Martin Giffy DSouza Console Wrapper 1.0.4 Console Wrapper 1.0.4 is officially out. You can download it from the project page: The only change for this release... 11 April 2013 1 min read
Martin Giffy DSouza PL/SQL Exceptions Propagation during Variable Declaration It’s always good to know how any language handles and propagates exceptions, Oracle PL/SQL being no different. They’re plenty of... 11 September 2012 1 min read
Martin Giffy DSouza SELECT INTO Techinques One thing that bothers a lot of PL/SQL developers is when they have to select some data from a table... 13 June 2012 1 min read
Martin Giffy DSouza Building Apex Plugins 101 Martin Giffy D’Souza has created some of the most popular plug-ins available on the APEX plug-in community page. He has... 28 March 2012 1 min read
Martin Giffy DSouza How APEX Processes Various Conditions and Validations I was recently teaching an Intro to APEX course and the students had some questions about what to put in... 26 March 2012 1 min read
Martin Giffy DSouza Expert Oracle Application Express Plugins One of the most anticipated new features that was introduced in APEX 4.0 was the ability to create your own... 15 December 2011 2 min read