TSQL Pivot Rotations using only REPLACE

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Pivoting SQL Server tables is always awkward, even with the PIVOT and UNPIVOT operators. If you want to get the job done without GROUP BY or PIVOT, here is a way to do it using only REPLACE.

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About the author

Hugh Bin-Haad

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Hugh is both a distinguished expert in object-oriented conmputer languages, and a DBA who has spent sixteen years working with financial applications in the UK and the Middle-East, and been a delegate on the international ANSI committee for the standardisation of Relational Theory. Hugh is well-known in the Database world. He lectures in Relational Theory at Chiltern University UK. He is the author of many Journal articles and has co-authored several books on UML, SOLID, DRY, Object Modelling techniques and relational theory, as well as a definitive criticism of the black-and-white films of Ingmar Bergman.

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