Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans

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In his new book, Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans, Brad McGehee takes you on a comprehensive tour of two SQL Server tools designed to help DBAs ensure that a “required minimum” level of maintenance takes place on their SQL Server instances: the Maintenance Plan Wizard and the Maintenance Plan Designer.

Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans

By Brad M. McGehee; Publish Date: October 31 2009

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 01: Why is Database Maintenance Important?
    Chapter 02: Before you Create any Maintenance Plans
    Chapter 03: Getting Started with the Maintenance Plan Wizard
    Chapter 04: Task Scheduling
    Chapter 05: Check database Integrity Task
    Chapter 06: Shrink Database Task
    Chapter 07: Rebuild Index Task
    Chapter 08: Reorganize Index Task
    Chapter 09: Update Statistics Task
    Chapter 10: Execute SQL Server Agent Job Task
    Chapter 11: History Cleanup Task
    Chapter 12: Define Back Up Database (Full) Task
    Chapter 13: Define Back Up Database (Differential) Task
    Chapter 14: Back Up Database (Transaction Log) Task
    Chapter 15: Maintenance Cleanup Task
    Chapter 16: Using the Maintenance Plan Designer

Why read this book?

Millions of SQL Server instances run in the offices of small and medium-sized organizations and there are many “accidental” DBAs out there whose job it is to maintain them. Often, they find that they don’t have the knowledge, experience, or critically the time, to perform the correct level of maintenance on their SQL Server databases, much as they might like to. This can mean poor performance and reduced availability. Regardless of the size of your organization, if your mission critical data becomes unavailable, then business will suffer greatly.

The Maintenance Plan Wizard and Designer allow you to configure and schedule eleven core database maintenance tasks, ranging from integrity checks, to database backups, to index reorganizations and rebuilds. Brad walks through every one of these tasks covering:

  • The intent of each task and why it’s important
  • How to configure each task and what all the options mean
  • Scheduling considerations: when and how often should you run the task?
  • Customizing and extended your Maintenance Plans using the Designer

Used carefully, these Maintenance Plan tools represent powerful time-saving devices for any DBA. At each stage of the book, Brad explains clearly the correct and incorrect uses for the tool, and indicates where more advanced solutions, using T-SQL or PowerShell scripting, would be more appropriate.

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About the author

Brad McGehee

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Brad M. McGehee is a MCITP, MCSE+I, MCSD, and MCT (former), and, until recently, the Director of DBA Education for Red Gate Software. He is now the editor of the SQL Server Central Stairway series. Brad is also an accomplished Microsoft SQL Server MVP, with over 16 years SQL Server experience and over 7 years training experience. Brad is a frequent speaker at User Groups and industry events (including SQL PASS, SQL Server Connections, devLINK, SQLBits, SQL Saturdays, TechFests and Code Camps), where he shares his 16 years of cumulative knowledge and experience. A well-respected name in SQL Server literature, Brad is the author or co-author of more than 15 technical books (freely available on SQLServerCentral) and over 275 published articles.

Brad McGehee's contributions