Auto-Create statistics is a well-known feature critical for the database performance. When one statistic is auto created, changing the table structure is not blocked by the presence of the statistic. An auto-created statistics is also dropped automatically when a schema change happens.
On the other hand, if the statistic is created by the user, any schema change will be blocked by the presence of the statistic.
The Auto-Drop setting on a statistic is a new SQL Server 2022 feature to change this behaviour. If a user created statistic is set with the auto-drop option, it will behave as an auto-created statistics: It will be automatically dropped if a schema change happens.
Let’s make an example using AdventureWorks2019. You can download it on . Restore the backup in a SQL Server 2022.
Our example will use the table Production.Product and focus on the field ListPrice. Let’s see a sequence of steps for this demonstration.
1) Drop the constraint CK_product_listprice, otherwise it will block the demonstration
DROP CONSTRAINT ck_product_listprice
2) Check the existing statistics. You will not find anyone related to ListPrice field.
3) Execute the following query:
FROM production.product
WHERE listprice = 10
3) Check the statistics again. A new statistic was automatically created for the ListPrice field.
4) Alter the column ListPrice.
ALTER COLUMN listprice NUMERIC(18, 2)
5) Check the statistics again. SQL Server will drop the auto-created statistic automatically.
6) Create a new statistics on the field ListPrice. It’s a user created statistics.
7) Try to change the schema again. An error will happen.
8) Drop the user created statistic
9) Create the statistics again, this time using the auto-drop option.
10) Try to change the schema again. This time it will work and the statistics mystats will be dropped
Checking which statistics have the auto-drop option
A simple query can help identify which statistics have the auto-drop option and which ones doesn’t:
FROM sys.stats
This is a simple new feature, but it can help in some scenarios of version control and automated deployment for database schemas.
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