Alex Kuznetsov Close Those Loopholes: Lessons learned from Unit Testing T-SQL Alex has done some pioneering work on the testing of stored procedures over four years, and has learned a great... 09 January 2012 23 min read
David Berry Performance Implications of Parameterized Queries Why don't we emphasize the huge advantages of parameterized queries over ad-hoc queries in SQL Server? There is a severe... 28 April 2011 19 min read
Keith Fletcher Creating Cross Tab Queries and Pivot Tables in SQL For those times when you absolutely, positively got to perform a cross tab query in SQL, Keith Fletcher's T-SQL stored... 27 March 2007 18 min read
Phil Factor Robyn Page The Helper Table Workbench Cursors and iterations are both renowned for slowing down Transact SQL code, but sometimes seem unavoidable. In this workbench, Robyn... 16 March 2007 16 min read
Phil Factor Writing to Word from SQL Server Never a man to walk away from a challenge, Phil Factor set himself the task of automating the production of... 06 March 2007 7 min read
Louis Davidson Ten Common Database Design Mistakes If database design is done right, then the development, deployment and subsequent performance in production will give little trouble. A... 26 February 2007 32 min read
William Brewer Towards the Self-Documenting SQL Server Database William Brewer investigates an unsung hero in SQL Server, extended properties, and shows how to use them to create self-documenting... 01 December 2006 16 min read
Phil Factor Automating Common SQL Server Tasks using DMO Phil Factor's DMO automation procedures provide a valuable additon to any DBAs toolkit.… 27 November 2006 12 min read
Nigel Rivett Creating CSV Files Using BCP and Stored Procedures Nigel Rivett demonstrates some core techniques for extracting SQL Server data into CSV files, focussing on a stored procedure approach... 20 November 2006 13 min read
Phil Factor More Database Administration and Development Automation using DMO Phil Factor provides a handy DMO automation toolkit to take care of some core SQL Server administrative tasks.… 04 October 2006 2 min read
Adam Machanic To SP or not to SP in SQL Server: an argument for stored procedures A seemingly never-ending battle in online database forums involves the question of whether or not database application development should involve... 06 June 2006 12 min read
Arthur Fuller A case for canned SQL Like a Phoenix, the dynamic SQL versus canned procedures and user functions argument has resurfaced on the SQL newsgroups. Many... 18 January 2006 4 min read
Douglas Reilly To SP or not to SP in SQL Server There have been a number of discussions about whether to use SPs or not, often shedding more heat than light,... 11 April 2005 16 min read