Sharing My Thoughts on Space Flight

This went out in the DBA newsletter from Red Gate, but I enjoyed writing it so much, I thought I’d share it to a wider audience:

I grew up watching the US space program. I watched men walk on the moon for the first time in 1969, when I was only six years old. From that moment on, I dreamed of going into space. I studied aeronautics and tried to get into the Air Force Academy, all in preparation for my long career as an astronaut. Clearly, that didn’t quite work out for me. But it sure could for you.

At Red Gate, we’re running a new contest: DBA in Space. The prize is a sub-orbital flight.

When I first got word of this contest, my immediate response was, “And you need me to go right away and do a test flight? Excellent!” No, no test flight needed, plus I was pretty low on the list of volunteers. “That’s OK, I’ll just enter.” Then I was told that, as a Red Gate employee, I couldn’t win. My next response was, “I quit”.eventually, I was talked down off the ledge, and agreed to help make this special for some other DBA.

Many (most?) of us are science fiction fans, either the soft science of Star Trek and Star Wars, or the hard science of Niven and Pournelle, or Allen Steele. We watched the Shuttles go up and land. We’ve been dreaming of our own trips into orbit and our vacation-home on the Moon for a long, long time. All that might not arrive on schedule, but you’ve got a shot at breaking clear of the atmosphere.

The first stage is a video quiz, starring Brad McGehee, and it’s live at now.

Go for it. Good luck and God speed!