The 2014 Tribal Awards

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The 2014 Tribal Awards are here again! We had so much fun and such a great response from last year’s Tribal Awards, we’ve decided to continue the tradition.

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Who are the awards for?

The Tribal Awards, co-hosted by Simple-Talk and SQLServerCentral, seek to recognize outstanding members of the SQL community. We want to highlight people who are currently leaders due to their writing, speaking, or general community presence. This year, we have 11 categories ready for nominations.

Nominations for the Tribal Awards will be open until December 10th.

We’ll tally up the top 5 nominations for each category, and present them for voting starting on December 15th.

Go nominate some people.

Inspired by Tribal SQL

These awards are inspired by the book Tribal SQL, published last year. Tribal SQL was created by 15 authors each contributing one chapter, and donating their royalties to a UK-based charity Computers4Africa (C4A). Tribal SQL was a community effort, and the Tribal Awards seek to recognize others who are doing great things in the community. This year, we are pledging to donate £250 to Computers4Africa at the close of the awards, an amount that will be potentially boosted by the SQL Server Code Smells Drive.

Yes yes, very good, so go nominate some people

C4A donation will also be boosted by the SQL Server Code Smells Drive

‘Code smells’ are coding styles, some generic, and some particular to SQL Server, that while not bugs, suggest design problems with the code. We have a list of 119 ‘smells’ to look out for, and would like to see that number grow.

The SQL Server Code Smells drive will donate another £3 to the Tribal Awards total per code smell contributed, up to a total donation of £500. The current list of code smells list is freely available on GitHub and open to contributions. For a nice readable version, there’s a PDF available on

Check out the GitHub repository.

The drive will continue until the awards are finished. You can find out more about this here.

That’s nice, I’ll go nominate some people now.

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