Alex Grinberg

Alex Grinberg is a senior SQL Server DBA with more than 20 years of IT experience. He has been working on Microsoft SQL Server products since version 6.5. Alex is currently working in the Pennsylvania branch of Cox Automotive, headquartered in Atlanta, GA. His primary focus is to provide architecture, tuning, optimization, analysis, operational and development services, create new applications, convert legacy technologies (SQL Server, VB.NET and C# ) and provide on-site training with the latest Microsoft technologies including .NET (VB and C#), SSRS, SSIS. Alex is a frequent speaker at professional IT events, including SQLSaturdays, Code Camps, SQL Server User Groups, and other industry seminars, where he shares his cumulative knowledge. He is the guest author for and is also the co-founder of HexaArt inc., an IT consulting services company for small and mid-size corporations.

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10 February 2017
10 February 2017

SQL Server Temporal Tables: How-To Recipes

Tables that return the value of the data in the table at a particular point of time have been with us since the first relational database, but have always required special queries and constraints, and can be tricky to get right. System-versioned Temporal Tables, new in SQL Server 2016, make such tables behave like any other. How do you create one, or modify an existing table? How can you get an In-Memory Optimized OLTP table to be Temporal? Alex Grinberg shows how. … Read more
26 January 2017
26 January 2017

Migrating a Disk-Based Table to a Memory-Optimized Table in SQL Server

The feature formerly known as Hekaton, now In-Memory OLTP can provide very useful performance gains where you carefully select the tables to become memory-optimised. How do you set about the job of converting existing tables to become memory-optimised tables? the process isn't entirely straightforward but the benefits that an In-Memory OLTP table delivers is worth your effort. Alex Grinberg takes you through the basics.… Read more