Heading to SQL Connections!

You know how when you go to a session and there is always this person who is heckling the presenter?  Well, it isn’t that often that this person is authorized to be annoying people/answering questions at the request of the main presenter.  Well, that is about to change.  By a nice coincidence, I was going on vacation to Disney World next week, and Paul Nielsen (the primary author of the upcoming SQL Server 2008 Bible, as well as earlier versions in the series) was speaking there on Wednesday. Well I never miss an opportunity to heckle Paul get a bit more SQL Server knowledge and he asked so I will be there.

The two sessions he will be presenting (with a little help from his friends) are:

SSW09: Smart Database Design
Data architecture can be a vague subject. This session provides clear strategic thinking on data architecture using six measurable attributes of a database that can be used to evaluate designs and best practices.


SSW08: Nordic – New Object Relational Database Design
Objects and database don’t typically mix well. Nordic is Paul’s open source T-SQL code-gen project that fully emulates object orientation within SQL Server, supporting class/attribute inheritance, workflow state inheritance, and associations with workflow state dependencies and inheritance. Associations with inheritance is very significant feature–it takes the 2D relational model and makes it 3D. Adding workflow state to associations is like adding business logic to foreign keys without any code. Using a generic .NET UI to display the data, Nordic makes it easy to model and build an object/relational database with a clean database abstraction layer. And it’s fast.

So come by the sessions in the Mediterranean Salon 8 from 1:30 – 3:45 to close out the SQL Connections in Orlando.