2008: Error List in 2008

Ok, so I was looking around for a blurb about plan guides for my anti ad hoc SQL section of my book (ok, maybe not completely anti- but that isn’t the point,) when I found this blog: http://geekswithblogs.net/Sreeblog/articles/117576.aspx that basically just lists some new features in 2008.  One that I hadn’t seen I feel the need to mention. 

Transact-SQL Error List Window:
SQL Server Management Studio includes an Error List window that displays the syntax and semantic errors generated from the IntelliSense code in the Transact-SQL Query Editor.

If you haven’t seen this, it is really kind of neat.  Say you type:

select *
from sys.object
whe re name = ‘fred’

You can see the obvious errors, since this is a very small batch, but IntelliSense underlines sys.object and re in the batch.  Go to the View menu and show the Error List, and you will see something like this:


Double-click on the error, it takes you to the error in the query window.  Obviously I have just discovered this, so please comment if you know more about this topic (particularly if it has been helpful to you or not) please chime in.  And thanks to Sreenivas Mogullapalli for the cool post, it had a few other things I didn’t remember too (just don’t make me have to pronounce your name…I am pretty sure I wouldn’t get it right.)