Database DevOps Bob Walker in Database DevOps Introducing DevOps to Farm Credit Services of America Identifying a need for better collaboration between teams is only the first step to introducing DevOps workflows into your organization.... 11 January 2017 15 min read
Olaf Lewitz Continuous Delivery: Building a Culture of Trust Effective team-based software development has more to do with the organisation than the technology. Teams that must cooperate are most... 12 January 2016 13 min read
Mike Fal DevOps and the DBA Michael Fal is a huge advocate of automation and many ways it can improve the lives of developers and DBAs... 08 May 2015 11 min read
Matthew Skelton Continuous Delivery for Databases: Microservices, Team Structures, and Conway’s Law Having described some of the most common database deployability blockers, Matthew Skelton proposes a way to enable database continuous delivery... 19 November 2014 20 min read
Matthew Skelton Common database deployment blockers and Continuous Delivery headaches Deployability is now a first class concern for databases, so why isn't it as easy as it should be? Matthew... 06 August 2014 17 min read
Alex Papadimoulis My month with Release! Alex and his team at Inedo are developing a game - inspired by development strategies like Lean, Agile and DevOps... 16 June 2014 7 min read
Konrad Lukasik Branching and Merging: Ten Pretty-Good Practices In the course of rescuing a development from 'merge misery', it became increasingly apparent that there were a number of... 13 May 2014 10 min read
Phil Factor Continuous Delivery and the Database Continuous Delivery is fairly generally understood to be an effective way of tackling the problems of software delivery and deployment... 03 April 2014 38 min read