Speaking on Row Level Security at SQL Saturday Louisville 7/21

Coming up this weekend, I will be at my 10th SQL Saturday 729 in Louisville, KY. My topic will be row level security and dynamic data masking.

Implementing Row Level Security in SQL Server

Since the early days of SQL Server, it has been possible to use basic security measures to allow (and disallow) user access to any object in a database, and even limit access to a given column. A more difficult task has been to limit access to the individual rows in a table. This has made application development more complex because whereas most every user may have access to a table like HR.Employee, not every employee will have access to every employee’s data. In this session I will cover several techniques to limit access to rows, from methods that have existed since early versions of SQL Server, to the new Row Level Security feature in SQL Server 2016. If time permits, an overview of Dynamic Data Masking will be included, since it is a related technology.

I can’t believe it has been 10 years since the first one of these events in Louisville. I feel like it just couldn’t have been that long ago. Hope to see you all there. I wish I could leave another day earlier to get there Friday (on a business trip in Virginia Beach this week), as they have a couple of impressive pre-conference sessions as well.

If you can’t be there in Louisville, I will be talking about Database design at Indianapolis’ SQL Sat on Aug 11, and doing a full day session in Orlando on September 13. More on this in the next few days, after I get home!