Has .NET Reflector Saved Your Bacon?

We think Reflector is a fantastic tool, and we know you do too. We'd love to hear about the times you've used it to save the day. What were you working on? What happened? Send us your epic tales of .NET Heroism...

Has .NET Reflector Saved Your Bacon?

Your short stories should:

  • Set the scene with a short introduction. Tell us who you are, when your bacon needed saving, and  (if possible) where you work and what you were working on.
  • Describe the problem you were facing.
  • Explain how you solved it.
  • Round off the story with a short conclusion.
  • Ideally, include some screenshots with captions.

The best stories will be published on Simple Talk, and we’ll reward published authors with a $100 Amazon voucher.

If you want to write a longer story, the rules of the game are the same, but we’d ask you to aim for 1000 – 2000 words. If in doubt, check out our Author’s Guidelines.

Once you’ve written your epic tale of .NET heroism, email us at editor@simple-talk.com, and tell us how .NET Reflector saved your bacon!