Most bloggers start out with an overly idealistic view that their blog is going to contain Pulitzer quality coverage of current events and issues and that millions of people will flock to their site daily to hear the latest buzz. That optimism quickly degrades when you realize that you’re blogging about once every four months about earth shattering topics like how your dog ate an entire pound cake and got sick all over your car. I have no such idealism. If I win a Pulitzer for anything in this blog then it probably reflects a lack of creativity in the literary world and a decline in education.
What will you find here? First off, you’ll find a lot of discussions about ASP.NET and Microsoft development technologies because my day job mostly consists of digging into these areas. When I find something useful or interesting, I plan to jot it down in this blog so I know where to look for it again when I forget about it. Hopefully if something is interesting to me then someone else might find it equally useful at some point. You never know.
You’ll also find me going off about a swath of other subjects as they interest me. Technology. Business. Tools. How my dog ate a pound cake and got sick all over my car (she really did). All the Pulitzer quality stuff you would expect in a blog of this magnitude.
– Damon
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