T-SQL Programming Robert Sheldon in T-SQL Programming The Basics of Good T-SQL Coding Style – Part 4: Performance There are several obvious problems with poor SQL Coding habits. It can make code difficult to maintain, or can confuse... 31 July 2017 17 min read
T-SQL Programming Robert Sheldon in T-SQL Programming The Basics of Good T-SQL Coding Style – Part 3: Querying and Manipulating Data SQL was designed to be a third-generation language, expressed in syntax close to real language, because it was designed to... 27 June 2017 17 min read
T-SQL Programming Robert Sheldon in T-SQL Programming The Basics of Good T-SQL Coding Style – Part 2: Defining Database Objects Technical debt is a real problem in database development, where corners have been cut in the rush to keep to... 02 June 2017 22 min read
T-SQL Programming Robert Sheldon in T-SQL Programming The Basics of Good T-SQL Coding Style TSQL Code must work properly and efficiently. That's not enough though. Unless you are working alone, have perfect memory and... 05 May 2017 20 min read
T-SQL Programming Grant Fritchey in T-SQL Programming Who the Devil Wrote This SQL Code? The way that you format T-SQL code can affect the productivity of the people who have to subsequently maintain your... 05 October 2016 12 min read
T-SQL Programming Joe Celko in T-SQL Programming Formatting SQL Code – Part the Second When you're formatting SQL Code, your objective is to make the code as easy to read with understanding as is... 10 August 2016 15 min read
T-SQL Programming Joe Celko in T-SQL Programming Formatting SQL Code – Part the First With the formatting of code, we sometimes do things because they've always been done that way, rather than making code... 22 July 2016 16 min read
Phil Factor Laying out SQL Code It is important to ensure that SQL code is laid out the best way for the team that has to... 21 January 2010 17 min read
Robert Sheldon Transact-SQL Formatting Standards (Coding Styles) How should SQL code be formatted? What sort of indentation should you use? Should keywords be in upper case? How... 25 August 2009 25 min read
William Brewer SQL Code Layout and Beautification William Brewer takes a look at the whole topic of SQL Code layout and beautification, an important aspect to SQL... 11 May 2008 16 min read
Phil Factor Reading and Writing Files in SQL Server using T-SQL SQL Server provides several "standard" techniques by which to read and write to files but, just occasionally, they aren't quite... 10 April 2007 10 min read