PowerShell Data Basics: File-Based Data

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As I have continued working with PowerShell I realized that at the core is the data (as with any software really). In the case of PowerShell, this boils down to converting external data  into PowerShell objects and vice versa. This is the first of a series of articles that shows you how to import almost all of the common data formats you are likely to encounter, and how to export to some of them as well.

Part 1: General Data

This article explains how to import data from files of all kinds except for XML, which is covered separately in the next article in this series. The sections below describe a variety of text formats, from fixed-width, variable-width, and ragged-right files to CSV, property lists, INI files, and JSON data, and concludes with a treatment of importing and exporting to Excel.

Part 2 of this series will  illustrate the two principal  technologies available within PowerShell to access XML data, XPath and objects. You will learn how to move XML data into and out of PowerShell along with how to reference, manipulate, and modify it.

Data by Line

Read a Text File in its Entirety

Regular readers will know of my fondness for Lewis Carroll; the current topic again draws me unerringly to this inadvertent comment on software methodology:

‘Begin at the beginning,’ the King said gravely, ‘and go on till you come to the end: then stop.’

–Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

In the context of PowerShell, the beginning is where you learn to read a file in PowerShell. My sample file consists of fifteen lines containing the text “one”, “two”, etc., on up to “fifteen”. The Get-Content cmdlet is the primary workhorse for bringing data from a file into PowerShell:

Get-Content -Path .\numbers.txt
















In the absence of any other direction, Get-Content displays its result on the console. You could redirect this output to a file using exactly the same mechanism as in a DOS or Unix or Linux shell …

… or you could send this output through the pipeline to another process, likewise:

Yet another common outlet is collecting the output into a variable for later processing:

Read a Text File Selectively by Index

PowerShell uses the $ prefix character to indicate a variable. Get-Content conveniently stores its output into $numbers as an array. Here are a couple of expressions to illustrate this:

$numbers.Count # report the cardinality

$numbers[0]    # display the first item

$numbers[14]   # display the last item




PowerShell also offers a very handy range operator allowing you to select a portion of the array as a subset:






Applying that concept back to the original file, you can directly index the content of the file by line number-the parentheses are needed to first materialize the array that you then index with the bracket notation:

(Get-Content -Path .\numbers.txt)[0..3]





The array indexing notation gives you the most succinct way to select specific lines.  It is almost as though you are doing a pipeline, i.e. read-a-file | select-lines-from-file. You can, in fact, do the same operation with a full-fledged pipeline:

Here you are passing the file contents to the Select-Object cmdlet and instructing it to take the first four elements, just as done in the previous example. That works for lines at the beginning, and you also have a -Last parameter to grab lines from the end of the file, but what about something in the middle? With array notation you can specify an arbitrary range [m..n]. With Select-Object this equates to two pipelined calls to Select-Object. Here is code to demonstrate the equivalence of the two methods:

Obviously in this case the array indexing notation is much cleaner and more concise, but this example is valuable to introduce you to ways to manipulate data in PowerShell. You might use this technique to skip the header row when reading in a file, for example.

Now consider the scenario where rather than wanting to get specific lines by number you want to get all lines that contain a particular string. Use the Select-String cmdlet (similar to the Linux grep command or the DOS findstr command).

Get-Content -Path .\numbers.txt | Select-String teen




You are not limited to string constants. In fact, the default search term is a regular expression unless you specify that you want to match just  a simple string with the -SimpleMatch parameter . But if your parameter does not contain any regex metacharacters you can omit the “-SimpleMatch” label as I have done in the above example. So if you want to select the lines ending in teen that also contain an “i” earlier in the string, use this:

Get-Content -Path .\numbers.txt | Select-String -pattern "i.*teen$"



Data by Fixed Width Fields

The PowerShell Approach

The next logical step is to not just read a file by lines, but to split up those lines into fields. Say you have a text file where each line is a record and each record consists of, for example, 7 characters for the given name, 10 characters for the surname, and 3 characters for an ID of some kind.

A Fixed Width File


george jetson    5 

warren buffett   123

horatioalger     -99

A Fixed Width File Converted to Objects

Id  FirstName LastName 

--  --------- -------- 

123 1234567   1234567890

5   george    jetson   

123 warren    buffett  

-99 horatio   alger

The Regex Approach

 This approach does use regular expressions and the mere mention of them causes otherwise hearty, courageous, and fearless developers to quake in their boots. Or so I have heard. But for the task at hand what you need to know about regular expressions is simple. Really. For each field in the file you need to give it a name and you need to know its length. Take those two values and plug them into this template:

Repeat that for each field then lay each one down adjacent to the previous one. Here I am representing names with “n” and lengths with “l”:

Finally, add a caret (^) at the front end and a dollar sign ($) at the rear:

Here is the realization of this for the example at hand:

After you define the regex, the code to use it to parse the same text file is almost trivial, but this reads the file and extracts all the fields from each line (record) into an array of PowerShell objects-all thanks to the magic of the built-in -match operator.

Note that this code needs a supplemental function to do its work, shown next, that collects just the parts of the regex match results that are needed. (Don’t worry about exactly how this works).

The major advantage of the above approach is that you have complete separation between your data specification (the regex definition) and the code to process it. You can use the same function on a different file by just passing in a different regex and a different file name.

However, it is worth revisiting the earlier code-that used substrings-and seeing how you could do it with regular expressions.  Just make sure that your regex and your explicit field names in the select statement remain in sync.

The Ragged Right Variation

One important variation of fixed width files is the ragged right format, which defines all columns by width except for the last column, which simply runs to the end of the line. Accommodating this format requires just a trivial change to the last code sample. Modify the last capture group in the regular expression to use .* instead of .{n} as shown below. I have also renamed it from Id to Description since that is now a more likely field name.

Here’s the second form:

Data by Variable Width Fields

Importing from CSV

Pipe your data or your file into ConvertFrom-Csv (if immediate data) or Import-Csv (if file data), to yield an array of PowerShell objects-no muss, no fuss. This first example uses multi-record input from a string constant for clarity; loading data from a file is just as straightforward.







‘@ | ConvertFrom-Csv

Shape              Color     Count

-----              -----     -----

Square             Green     4   

Rectangle                    12  

Parallelogram                0   

Trapezoid          Black     100 

Things to observe from this example:

  • The first row of data contains column headers that become properties in PowerShell.
  • Each input record generates a PowerShell object with those properties.
  • The actual output of ConvertFrom-Csv (or Import-Csv) is an array of those PowerShell objects.
  • All data are strings even if they look like other types (e.g. integers). That is why the values of the Count column/property are left-justified. See the next section for a workaround.

ConvertFrom-Csv (and Import-Csv) gives you the option to include the header row in your data or not, at your choice. This next example shows how to separate the header row from the data by including it as part of the command invocation using the -Header parameter.






‘@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Shape, Color, Count

Shape              Color     Count

-----              -----     -----

Square             Green     4   

Rectangle                    12  

Parallelogram                0   

Trapezoid          Black     100 

One special case of interest is worth considering here: directly populating a hash table from a CSV file. In this case, your data records should consist of two fields each. (Any additional fields for a given record will be ignored; any record with just a single field will assign a null value to that hash entry.)

 If your CSV file has a header record (i.e. column names in the first record), use this (note that this also gives you the flexibility to select any two fields by name in the record if more than two are present):

$hash = @{};

Import-Csv data.csv |

% { $hash[$_.first] = $_.second } # Assumes header row “first,second”

$hash[“Square”] # output one of the stored values


Exporting to CSV

There are two cmdlets for exporting data to CSV: ConvertTo-Csv sends its output to stdout while Export-Csv sends its output specifically to a file. Otherwise, they operate the same. In the example below you start with the output of the Get-Process cmdlet, filter by row with Where-Object to just those processes beginning with “W”, filter by column with Select-Object , and finally pipe to the ConvertTo-Csv cmdlet to generate the output shown.

Get-Process |

Where-Object { $_.name -like “W*” } |

Select-Object name, path, vm, fileversion, id, handles |


#TYPE Selected.System.Diagnostics.Process










Notice that:

  • Outputs the object type as a comment in the first row. This may be suppressed with the -NoTypeInformation parameter.
  • Outputs the property names as the column headers.
  • Quotes every property as it emits it in the output. CSV format does not require quoting every value, only those where ambiguity would arise-see The Comma Separated Value (CSV) File Format for the list of cases where quotes are required. However, quoting every value does no harm.

Generating CSV output, then, is simply a matter of getting the data into the form you want then piping it to  ConvertTo-Csv or Export-Csv.

Importing from a Log File

There are, of course, countless variations of log files, but one class of log file that is very common is that generated by a web server. The Apache/NCSA  common log format, a standardized format used by Apache web servers, contains fields separated by white space but it also allows whitespace within a field. CSV files handle this case by letting you optionally enclose a field in quotation marks; commas inside such a quoted region are considered normal text characters, not field separators. The Apache log allows this as well; it is most commonly used on the access request field. Other fields however, use different bracketing. The timestamp field, for instance must use required brackets ([ and ]) and treats white space within as plain text. Here are just a few lines from a log using this common log format.

Get-Content .\webserver.log - frank [10/Oct/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 - martha [18/Oct/2012:01:17:44 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 101 - - [18/Oct/2007:11:17:55 -0700] "GET /style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 4525

Each row contains seven fields-here is the first record split apart with each field identified.

Host or IP address

Remote log name


user name



[10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700]

Access request

GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0

Result status code


Bytes transferred


Earlier you saw how to build a complicated-looking regular expression with a simple template to recognize fixed-width data and then pass that regex to ImportWith-Regex. Here’s the regex to recognize the Apache common log format followed by a call to ImportWith-Regex. I have wrapped them together into a function merely for convenience in the subsequent examples.

If you just run the above function you get output in PowerShell’s canonical list format (each field is on a separate line and records are separated by an extra blank line). This occurs typically when a record has four or more fields. However, PowerShell’s table format is often more useful-and certainly more concise. To convert the output from the former to the latter, just pipe it to the Format-Table cmdlet. When you do that, however, the width of your screen may cause truncation of the data on screen. The last snippet, then, shows how to select fewer columns with the Select-Object cmdlet to avoid that issue.

Import-ApacheLog .\webserver.log

TimeStamp : 10/Oct/2012:13:55:36 -0700

LogName   : -

Host      :

UserId    : frank

Status    : 200

Request   : GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0

BytesSent : 2326

TimeStamp : 18/Oct/2012:01:17:44 -0700

LogName   : -

Host      :

UserId    : martha

Status    : 200

Request   : GET / HTTP/1.0

BytesSent : 101

TimeStamp : 18/Oct/2007:11:17:55 -0600

LogName   : -

Host      :

UserId    : -

Status    : 200

Request   : GET /style.css HTTP/1.1

BytesSent : 4525

Import-ApacheLog .\webserver.log | Format-Table -AutoSize

TimeStamp                  LogName Host            UserId Status Request           

---------                  ------- ----            ------ ------ -------           

10/Oct/2012:13:55:36 -0700 -       frank  200    GET /apache_pb.g...

18/Oct/2012:01:17:44 -0700 - martha 200    GET / HTTP/1.0    

18/Oct/2007:11:17:55 -0600 - -      200    GET /style.css H...

Import-ApacheLog .\webserver.log | Select Host,UserId,TimeStamp,Status,Request | Format-Table -AutoSize

Host            UserId TimeStamp                  Status Request                   

----            ------ ---------                  ------ -------                  frank  10/Oct/2012:13:55:36 -0700 200    GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0 martha 18/Oct/2012:01:17:44 -0700 200    GET / HTTP/1.0     -      18/Oct/2007:11:17:55 -0600 200    GET /style.css HTTP/1.1

Please note that the TimeStamp column is strictly a text value at this point. A more correct approach would require converting that to an actual DateTime object.  That could be done either by making a custom version of ImportWith-Regex or by going back to the other familiar method of importing you have seen in this article:

String Data Formats

Hash Table or Property List

A hash table or dictionary is often a very handy data structure to use. Say, for example, you want to maintain a list of configuration settings within your script. The next example shows three equivalent ways to do this. The last approach-with the ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet-minimizes the use of punctuation requiring neither brackets, quotes, nor semicolons within the data.

$Options = @{}





# dump the contents


$Options = @{

  "height" = 1200;

  "width" = 1600;

  "aspect" = "4:3";

  "depth "="24-bit"


# dump the contents


$Options = @"

  height = 1200

  width = 1600

  aspect = 4:3

  depth = 24-bit

"@ | ConvertFrom-StringData

# dump the contents


Name       Value

----       -----

width      1600 

depth      24-bit

height     1200 

aspect     4:3

Name       Value

----       -----

width      1600 

depth      24-bit

height     1200 

aspect     4:3

Name     Value

----     -----

aspect   4:3

depth    24-bit

height   1200

width    1600

Such a list of configuration properties could be even more useful if you put them in a separate configuration file so you can edit the configuration file independently of the program. Here, for example, are four properties given some initial value:

Get-Content .\properties.txt





The ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet operates on a single string containing multiple lines of text strings rather than a file, so your sequence begins by importing the file (Get-Content or gc) and converting it to a single string (Out-String). Store the result into a variable and you have a ready-made dictionary of configuration values.

$myConfig = gc.\properties.txt | Out-String | ConvertFrom-StringData

Name                           Value                   

----                           -----

color                          green 

food                           biscuit

flavor                         bittersweet

voice                          mellifluous



INI Files

The INI file format is an old though still popular standard for configuration files used by Windows applications. INI files are simple text files composed of properties grouped into sections. In the example, there are two section, Install (with four properties) and Extras (with two properties). If you import the file with Get-Content, as shown, you just get lines of text.

Get-Content .\sample.ini









However, if you instead import it with the Get-IniFile cmdlet that I’ll describe in a moment, you get a hash table indexed by section names, whose entries are themselves hash tables indexed by property names. Let’s see that in slow motion. The first command reads the INI file and displays it to the console. The second sequence stores it to a variable for convenience and then displays a value from the hash table. The final sequence shows a reference to one of the nested hash tables.

Get-IniFile .\sample.ini

Name                           Value

----                           -----                                                                 

Install                        {Ignore, Software, Options, Hardware}

Extras                         {Options, DllPath}

$inifile = Get-IniFile .\sample.ini


Name                           Value                                                                                                 

----                           -----      

Ignore                         65534

Software                       0|0|0|0|0|0|0

Options                        22744

Hardware                       640|480|4|0



Here is the code for Get-IniFile (adapted from this StackOverflow post). Note that if your file has properties occurring before any section is defined, those properties are put in a section labeled “-unknown-“.


The JSON standard for data interchange derives from JavaScript notation (hence the name JavaScript Object Notation) but it is language-independent. It serves much the same purpose as XML and has a similar expressive power as XML. Depending on the how you represent data in the two formats, a JSON representation may be shorter than one in XML (primarily due to closing tags on XML elements). JSON is in some ways less burdensome than XML, though, as aptly described in JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML.

PowerShell (with the advent of V3) provides direct support for JSON with the ConvertFrom-Json and ConvertTo-Json cmdlets. So let’s convert some simple JSON to a PowerShell object. The fields are an excerpt from a .NET DateTime object, showing both simple properties and nested properties.

$dateObject = @"


    Day:  16,

    DayOfWeek:  3,

    DayOfYear:  16,

    Hour:  15,

    Minute:  56,

    Month:  1,

    Second:  58,

    Ticks:  634939486185604791,

    TimeOfDay:  {

        TotalDays:  0.66456667221180554,

        TotalHours:  15.949600133083333,

        TotalMilliseconds:  57418560.479100004,

        TotalMinutes:  956.976007985,

        TotalSeconds:  57418.5604791


    Year:  2013


"@ | ConvertFrom-Json


Day Month Year

--- ----- ----

 16     1 2013





If you want to try the same thing with live data instead of a string constant, you can take the output of Get-Date as a list of properties and convert it to JSON :

Tack on the same ConvertFrom-Json as a final command in the sequence to mimic the earlier results (though in this case it is not terribly productive!):

To demonstrate something a bit more useful, the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet fetches content of a web page or web service. Here you see successive steps to fetch a web response, unwrap its JSON content, and convert that to PowerShell objects so that you can directly address its elements. (Note that the actual JSON data-the output of the second command-was manually run through the JSON Formatter and Validator to pretty-print it for this article; otherwise you would see everything on one line, making it very difficult to see what is there.)

# Web response as a PowerShell object
$url = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=PowerShell"

Invoke-WebRequest $url

StatusCode        : 200

StatusDescription : OK

Content           : {"completed_in":0.037,"max_id":291699484801527808,

Forms             : {}

Headers           : {[X-Transaction, 89f7072a7bd683a0], [X-Frame-Options, SAMEORIGIN]...}

Images            : {}

InputFields       : {}

Links             : {}

ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass

RawContentLength  : 11985

. . .

# JSON response
(Invoke-WebRequest $url).content









         "created_at":"Thu, 17 Jan 2013 00:12:31 +0000",




         "from_user_name":"Rob Campbell",


         . . .

# JSON response converted to a PowerShell object
$jsonContent = (Invoke-WebRequest $url).content |  ConvertFrom-Json

$ jsonContent

completed_in     : 0.023

max_id           : 291699484801527808

max_id_str       : 291699484801527808

page             : 1

query            : PowerShell

results          : {@{created_at=Thu, 17 Jan 2013 00:12:31 +0000; from_user=mjolinor;

                   from_user_id=226782418; from_user_id_str=226782418;

                   from_user_name=Rob Campbell; geo=; ...

. . .

$ jsonContent.completed_in


$ jsonContent.results[0].created_at

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 00:12:31 +0000

See JSON.org for more on JSON.


Reading and writing Excel from PowerShell is done fairly easily as well, though it is much more involved than everything else you have read thusfar. Chances are your needs fall into one of two camps: reading Excel on a system that has Excel installed, and reading Excel on a system that does not (perhaps because your application needs to be used by all your customer service reps by their machines are not set up with Excel).

Excel with Excel

To read Excel, Robert M. Toups, Jr. in his blog entry Speed Up Reading Excel Files in PowerShell explains that while loading a spreadsheet in PowerShell is fast, actually reading its cells is very slow. On the other hand, PowerShell can read a text file very quickly, so his solution is to load the spreadsheet in PowerShell, use Excel’s native CSV export process to save it as a CSV file, then use PowerShell’s standard Import-Csv cmdlet to process the data blazingly fast. He reports that this has given him up to a 20 times faster import process! Leveraging Toups’ code, I created an Import-Excel function that lets you import spreadsheet data very easily:

$spreadsheetData = Import-Excel "datadir\sample.xlsx"


name   id

----   --

foo    3 

bar    25

alpha  -99

# Display name in first row (0-based index)



My code adds the capability to select a specific worksheet within an Excel workbook, rather than just using the default worksheet (i.e. the active sheet at the time you saved the file). If you omit the -SheetName parameter, it uses the default worksheet.

These supplemental functions are used by Import-Excel:

To write to Excel, Robert M. Toups, Jr. in his blog entry Write Excel Spreadsheets Fast in PowerShell suggests that if you have a lot of data to load into Excel, doing this directly in PowerShell is much more time-consuming than converting the data to a CSV file than letting Excel’s native CSV import process-controlled through PowerShell-do the data loading. I adapted his code to be suitable for a generic Excel exporter, allowing you to specify the title and author of the Excel workbook, and the name of the single worksheet it creates in the file:

Of course there is so much more customization you could do when creating an Excel file. The MSDN documentation for the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace is your starting point for digging into the wealth of methods and properties available on an Excel.Application object. For completeness, I will also mention Jeff Hicks’ Integrating Microsoft Excel with PowerShell article that shows how to do direct access to worksheet cells, rather than going through the intermediate CSV steps discussed above. It is quite suitable when you do not have a lot of data to process.

Excel without Excel

There are certainly situations where you might want to read an Excel spreadsheet on a machine that does not have Excel installed. In this case you must make do without the automation capabilities of Office, instead opting for a data access approach using OLEDB or ODBC. A very clean approach to this scenario using OLEDB is the publically available Get-OLEDBData created by Chad Miller, avid PowerShell aficionado. Here is the entire function:

This function returns a DataTable, one of the object types readily handled by PowerShell. The catch, of course, is that you need to know what to provide for the $connectstring and $sql parameters. The commentary of Miller’s code in the PowerShell Code Repository details connection strings for commonly used data sources: Excel 2007 (or higher), Excel 2003, Informix, Oracle, and SQL Server. From there, you can see that Excel should use this:

But to understand what really goes into an Excel connection string, I borrowed this format from the PowerShell Scripting Guy in his post How Can I Read from Excel Without Using Excel? Breaking it out this way makes things immediately obvious:

One caveat: on a 64-bit machine you can install either 32-bit Office or 64-bit Office. (The latter provides additional capacity-for example, handling spreadsheets larger than 2GB-but at a potential cost of compatibility with add-ins not yet having 64-bit versions.) If you have installed 32-bit Office you will then need to run 32-bit PowerShell to use the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 or Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider. If you attempt to use 64-bit PowerShell you will get an error stating: The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine. While not technically a bug, this is a known issue and this post on the MSDN forums shows one developer’s journey to find a workaround.

More to Come…

This series continues with Part 2 on XML data

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Michael Sorens

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Michael Sorens is passionate about productivity, process, and quality. Besides working at a variety of companies from Fortune 500 firms to Silicon Valley startups, he enjoys spreading the seeds of good design wherever possible, having written over 100 articles, more than a dozen wallcharts, and posted in excess of 200 answers on StackOverflow. You can also find his open source projects on SourceForge and GitHub (notably SqlDiffFramework, a DB comparison tool for heterogeneous systems including SQL Server, Oracle, and MySql). Like what you have read? Connect with Michael on LinkedIn