An Easy Way to Obtain 10053 Trace

I have just learnt a couple of new methods to obtain an Optimizer (10053) trace for any sql statement that is already in the cache, without actually executing it and also enabling ‘events infrastructure’. With 11gR2 onwards, you can either use the DBMS_SQLDIAG.DUMP_TRACE package procedure or use new diagnostic events infrastructure to obtain the 10053 trace for a given sql_id

I have just learnt a couple of new methods to obtain an Optimizer (10053) trace for any sql statement that is already in the cache, without actually executing it and also enabling ‘events infrastructure’. With 11gR2 onwards, you can either use the DBMS_SQLDIAG.DUMP_TRACE package procedure or use new diagnostic events infrastructure to obtain the 10053 trace for a given sql_id.

I have included two demonstrations on my blog, which you can read here: An easy way to obtain 10053 trace.