We are having a conference in Chattanooga, TN on Aug 16 and 17, the primary topics of which are clearly in the name of the conference! We have 3 tracks, and one of the tracks is for ANY topic (technical/professional is probably better, but I am excited to see what we get!) Friday will have a selection of full or half day sessions, Saturday will be 45-minute sessions.
Note: Doesn’t have to be about SQL Server specifically, any data topics related to SQL based tech will do for the SQL track even.
I am pretty excited as it has been a while since I worked on a conference staff, so join me there for what should be a great time!
Conference Link: PowerShell & SQL on the River | Chattanooga, TN (psotr.org)
If you want to speak, go hit this next link and submit a session or two! We would love to have you.
Submission Link: PowerShell & SQL on the River 2024: Call for Speakers @ Sessionize.com
You don’t need to do both days if you don’t want, but both are included in the price of $75 for attendees (and are free for speakers). (Note that Friday sessions promise only the same basic waved entry fee promise at this time, but it is a good way to get some long-form speaking practice in as a speaker, and it goes without saying it is a great benefit as an attendee!)
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