Down Tools Week Project: Red Gate Coders

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It’s Down Tools Week at Red Gate, which means that for one week, I’ll stop working on my usual projects and do something else for a week. In the spirit of trying new things, I’m going to stop writing code and chat to other Red Gaters about their code instead. The idea is: chat to a Red Gate coder about code for an hour, transcribe and lightly edit the result (just to turn the spoken word into sensible prose), and then publish. I’ve seen plenty of interesting interviews on the Internet with well-known coders, and I reckon the coders here at Red Gate have more than enough interesting thoughts and experiences to fill an interview. Watch out for the first interview, appearing on this very blog shortly…

Update: and we’re off!

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About the author

Michael Williamson

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Michael is a software developer who likes to try out different approaches and technologies. He hates inheritance, advocates test-driven development, and thinks that the first three Wallace and Gromit shorts are quite possibly the finest hour and a half of video ever made. He blogs at

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