Time's running out to share your .NET performance optimization tips

applewatch.jpgWe’re on the lookout for the best .NET performance tips. The kind that can save hours of work and loads of worry. The kind that, while simple when you know about them, are a revelation when you don’t.

We’ll be publishing the best tips, under your name if you choose, in a free, community-created, professionally typeset eBook. And the top tip will be rewarded with an Apple Watch or Android alternative.

If you want a little bit of fame, and a rather nice piece of wearable technology, there’s not much time left. The Simple-Talk editors are already sifting through a pile of tips, choosing the best ones to appear in a special top tips book.

Yours could be among them, if you send your tip to carly.meichen@red-gate.com by August 29 2015.

What exactly are we looking for?

We want tips on .NET performance optimization. Those that you’ve come across, stumbled upon, and discovered, perhaps using a tool like ANTS Performance Profiler. Five areas you could consider are:

  • Speeding up performance in .NET applications
  • Quick win tips for understanding execution plans, and how this can speed up application and database code
  • Full stack profiling tips
  • Your favorite hidden gem in ANTS Performance Profiler
  • Tips on finding and fixing Async performance bottlenecks

When will the top tips eBook be published?

At the beginning of October, and if your tip is in there, you’ll be one of the first to receive it. You’ll be credited as the author of a hot tip, and your advice will help other .NET developers do their job smarter and better.

Who will read the eBook?

Thousands upon thousands of .NET developers who demonstrated when they downloaded our last community-created eBook, 25 Secrets for Faster ASP.NET Applications, how much they appreciate tips and advice.

Unsure whether your tip is a top tip?

You’d be surprised. If you’re familiar with something, it will appear straightforward and obvious. To others who aren’t, it could be the tip that saves their bacon.

So send your tips to carly.meichen@red-gate.com and look out for the Top Tips eBook when we publish it in October.