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Rip-Off! – the Free Ebook

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The scandalous inside story of the consulting money machine.

Lying, cheating, falsifying results, plagiarism, incompetence, manipulation, tax evasion, expenses fraud, sex and alcohol abuse……

Find out what often really happens when management consultants come to town.

After 20 years at the heart of consulting, an insider finally reveals the truth about the secretive and enormously lucrative world of management consulting – the management consulting money machine.

Buyers of consultancy are spending shareholders’ and taxpayers’ money, not their own. They have a duty to make sure that they are getting value from it. Often, they are not. No company or government department should let a management consultant through the door until they have read this book from cover to cover. Twice.” Financial Times 11/05/05



Published on 13 May 2005

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About the author

David Craig

See Profile

For over 20 years, David Craig has worked for and competed against some of the world's best and worst management consultancies. He has sold consulting in 15 countries in Europe, US and Asia to almost 100 organizations, including Disney, Mobil, Dupont, Roche, Air France, Eurotunnel, The NHS, CapGemini, Unilever and many others.

David Craig is the author of four books on management and organizations: Rip-Off! The scandalous inside story of the consulting money machine (2005), Plundering the public sector (2006), Squandered: How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money and The Great European Rip-off (2009) More details are available on

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