Creating a Date Dimension in an Analysis Services (SSAS) Cube

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The Date Dimension is one of the most important dimensions in an Analysis Server (SSAS) cube. Cubes need a date dimension in order to analyze historical information.

There are already many examples of date dimensions on the web, but, in this article, I think I can add my two-cents-worth of advice about creating a more complete and flexible date dimension.

I will do this by walking you through an example in all its twists and turns. I will also demonstrate many features of SSAS, along the way, that can assist you to build cube dimensions, and features needed by the date dimension.

The Example

I will build the example (see the link at the head of the article) based on AdventureWorksDW database. You can download AdventureWorksDW from but I will also show some additional fields that AdventureWorksDW doesn’t have, and which you could add to your own data warehouse (DW).

Starting the Project

You can download a sample start project here. The zip file has two folders: one with the start project and another with the completed project.

The sample is a Visual Studio 2013 solution with a single multidimensional project that uses the fact table FactInternetSales and the dimensions ‘Dim Promotion‘, ‘Dim sales territory‘, ‘ Dim customer’ and ‘Dim product’. We could create a few more dimensions, but our objective here is to focus on the date dimension.

Before we start, we need to configure the project.

The project needs to be tested and deployed to a SSAS server instance installed in multidimensional mode. You need to configure the sample project, inside the solution, pointing to a SSAS instance in your environment.

Another important configuration is the Data Source View. The project has a Data Source named AdventureWorksDS and pointing the source database ( AdventureWorksDW). You need to change AdventureWorksDS configuration to point to the server where you installed this database.

Firstly, let’s configure the deployment server. After you have opened the solution in VS 2013, you will see the ‘Solution Explorer’ window on the right side of the screen. Right-click the project in “Solution Explorer” and click the ‘ Properties’ menu item.

In the ‘demoSQLSaturday Property Pages’ window you need to configure the ‘Server’ property to specify the name of your SSAS instance. The database will be created when you process the cube.


Now we need to configure the data source. Follow these steps:

  • Double click ‘AdventureWorksDS’ inside Solution Explorer window


  • In ‘Data Source Designer window’, click the ‘Edit’ button to change the connection string.


  • In the ‘ Connection Manager’ window, configure the server name and authentication as needed for your environment.
  • In the textbox bellow ‘Select or enter a database name’, type ‘AdventureWorksDW’
  • Click the ‘Test Connection’ button
  • After the ‘Test connection succeed’ message appears, click the ‘Ok’ button to close
  • In the ‘Connection Manager’ window, click the ‘Ok’ button
  • In the ‘Data Source Designer’ window, click the ‘Ok’ button

Start the creation of the date dimension

Please follow these steps:

  • In Solution Explorer, right-click on the ‘Dimensions’ folder in the list of folders for the sample project, left-click on the ‘New Dimension…’ menu item


  • On the ‘Dimensions Wizard’, Click the ‘Next button
  • Keep ‘Use an existing table’ selected and click ‘next’ again


  • In the ‘Main table’ combobox, select ‘Dim Date’
  • keep ‘Key Columns’ unchanged (‘Date Key’ is already selected)
  • In ‘Name Column’ combobox select ‘FullDateAlternateKey’

This means that ‘Date Key’ will be the Key Column that will identify each value of this attribute (the first attribute of the dimension) while ‘FullDateAlternateKey’ will be displayed for this attribute, instead of ‘Date Key’.


  • Click ‘Next’; and click ‘Next’ again on the ‘Select Dimension Attributes’ window. We will choose the attributes more carefully during this article.
  • Check the name of the dimension, ‘Dim Date’, and click Finish’ to close the dimension wizard

Now you have the date dimension and the dimension editor open, let’s start editing the dimension. We have the following areas in the editor:

Attributes: We will add and configure attributes in this area. This area will keep the collection of attributes we create for this dimension.

Hierarchies: We will create custom hierarchies in this area

Data Source View: We will get the fields from this area and drag to the ‘Attributes’ area to create attributes for our dimension



The date dimension allows us to aggregate the fact information by month, year, semester and many other options. In our example, the fact information is the amount of sales, so we can see the total of sales by month, semesters and many other options.

These aggregation options are hierarchical. We can aggregate by year and month, for example, creating a hierarchy.

When using Excel to access the cube, the users can, of course, build their own hierarchies by dragging individual attributes to a pivot table, one by one. Besides being a boring, hard-working task for the user, this can also lead to errors if the user drag the attributes in an order that makes no sense.

Our objective while designing the dimension is to make things easier for the user by creating useful pre-defined hierarchies.

Firstly, we must decide what hierarchies will we create and how to configure them.

You will notice that, for the date dimension, a single hierarchy isn’t enough. For example, we cannot mix the fiscal year with calendar year. We also cannot mix month with weeks. We will need several hierarchies in our date dimension.

Calendar Hierarchies

Let’s start with calendar hierarchies, following the traditional calendar. We can have a simple hierarchy such as Year/Month/Day or we can have a more complete hierarchy such as Year/Semester/Quarter/Month/Day.

We can create both options as two different hierarchies and allow the user to choose the best for each situation, or even use perspectives to choose which user will see which hierarchy. We will talk about perspectives later in this article.

Let’s do a step-by-step walkthrough to create the Simple Calendar Hierarchy:

  • Drag the field ‘CalendarYear’ from ‘Data Source View’ to ‘Attributes’ area.
  • Drag the field ‘MonthNumberofYear’ from ‘Data Source View to ‘Attributes’ area


  • Right-click ‘Calendar Year’ in the attributes area and click on the Start New Hierarchy menu item. A new hierarchy will be created in the ‘Hierarchies’ area


  • Right-click the hierarchy you just created and rename it to ‘Simple Calendar’
  • Drag the attribute ‘Month Number of Year’ to the hierarchy, under ‘ Calendar Year’ attribute.
  • Drag the attribute ‘Date Key’ to the hierarchy, under ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute.


At this point, you will notice an alert beside the hierarchy name. Pointing to the alert, the message explains to us the problem: We need to configure the attribute relationships to optimize the dimension processing.

Before the user can use our cube, SSAS will process the cube and the dimensions on it, pre-aggregating the information and storing aggregations in the server. Some configurations, like the attribute relationships, can optimize the dimension processing.

  • Click the ‘Attribute Relationships’ tab


  • Right-click ‘Month Number of Year’ and click the ‘New Relationship’ menu item
  • In ‘Create Attribute Relationship’ window, check if ‘Calendar Year’ is selected in the ‘Related Attribute’ combobox
  • Select ‘Rigid’ as the relationship type.
  • Click ‘Ok’ button

For each hierarchy that we create, we will need to fix the attribute relationship again.



The relationship type is the answer for the question: “Can the month be changed to belong to another year?” If the answer is “yes”, the relationship needs to be flexible. If the answer is “no”, the relationship can be rigid. A rigid relationship offers better processing time than a flexible relationship because SSAS will not try to find relations that are already well-known.

For example, let’s take the relation between employee and department. This is easy to figure out because an employee can change to another department during his work in the company, so this relation should be flexible.

On the other hand, how can one answer that same question for the relation between month and year’? January exists in every year, so what’s the answer?

The problem is that a hierarchy member cant repeat across the hierarchy. Month either can’t repeat every year or else can’t be in the hierarchy. Because of that, we need to change our attribute just a little, so that the key attribute isn’t only the month but the month/year. This change makes the answer a lot easier: January/2014 is always part of the 2014 year and will never be changed to the 2015 year. The answer is “rigid”, as it will be for most relationships in the date hierarchy.

Let s continue with a few more steps to see what happens if we choose the relationship type to “rigid” without changing the key of the attribute.

Some customizations and the first test

Now we will customize the dimension, making it simpler for the user:

  • Return to the dimension structure tab
  • In the ‘simple calendar’ hierarchy, right-click the ‘Calendar Year’ attribute and rename it to Year
  • In the ‘simple calendar’ hierarchy, right-click ‘Month Number of Year’ and rename to Month
  • In the ‘simple calendar’ hierarchy, right-click ‘Date Key’ and rename it to ‘Day’


With this complete, we ll test our new dimension, and we will find and correct a few problems. We need to add the dimension to the cube, process the cube and test it.

  • If the tab ‘Internet sales.cube’ is not already opened, open it double-clicking ‘Internet sales.cube’ in the ‘Cubes’ folder of the ‘Solution Explorer’ window
  • Select the ‘Internet sales.cube’ tab
  • In ‘Dimensions’, right-click ‘Internet Sales’, click ‘add cube dimension’


  • Select ‘Dim Date’ and click ‘OK’

You will notice that not just one but three dimensions are added to the cube. This happens because there are three relations between the fact table and the date dimension table. This feature is called ‘role playing dimension’. Any change to the date dimension will affect all three dimensions added to the cube.

Now we will process the cube and test it in Excel. You will repeat these steps several times during this article.

  • Click ‘Browser’ tab
  • Click ‘Process’ button
  • Click ‘Yes’ to confirm when needed
  • Type the administrator password for your server


  • Click ‘Run’

You will notice the following error message:

A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table ‘Dbo_DimDate’, column: ‘MonthNumberOfYear’

This happens exactly for the reason I explained before: Month can’t repeat every year, the hierarchy doesnt accept this. We need to change the Month Number of Year attribute just a bit to be accepted in the hierarchy.


  • Click ‘Close’ button on the ‘Process Progress’window and ‘Close’ button again in the ‘Process Cube’ window, closing both windows.
  • Click ‘Dim Date’ tab
  • In ‘Attributesarea, select ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute.
  • Right-click ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute and click ‘Properties’ menu item
  • In the ‘Properties’ window, click ‘KeyColumns’ property and click the button 2374-Screenshot%20(48)-7127d453-c65c-4a7
  • In the ‘Key Columns’ window, add ‘Calendar Year’ to the collection of key columns


Now each Month information refers to Month/Year, so the information isnt duplicated any more. Month “1” (January) was duplicated because every year has month “1”, but there is only one month “1/2008”

Since the attribute has two keys, we need to specify the ‘NameColumn’ property. The ‘NameColumn’ specifies the field that will be displayed for each month.

We do not need to choose any of the key columns. We can choose any column in the dimension table. For the ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute, the best column to choose as name column is ‘EnglishMonthName’.

  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Click ‘NameColumn’ property and click the button


  • In ‘Name Column’ window, select ‘EnglishMonthName’field


  • Click the ‘Ok’ button
  • Click the ‘Save’ button on the toolbar

Let’s process the cube again:

  • Select the ‘Internet Sales.cube’ tab
  • Select the ‘Browser’ tab
  • Click ‘Process’ button on the toolbar
  • Click ‘Yes’ button
  • Click ‘Run’ button

Now the process works.

  • Click ‘Close’ button, and ‘Close’ button again in the next window
  • Click ‘Analyze in Excel’ button on the toolbar


  • In Excel window, click ‘Enable’
  • In the ‘Pivot Table Fields’ Panel, in ‘Fact Internet Sales’, select ‘sales amount’
  • In ‘Order date’dimension, select ‘Simple Calendar’hierarchy

Our dimension is finally taking shape. After you selected ‘Simple Calendar’, you can see the pivot table with the hierarchy we created and the sales amount, allowing the user to drill down across the members of our hierarchy. Our hierarchy makes the construction of the pivot table easier, otherwise we would need to drag the attributes one by one, ‘Year’, ‘Month’ and ‘Date’.


On the other hand, our dimension is far from ready yet. There are some mistakes what we need to fix. Let’s identify what’s wrong:

  • In the pivot table, click the plus sign besides 2012 year and notice that the order of the months is wrong


  • Click the plus sign besides one of the months and you’ll notice that all the days are displayed, exactly as we asked for and this isnt good, because we have more than thirty days. Let s solve this later.
  • In ‘Pivot Table Fields’, under ‘Order Date’, uncheck the ‘Simple Calendar’ hierarchy
  • Open the folder ‘more fields’.

Even after we created the hierarchy, all the attributes are available to use inside the ‘more fields’ folder.


  • Select the ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute.

This is the result now:


It would be useful to analyze the information by month instead of year/month. For example, if we would like to know in which month the company has the biggest or the smallest sales amount, the hierarchy will not help, because the hierarchy separates the values by year.

As you would have noticed, using the ‘Month Number of Year’ without the hierarchy doesnt work anymore. Every month is repeated, one for each year. This is happening because we included the year in the ‘KeyColumns’ property of the ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute.

The conclusion is that we can’t use the same attribute for both a hierarchy and an individual analysis.

Exactly for this reason, the dimension editor warn us with a blue underline on the dimension name, “Dim Date”, pointing that fields that are part of a hierarchy should not be visible.



To solve this problem you don’t need to close Excel; you only need to return to Visual Studio.

In the Dim Date Design’ tab, in the ‘attributes’ area, let’s change the visibility of the three attributes. We need to change the property AttributeHierarchyVisible to false. This will hide the attributes from the ‘More fields’ folder without affecting our custom hierarchy.

Interesting point: All the attributes that we dragged from the data source view to the attributes area of the dimension generated their own hierarchy. Excel only displays hierarchies. The name of the property is ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’, so if you change this property to false, the hierarchy generated by the attribute will not be displayed in Excel, but will still work inside our custom hierarchy, ‘Simple Calendar’. It s easy, but not accurate, to say that this property will hide the attribute.

“Why hide all the three attributes?” you might ask. Let’s see the details:

Calendar Year: This is the first attribute in the hierarchy, so we don’t need this attribute to be visible. If we drag the ‘Calendar Year’ attribute to a pivot table or drag the hierarchy, we will see the same information, so we can hide ‘Calendar Year’ attribute.

Date Key: The days are the last level, the leaf level of our dimension. It s not usual to aggregate the sales by days; it results in too many detail lines.

Month Number of Year: We can’t use the same attribute for the hierarchy and individual analysis. We tried this a few steps before and you saw the wrong result.

Therefore, we can hide all the three attributes.

In the image below, you see the property that you need to change for the three attributes:


The Difference between AttributeHierarchyVisible and AttributeHierarchyEnabled

When we hide the attribute hierarchy, we can still use the attribute in our custom hierarchies. If we disable the hierarchy, we cant do so; instead, we can only use the attribute as a member to order other hierarchies or as name column in other hierarchies.

Next problem: The order of the month

We just need to change the property ‘OrderBy’ of the attribute ‘Month Number of Year’ to ‘Key’, problem solved. Instead of ordering by ‘EnglishMonthName’, the name column, the order will now be by ‘MonthNumberOfYear’, the key column.

There are other solutions. For example, we could use ‘EnglishMonthName’ as an attribute, instead of ‘Month Number of Year’. The ‘KeyColumns’ should be ‘Month Number of Year’ and ‘Calendar Year’, the NameColumn should be ‘EnglishMonthName’ and the ‘OrderBy’ property should be Key .


Next problem: The total number of days

Each month has around thirty days. If we display them all it means that there will be too many detail lines in the pivot table, making the visualization much less useful. It would be better to find a way to group the days below the month level. How can we create clusters among the thirty days in a month?

The attributes has the property ‘DiscretizationMethod’ that we could use to create these clusters. This property aggregates attribute values when there isn’t one hierarchy between them, that’s the case of the days. On the other hand, this isn’t a good solution, because ‘DiscreatizationMethod’ create dynamic aggregations, we haven’t control of how the values will be aggregated.

Another solution to aggregate the days is to use groups of ten days. It will result in two groups of ten days and one final varying group for each month. We will have fewer detail lines and the user will be able to identify which part of the month get the best sales result. For example, it would be easy to identify if the most amount of sales happens in the beginning or in the end of the month.

Lets call these groups ‘Decans’ (yes, I found this name in astrology). We need to create a calculated member named ‘Decans’ to classify each record in 1st, 2nd or 3rd decan.

Let’s start the steps to create the Decans:

  • Right-click the ‘DimDate’ table in ‘data source view’ area.
  • Click the ‘Edit data source view’ menu item


  • In the ‘Data Source View Editor’ window, right-click the ‘DimDate’ table
  • Click the ‘New Named Calculation’ menu item


In the expression box, inside the ‘Create Named Calculation’ window, use the following expression:

  • In ‘Column Name’ field in the same window, type ‘Decans’ as the column name


  • Click the ‘Ok’ button
  • Click the ‘Save’ button on the toolbar
  • Select ‘Dim Date’ tab in Visual Studio
  • Drag and drop ‘Decans’ field from ‘DimDate’ table to attribute collection
  • Drag and drop ‘Decans’ attribute to the simple calendar hierarchy, above ‘Day’ attribute


Notice the error message again in the ‘Simple Calendar’ hierarchy. We need to correct the attribute relationship.

  • Click ‘Attribute Relationships’ tab
  • Right-click ‘Decans’ attribute and click ‘New attribute relationship’ menu item
  • In the ‘Related Attribute’, inside the ‘Create Attribute Relationship’window, select ‘Month Number of Year’ as the related attribute
  • In the ‘Relationship Type’combobox, select ‘Rigid’
  • Click ‘Ok’ button


  • Select ‘Dimension Structure’tab

The ‘Decans’ values repeats each month and the months repeats each year. This repetition isnt allowed inside a hierarchy, we already faced this problem before with the ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute.

The solution is the same we used for ‘Month Number of Year’: include additional key columns.

  • Right-click the ‘Decans’ attribute and click the Properties menu item
  • In the ‘Properties’ window, select the ‘KeyColumns’ property and click the ‘…’ button
  • Add ‘Month Number of Year’ and ‘Calendar Year’ to the key properties, moving these columns from the ‘Available Columns’ area to the ‘Key Columns’ area


  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • In ‘NameColumn’ property, select ‘Decans’ field


  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property to false


Both information, the month and the decans are useful for analysis independently of the ‘Calendar Year’, but, as I explained before, we can’t use the same attribute in a hierarchy and for individual attribute analysis. Instead, we can add the same field multiple times, as different attributes.

  • Drag ‘Month Number of Year’ field to the collection of attributes
  • Right-click ‘Month Number of Year 1’ attribute and rename it as ‘Month’


  • Right-click ‘Month’ attribute and click ‘Properties’ menu item
  • Fill ‘NameColumn’ property with EnglishMonthName column
  • Fill ‘OrderBy’ property with the ‘Key’ value


  • Fill the property ‘AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder’ with ‘Individual Attributes’


This will create a custom folder named ‘Individual Attributes’ for this attribute, instead of the folder ‘More Fields’ we saw before in Excel.

  • Drag ‘Decans’ field from ‘DimDate’ table to the collection of attributes


  • Right-click ‘Decans 1’ attribute and rename it as ‘Decan’
  • Change the property ‘AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder’ of the ‘Decan’ attribute to ‘Individual Attributes’. This time the value is already there, you only need to select.


2nd Test in Excel

Let s process the cube again using the same steps we already did before:

  • Click ‘Internet Sales’ tab
  • Click ‘Browser’ tab
  • Click ‘Process’ button on the toolbar
  • Click ‘Yes’
  • Click ‘Run’ button
  • Click the ‘Close’ button and ‘Close’ button again in the next window
  • Select the Excel window (It s still open, right?)
  • Uncheck all checkboxes in ‘Pivot Table’ fields, cleaning the table
  • Click ‘Refresh’-> ‘Refresh All’ on the toolbar


  • In ‘Pivot Table’ Fields, Select (check) the ‘Sales amount’ measure
  • Select ‘Simple Calendar’ hierarchy in ‘Order Date’ dimension
  • In the pivot table, now filled with the hierarchy and sales amount, click plus sign beside ‘2011’ year and again beside ‘April’

Notice the months in the correct order and the decans aggregating the days.


  • In ‘Pivot Table’ fields, uncheck ‘Simple Calendar’
  • Open ‘Individual Attributes’ folder, below ‘Simple Calendar’, and check ‘Month’ attribute


Now we can analyze the information by ‘Month’ and ‘Decan’.

  • Uncheck ‘Month’ attribute, check ‘Decan’ attribute and observe the pivot table

Full Calendar Hierarchy

Now that we already have our first hierarchy, let s create a more complete calendar hierarchy. We left behind the Calendar Semesterand Calendar Quarter Fields. We can create a new hierarchy, Full Calendar, including these fields. Some users will use Simple Calendarhierarchy, it will be enough for them, and other users will need the Full Calendar’ hierarchy.

  • Switch to Visual Studio window
  • Select ‘Dim Date’ tab
  • Drag ‘CalendarSemester’ field to the ‘Attributes’ area
  • Drag ‘CalendarQuarter’ field to the ‘Attributes’ area


  • Drag ‘CalendarYear’ field from the ‘Attributes’ area to the ‘hierarchies’ area, creating a new hierarchy
  • Right-click the new hierarchy and rename it to ‘Full Calendar’
  • Drag ‘Calendar Semester’ attribute to the ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Calendar Quarter’ attribute to the ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute to the ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Decans’ attribute to the ‘Full Calendar’ Hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Date Key’ attribute to the ‘Full Calendar’ Hierarchy


  • Rename the hierarchy members to Year , Semester , Quarter , Month , Decan and Day , from top to bottom, in this order.

We can notice the warning alert again, so we need to configure attribute relationship

  • Click ‘Attribute Relationship’ tab

Notice that some relationships were created for us, but we need to correct them

  • Right-click ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute and click ‘New Attribute Relationship’


  • Ensure that ‘Related Attribute’ combo box points to ‘Calendar Quarter’
  • Change ‘Relationship Type’ combobox to ‘Rigid’
  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Right-click ‘Calendar Quarter’ attribute and click ‘New Attribute Relationship’


  • Ensure that the      ‘Related Attribute’ combo box points to ‘Calendar Semester’
  • Change ‘Relationship Type’ combobox to ‘Rigid’
  • Click the ‘Ok’ button
  • Right-click ‘Calendar Semester’ and click ‘New Attribute Relationship’


  • Ensure that the ‘Related Attribute’ combo box points to ‘Calendar Year’
  • Change ‘Relationship Type’ combobox to ‘Rigid’
  • Click ‘Ok’ button

Now we have a redundant relationship and we need to delete it. It’s the red line between the attributes.


  • Click the red line
  • Press delete key
  • Click ‘Ok’ button


  • Select the dimension structure tab

Now the warning disappeared because we corrected the attribute relationships.

‘Semester’ and ‘Quarter’ attributes repeat themselves each year, but we already know that we can t allow this in a hierarchy. We need to configure the ‘KeyColumns’ property for both, adding the ‘Calendar Year’ field in the ‘KeyColumns’ property and choosing a correct ‘NameColumn’ value, otherwise we will see an error again when we process the cube.

  • Select ‘Calendar Semester’ in Attributes area
  • Select ‘KeyColumns’ in properties window (open the properties window if not already opened) and click the ‘…’button
  • Select ‘CalendarYear’ field and move it to the right side of the window
  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property to False
  • Select ‘NameColumn’ property and click the ‘…’button
  • Select ‘CalendarSemester’ field as the name column
  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Select ‘Calendar Quarter’ in Attributes area
  • Select ‘KeyColumns’ in properties window and click the ‘…’button
  • Select ‘CalendarYear’ and move it to the right side of the window
  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property to false
  • Select ‘NameColumn’ property and click the ‘…’button
  • Select ‘CalendarQuarter’ field as the name column
  • Click ‘Ok’ button

3rd Test in Excel

  • Click the ‘ Save All’ button on the toolbar
  • Process the cube (the same steps we did before)
  • Switch to Excel window
  • Uncheck all attributes/hierarchies in ‘PivotTable Fields’ area
  • Click ‘Refresh’-> ‘Refresh All’ on the toolbar
  • Select ‘Sales amount’ measure in ‘PivotTable Fields’ area
  • Select ‘Full Calendar’ Hierarchy in ‘PivotTable Fields’ area

Notice that the hierarchy is exactly as we asked for, but the names used for semesters and quarters arent good: “1”,”2″ for semester, “1”,”2″,”3″,”4″ for quarter. We need better names for both semesters and quarters.


Naming Semester and Quarter

The solution for the naming problem of the ‘CalendarSemester’ and ‘CalendarQuarter’ attributes is to create a named calculation in the data source view. The named calculation is in fact a field that will check the value of the ‘CalendarSemester’ or ‘CalendarQuarter’ field and present the name that should be used for the record.

After we create the named calculations, we can choose these new fields as name column of the attributes, selecting them in ‘NameColumn’ property of the attributes.

This will be the T-SQL for ‘CalendarSemesterName’ named calculation:

This will be the T-SQL for ‘CalendarQuarterName’ named calculation:

You need to repeat the same steps we used to create the ‘Decans’ named calculation to create the new ‘CalendarSemesterName’ named calculation using the first T-SQL instruction above and ‘CalendarQuarterName’ using the second T-SQL instruction above.

After the named calculations were created in the ‘Data Source View Editor’ window, you need to configure the name column of the attributes following these steps:

  • In ‘Dim Date’ dimension tab, select ‘Calendar Semester’ and configure ‘NameColumn’ property as ‘CalendarSemesterName’


  • Select ‘Calendar Quarter’ and configure ‘NameColumn’ property as ‘CalendarQuarterName’


  • Save All’ using the toolbar button
  • Process the cube using the same steps we did before
  • In Excel, select Analyze tab and click ‘ Refresh All’

Nothing will change. At this point semesters and quarters in the pivot table are still with the wrong and ugly name. This happens because the relation between attributes are rigid. In this case, we need to process the dimension, not only the cube.

  • Select ‘Dim Date’ tab
  • Click ‘Process Dimension’ button in the toolbar
  • Select ‘Internet Sales.cube’ tab
  • Process the cube following the same steps we did before
  • Switch to Excel
  • Click Refresh->Refresh All button in the ‘Analyze’ tab

Now the names for semesters and quarters are correct, as you can see in the image below.


Analyze Semester and Quarter information as Individual attributes

We have already provided ‘Month’ and ‘Decans’ attribute outside the hierarchies, in the ‘Individual Attributes’ folder that we created to improve the analysis that our user is able to do in Excel. Now we need to give to the user the same ability with ‘Calendar Semester’ and ‘Calendar Quarter’ attributes and the way to do this can be the same: We can add the attributes again and configure the folder for the attributes hierarchy.

However, there is an even better solution: We can create a new hierarchy with ‘Calendar Semester’, ‘Calendar Quarter’, ‘Month’ and ‘Decans’ attributes. A hierarchy with these attributes and without the ‘Calendar Year’ attribute will enable the user to aggregate the sales across the years and will make everything easier for the user, he will be able to drag a single hierarchy to the pivot table and analyze all these attributes across the years.

The only exception is the ‘Decans’ attribute: In the hierarchy, each value of the ‘Decans’ attribute repeats each month, so the user can analyze this information only by month. Using the hierarchy the user will be able to tell, inside June for example, which decan had the best sales result, but the user isn’t able to tell which decan had the best sales result independent of the month. Because of this, although the hierarchy will be very useful, we still need to keep the ‘Decan’ attribute available for individual analysis.

Let’s execute the following steps to create the new hierarchy and keep ‘Decan’ attribute in the ‘Individual Attributes’ folder:

  • Drag ‘CalendarSemester’ and ‘CalendarQuarter’ fields from the ‘Data Source View’ area to the attributes area and rename them as ‘Semester’ an ‘Quarter’


  • Change the ‘NameColumn’ property of ‘Semester’ attribute to ‘CalendarSemesterName’
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Semester’ attribute to false
  • Change the ‘NameColumn’ property of ‘Quarter’ attribute to ‘CalendarQuarterName’
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Quarter’ attribute to false
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Month’ attribute to false
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Decan’ attribute to false
  • Right-click ‘Semester’ attribute and click ‘Start New Hierarchy’ menu item
  • Drag ‘Quarter’ attribute to the new hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Month’ attribute to the new hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Decan’ attribute to the new hierarchy
  • Change the new hierarchy name to ‘Semester Calendar’


Notice that we have problems again with attribute relationships. We need to adjust the attribute relationship again.

Click ‘Attribute Relationship’ tab


  • Right-click ‘Decan’ attribute and click ‘New Attribute Relationship’menu item
  • Select ‘Month’ attribute as ‘Related Attribute’ and ‘Rigid’ as Attribute Type
  • Click ‘Ok’ button
  • Repeat the same procedure for ‘Month’ attribute, creating a relation with ‘Quarter’ attribute
  • Repeat the same procedure for ‘Quarter’ attribute, creating a relation with ‘Semester’ attribute


  • Click ‘Dimension Structure’ Tab

We need to remember that ‘Decan’ values will repeat themselves each month and this isnt allowed in the hierarchy, so we need to correct the ‘KeyColumns’ property of the ‘Decan’ attribute to ‘Decans’ + ‘MonthNumberofYear’ fields and the ‘NameColumn’ property to ‘Decans’. We already faced this problem before with ‘Month Number of Year’, ‘Calendar Semester’ and ‘Calendar Quarter’ attributes.


Finally, we still need to add the individual analysis by ‘Decans’ field. Let s add ‘Decans’ field again:

  • Drag ‘Decans’ field to the attributes area
  • Rename ‘Decan’ attribute as ‘Decan 2’ (this attribute will not be visible)
  • Rename ‘Decans 1’ attribute as ‘Decan’


  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder’ property of the ‘Decan’ attribute to ‘Individual Attributes’


4th test in Excel

  • Process the cube using the same steps we’ve already used
  • Switch to the Excel window
  • In the ‘Analyze’ tab inside Excel window, click the ‘Refresh->Refresh All‘ button
  • In ‘Pivot table’ fields, uncheck the ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchy
  • Check the ‘Semester Calendar’ Hierarchy

Now we completed three calendar hierarchies and the ‘Decan’ attribute.


Fiscal Hierarchies

The next step is to create hierarchies for the fiscal calendar. The ‘DimDate’ table in ‘Data Source View’ area has several fields that allow us to create fiscal calendar hierarchies. We need two hierarchies: ‘Simple Fiscal Calendar’ and ‘Full Fiscal Calendar’, following the same pattern that we created with ‘Simple Calendar’ and ‘Full Calendar’. We don t need a ‘Fiscal Semester Calendar’ hierarchy, because it would be the same as the ‘Semester Calendar’ hierarchy that we already have.

The creation of these hierarchies follows the same steps we used before, it’s the same as the calendar hierarchies, so let’s summarize the steps:

  • We will need ‘FiscalYear’, ‘FiscalSemester’ and ‘FiscalQuarter’fields
  • We will use the same ‘Month Number of Year’, ‘Decans’ and ‘Date Key’ attributes, but we will rename them in the hierarchy.
  • We will need two new named calculations, ‘Fiscal Semester Name’ and ‘Fiscal Quarter Name’. The T-SQL instruction will be the same we used for ‘CalendarSemesterName’ and ‘CalendarQuarterName’, only changing the fields.
  • We will need to configure the ‘KeyColumns’ property and ‘NameColumn’ property for ‘Fiscal Semester’ and ‘Fiscal Quarter’attributes. ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property need to be configure for both plus ‘Fiscal Year’attribute.
  • We will need to configure attribute relationship for the new attributes included in the dimension. The ‘Fiscal Quarter’ attribute needs to be related with the ‘Month Number of Year’ attribute, the ‘Fiscal Semester’ attribute with the ‘Fiscal Quarter’ attribute and the ‘Fiscal Year’ attribute with ‘Fiscal Semester’



Now we have five hierarchies. We can organize these hierarchies using ‘Display Folder’ property of the hierarchies. Yes, surprise for you: Hierarchies also have properties. You can select a hierarchy and see the hierarchy properties in the ‘Properties’ window

A good organization of the folders will be ‘Simple Calendar’, ‘Full Calendar’ and ‘Semester Calendar’ hierarchies with ‘Display Folder’ property configured with the value Calendar Hierarchies and ‘Simple Fiscal Calendar’ and ‘Full Fiscal Calendar’ hierarchies with ‘Display Folder’ property configured with the value ‘Fiscal Calendar Hierarchies’.


Week Hierarchy

The Date Dim table in AdventureWorks has a field named Week Number of Year. Some companies do analysis with the week, so we can create hierarchies using Week. On the other hand, we shouldn t include Semester, Quarter and Month in hierarchies with week, because about ten weeks in the year are part of two different months.

The week hierarchy will be, basically, the ‘Calendar Year’, ‘Week Number of Year’ and ‘Week Day’ attributes.

Let’s create this new hierarchy using the following steps:

  • Drag ‘Week Number of Year’ field to the Attributes Area
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute to false
  • Change ‘Key Columns’ property of ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute to ‘Week Number of Year’ + ‘Calendar Year’
  • Change the ‘NameColumn’ property of ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute to ‘Week Number of Year’
  • Drag the ‘DayNumberofWeek’ field to the Attributes Area
  • Change the ‘NameColumn’ property of ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to ‘EnglishDayNameofWeek’
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyVisible’ property of ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to False
  • Change ‘KeyColumns’ property of ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to ‘Day Number of Week’ + ‘Week Number of Year’ + ‘Calendar Year’


  • Change ‘Order By’ property of ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to ‘Key’


  • Right-click ‘Calendar Year’ attribute and click ‘Start new Hierarchy’ menu item
  • Drag ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute to the new hierarchy
  • Drag ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to the new hierarchy
  • Rename the Hierarchy members to ‘Year’, ‘Week’ and ‘Week Day’
  • Right-click the new hierarchy and rename it as ‘Week Calendar’
  • With ‘Week Calendar’ selected, change ‘Display Folder’ property to ‘Week Hierarchies’


  • Select Attribute Relationships tab


  • Right-click ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute and create a new attribute Relationship to ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute , type ‘Rigid’
  • Right-click ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute and create a new attribute Relationship to ‘Calendar Year’ attribute, type ‘Rigid’


We still need to allow the individual analysis by ‘Week Number of Year’ attribute and ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute. Let s do it:

  • Drag ‘Week Number of Year’ to attributes area
  • Rename it as ‘Week’
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder’ property of Week to ‘Individual Attributes’
  • Drag ‘Day Number of Week’ attribute to the attributes area
  • Rename it as ‘Week Day’
  • Change ‘AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder’ property of ‘Week Day’ to ‘Individual Attributes’
  • Change ‘NameColumn’ property of ‘Week Day’ attribute to ‘EnglishDayNameofWeek’
  • Change ‘OrderBy’ property of ‘Week Day’ attribute to ‘Key’

5th test in Excel

  • Process the cube using the same steps we already did before
  • Switch to Excel
  • Click Refresh->Refresh All button in the ‘Analyze’ tab
  • Check the new hierarchy and attributes in ‘Pivot Table Fields’ area



Using Perspectives to control Hierarchy visualization

Perspectives are like views for an entire cube. A perspective determines which parts of a cube a user can view when using the perspective.

For some users the excess of hierarchies can be confusing. We can use perspectives to create different views of the cube, simplifying the user work.

Perspectives are available in Business Intelligence edition and Enterprise Edition, but not in Standard Edition.

In our example, we have plenty of possibilities for creating perspectives of the cube. Let s try the following combination:

Simple Perspective: This perspective can have the ‘Simple Calendar’ hierarchy and ‘Semester Calendar’ hierarchy

Extended Perspective: The same as the simple perspective plus the ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchy

Fiscal Perspective: This perspective will contain the ‘Simple Fiscal Calendar’ and ‘Full Fiscal Calendar’ hierarchies, ‘Semester Calendar’ and ‘Week Calendar’ hierarchies

Let s create the perspectives:

  • Switch to Visual Studio window
  • Select ‘Internet Sales.cube’ tab
  • Select ‘Perpectives’ tab


  • Click ‘New Perspective’ button in the toolbar
  • Change the perspective name to ‘Fiscal’
  • In ‘Default Measure’ row, select ‘Sales Amount’ measure


The default measure is the measure used when we do queries against the cube without specifying a measure.

  • Expand the order date dimension.
  • Uncheck the ‘Simple Calendar’ and ‘Full Calendar’ hierarchies


  • Repeat this for ‘Ship Date’ and ‘Due Date’ dimensions, unchecking the same hierarchies
  • Repeat these steps for ‘Simple’ and ‘Extended’ perspectives, choosing the correct hierarchies for each perspective



  • Select ‘Browse’ tab
  • Process the cube
  • Click ‘Refresh’ button on the toolbar
  • Click ‘..’ button besides the ‘Internet Sales’ cube, above the ‘Metadata’ window


  • Each perspective appears like a different cube inside ‘Cube Selection’ window. You can try each perspective and identify the visible dimensions and hierarchies.


The Dimension Type

Our last, but not least, task is to specify the dimension type.

There are some analysis we can do using MDX queries that needs the dimension type specified. For example, there is a function named ‘ParallelPeriod’ that allow us to analyze periods across the time, for example, the same month across several years.

For this function, ‘ParallelPeriod’, and several others can work properly, there must be a dimension marked to be of type ‘Time’.

Its easy configure this: In properties window, with the ‘DimDate’ selected, change the ‘Type’ property.


The attributes in the hierarchy also have a ‘Type’ property. We need to identify what each attribute means inside our dimension.

For example, we can select the ‘Date Key’ attribute and configure the ‘Type’ property as Calendar Date (Date->Calendar->Date), as you can see in the image below:


Below you can see a table with the relation between our attributes and the ‘Type’ property values:

Attribute ‘Type’ property values
Monthly Number of Year Calendar->MonthOfYear
Calendar Quarter Calendar->QuarterOfYear
Calendar Year Calendar->Years
Day Number of Week Calendar->DayOfWeek
Fiscal Quarter Fiscal->QuarterOfYear
Fiscal Year Fiscal->Year
Week Number of Year Calendar->WeekOfYear
Week Day Calendar->DayOfWeek

What’s next

Now that you’ve seen a bunch of tricks to build a good date dimension for your cubes, we’ll see whats next:

  • I didnt use translations for the dimension. Some companies need to use the cube globally, across countries with different languages. I wrote about translations here
  • There are a lot more tricks for dimensions that we didnt used for this date dimension. You can see more here.
  • You can also implement a dimension like this using the tabular model

Note: the sample application is in a ZIP file, DateDimension.ZIP, with a link at the head of the article.

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About the author

Dennes Torres

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Dennes Torres is a Data Platform MVP and Software Architect living in Malta who loves SQL Server and software development and has more than 20 years of experience. Dennes can improve Data Platform Architectures and transform data in knowledge. He moved to Malta after more than 10 years leading devSQL PASS Chapter in Rio de Janeiro and now is a member of the leadership team of MMDPUG PASS Chapter in Malta organizing meetings, events, and webcasts about SQL Server. He is an MCT, MCSE in Data Platforms and BI, with more titles in software development. You can get in touch on his blog or at his work