SQL Saturday Jacksonville – I’m Speaking!

Every so often, I want to try a new location to go to, and possibly speak at, a SQL Saturday event. This year, my new experience will be to go to Jacksonville, FL for their event. It will only be the second time I have been in the city, the first time being on my way from Virginia Beach, VA to vacation at my favorite place, Disney World (and yeah, I am going to stop by and see the mouse after I am finished with the event!) 

The sessions I will be doing are, first session of the day at 9:00 AM, my session about concurrency. I like this session, though it is the hardest session I have to get through the demos (though some of the tricks I note in my recent blog about SQLCMD, really help!)

Let Me Finish… Isolating Write Operations

OLTP databases can be constantly written to and reporting databases are written to at least periodically. In order to ensure consistent results, connections must be isolated from one another while executing, ideally with the lowest possible cost to concurrency. How this isolation is handled is based on the isolation level, whether the classic lock based or the newer optimistic scheme of the in-memory OLTP engine is used, or even if both engines are enlisted in the same transaction. In this session we will look at examples of how SQL Server isolates reading and writing operations from other writing operations to explore how this may affect your application through error messages and performance hits.

Then, in the final session of the day, I will be doing my old favorite:

Database Design Fundamentals

Data should be easy to work with in SQL Server if the database has been organized as close as possible to the standards of normalization that have been proven for many years, but are often thought of as old-fashioned. Many common T-SQL programming “difficulties” are the result of struggling against these standards and can be avoided by understanding the requirements, applying normalization, as well as a healthy dose of simple common sense. In this session I will give an overview of how to design a relational database, allowing you to work with the data structures instead of against them. This will let you use SQL naturally, enabling the query engine internals to optimize your output needs without you needing to spend a lot of time thinking about it. This will mean less time trying to figure out why SUBSTRING(column,3,1) = ‘A’ is killing your performance, and more time for solving the next customer problem.

Database design isn’t the sexiest of topics, but it is the most important of them. Hope to see you there!