Utility Objects Series Introduction (but mostly a bit of an update)

So, I have been away from blogging about technical stuff for a  long time,  (I haven’t blogged at all since my resolutions blog, and even my Simple Talk “commentary” blog hasn’t had an entry since December!)  Most of this has been due to finishing up my database design book, which I will blog about at least one more time after it ships next month, but now it is time to get back to it certainly in a bit more regularly.

For SQL Rally, I have two sessions, a precon on Database Design, and another session on Sequence Objects and as I was building a demo with concurrent connections, I found myself again struggling with getting WAITFOR statements synchronized across multiple statements and I built a quick tool to make it easier to get multiple connections to start simultaneously. As I did this, I realized that I have a ton of utility objects that may (or may not) be interesting to the rest of the community. Other concepts I have in store are objects to grant rights, do DDL that SQL Server doesn’t implement (like dropping a schema with all objects, or dropping a column and constraints), metadata viewing etc.

So, I will present a series (maybe long, maybe short, who knows) of T-SQL utilities that I find useful, and perhaps you will too. If you have ideas for utilities you are interested in having built (or want me to share/link to,) let me know either as a comment or email me at louis@drsql.org.


And hey, if you want a day filled with database design, be sure and register for SQL Rally and my precon in May in Dallas, TX…