We just released ANTS Performance Profiler 9.2 and ANTS Memory Profiler 8.7. The headline new capability for both is support for profiling ASP.NET 5 DNX applications. The Microsoft team working on DNX recently released their 5th beta, so if there are significant changes now, we’ll release updates to our profilers to maintain support. My colleague Clive has blogged more about our support for DNX, so I won’t say anything more here.
There’s also new support for profiling queries made against Oracle databases using the pure managed .NET client, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.dll. A lot of people have asked us for that, and it seems to be the preferred way to connect to Oracle these days. Having used both the unmanaged library and the equivalent unmanaged Oracle.DataAccess.Client, I can understand why! There’s no need to beat your head against TNSNames or deal with the craziness which is installing ODAC on end user machines; it feels a lot like using SqlClient. Seriously, I can’t recommend using the managed library strongly enough.
We’ve made a number of UI improvements to the execution plan viewer that first shipped in the performance profiler in v9.0, and by popular demand we’ve added a new column to the methods grid which shows the average time a method took to run.
These two releases also include some work to unify the startup process for both profilers, which allowed us to ship DNX support at the same time in both tools with less effort. We’re hoping this allows us to move faster on new technology support in the future.
Finally there are a bunch of bug fixes – details of those are in the release notes (APP, AMP).
As usual you can download free trials from the pages for the performance profiler and memory profiler, and we’d love to hear what you think!
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