SQL Prompt 3 Beta Signup – A Small Change of Plan

Sometimes I feel like I should just wire up my brain directly to this blog. Like most people, I’m aware that blogs are supposed to have a moderately “stream of consciousness” feel about them, but this is getting daft…

The game is now most definitely afoot with respect to the SQL Prompt 3 beta and next week, as I’m sure you can imagine, we’ve got an awful lot to do in order to get it out the door, so in order to make everyone’s lives slightly easier if you’re wanting to take part in the beta program you’ll need to get yourself signed up by Friday… or actually by the end of the weekend since I won’t be harvesting email addresses from the special folder in my mailbox again until Monday morning, so you’ve got a couple of days extra grace.

Meantime I can only say thanks again to those of you who’ve already signed up: the response has been overwhelming, and we’re looking forward to getting your feedback. We’re also going to be running some usability sessions with a few people in parallel with the beta so all in all we’re expecting to get a massive amount of useful information over the coming weeks.

This beta also represents something of a departure for us in that by our standards we are running it much earlier in the development cycle. We decided to do this because we wanted more time to incorporate your feedback and suggestions into the final product so please do let us know if we’re heading in the right direction or not.
