscx>> |
6 |
Transform XML with XSLT |
Convert-Xml xmlFilespec xsltFilespec <<pscx>> |
7 |
Test XML for well-formedness and validity |
Test-Xml filespec |
You made it to the end of part 4-almost 400 recipes later!-which is the end of the series (at least for now). As usual, I will conclude with my tongue-in-cheek disclaimer: while I have been over the recipes presented numerous times to weed out errors and inaccuracies, I think I may have missed one. If you locate it, please share your findings in the comments below. And enjoy your PowerShell adventures!
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