50 Ways to Avoid, Find and Fix ASP.NET Performance Issues: The Next Generation

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The super-short version

11,000 of you have already grabbed a copy of the first edition of 50 Ways to Avoid, Find and Fix ASP.NET Performance Issues, so we’re doing a second edition to include MVC 4, SignalR and WebAPI. That means another chance to submit your tips, get your name in a slick eBook, and win a Microsoft Surface!

The full picture

Back in January, we published 50 Ways to Avoid, Find and Fix ASP.NET Performance Issues, a free eBook full of the best performance tips we could gather from the ASP.NET community.

Since then, we’ve had an overwhelming amount of interest – more than 11,000 of you have downloaded a copy, we were featured on www.asp.net, and it took Twitter by storm, too.

So, with the rising adoption of MVC 4, SignalR, WebAPI, and more new opportunities for performance improvements than you can shake a stick at, it seems crazy not to do a second edition!

Once again, I’m after your top tips for improving the performance of ASP.NET apps, and once again there’s a Microsoft Surface on offer for the best performance tip out there

This time, however, we’re looking to the future of web applications, and want your performance tips for the latest stuff to hit the.NET framework. Things like:

  • MVC 4
  • SignalR
  • Web API
  • Working with asynchronous code
  • Ways to improve performance of data access

Of course, if you’ve got a great tip that doesn’t fit into these categories, I still want to hear from you – after all, the more tips, the more we all learn!

So, if you’ve got a priceless performance nugget that you think needs sharing with the .NET community at large, ping it over to me at michaela.murray@red-gate.com for your chance to get published in the second edition, and to win that MS Surface!

Some inspiration…

As an example of the kind of thing we’re looking for, here’s Troy Hunt’s top tip from the first edition, which won him a Microsoft Surface:

‘Always profile your ORM database hits with SQL Profiler during development. ORMs get away from you very quickly. Before you know it, you’ve run a query 2000 times in a loop, when you could have retrieved all your data with a single database hit.’

The Not-So-Fine Print

  • We want to bring together the best application performance knowledge from ASP.NET developers.
  • Closing date for submissions will be Friday 19th April, 2013.
  • Submissions should be made by email to michaela.murray@red-gate.com
  • Submissions will be judged by a panel of expert judges (who will be revealed soon).
  • Anyone whose entry makes it into the book will be clearly and profusely credited in the method of their choice (or can remain anonymous.)
  • The top submission will win a Microsoft Surface.
  • ALL the tips which make it through the judging process will be polished by Simple-Talk editors, and turned into a professionally typeset eBook, which will be freely available, and promoted alongside ANTS Performance Profiler.

Wait, I wasn’t paying attention… what is this eBook?

Here’s the full story of the eBook so far:

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About the author

Michaela Murray's contributions