Blogs Dennes Torres in Blogs SQL Elevated Configuration: The fail-safe for maintenance Many years ago, in the company I was working for, one junior DBA started a reindex operation in a SQL... 08 November 2021 3 min read
Jonathan Lewis Investigating Indexes Rebuilding indexes is an activity that you shouldn’t need to do often. There are always a few special cases –... 28 September 2016 16 min read
Jonathan Lewis Text Indexes The Oracle database has many features that are not spoken of frequently and a recent note by Connor McDonald reminded... 05 September 2016 14 min read
Anju Garg Defragmentation Can Degrade Query Performance As data in tables is updated and / or deleted, pockets of empty space can be created, leading to fragmented... 16 June 2016 15 min read
Jonathan Lewis Massive Deletes – Part1 In a recent article about dropping columns from a table I left hanging the question of what you might do... 29 January 2016 12 min read
Louis Davidson Tim Ford Tune Your Indexing Strategy with SQL Server DMVs SQL Server Indexes need to be effective. It is wrong to have too few or too many. The ones you... 11 October 2012 42 min read
Seth Delconte Getting Started With XML Indexes XML Indexes make a huge difference to the speed of XML queries, as Seth Delconte explains; and demonstrates by running... 25 September 2012 17 min read