Hima Bindu Vejella has been a Microsoft MVP and member for the Community-Credit Hall of Fame since 2006, and is currently working as a Technical Lead in US based MNC at Hyderabad, where she makes excellent use of her vast experience in software development using Microsoft Technologies. She is also an active community leader, as well as an author for aspalliance, dotnetslackers, PCQuest and, recently, Simple-Talk. She is a speaker, Book-Reviewer, DotnetUserGroupHyderabad India Lead, a Moderator at syntaxhelp, a INETA APAC Volenteer, a regular columnist for MUNDO.NET, and a Technical Member at dotnetspider. She has presented more than 200 sessions at various colleges and events both virtual and 'real', covering topics ranging from MVP awareness to VS2010. Hima is passionate about giving back to the community, and she can be reached at himabvejella@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can follow her on Twitter (@himanet), or read her personal blog at HimaBinduVeljella.blogspot