Demoralizing a Table

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Even though I’m a web developer by nature, I find myself writing about databases fairly often.  At work I’m writing a proposal for building a reporting database with a denormalized structure for better query performance and I keep running into a problem.  Microsoft apparently did not think that denormalize was a good enough word to include in their dictionary so Word keeps replacing denormalize with “demoralize”. 

So for all of you DBA’s out there this bids the question, how would you “demoralize” a table?  I figure it’s good to have a response in case the word accidentally slips into one of these proposals at some point.

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Damon Armstrong

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Damon Armstrong is a consultant with SystemwarePS in Dallas, Texas. He is also a blogger and author of Pro ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming and SharePoint 2013 Essentials for Developers. He specializes in the Microsoft stack with a focus on web technologies like MVC, ASP.NET, JavaScript, and SharePoint. When not staying up all night coding, he can be found watching a bunch of kids, studying Biblical topics, playing golf, or recovering from staying up all night coding.