Robert Sheldon OpenStack: The Good and Not-So-Good Bits OpenStack holds a great deal of promise as a cloud platform built on open standards, and has support from the... 03 September 2015 15 min read
Robert Sheldon An Introduction to the OpenPOWER Foundation In a bid to challenge Intel's dominance of high performance computing environments, IBM have introduced OpenPOWER, a flexible open-source framework... 03 August 2015 12 min read
Ming Lee Amazon Web Services and managing our EBS volumes effectively With Amazon Web Services, you might find that a large Amazon Machine Image (AMI) as with over 1 TB, taken... 19 September 2012 8 min read
Buck Woody Distributed Computing – Hybrid Systems Considerations When the Cloud was new, it was often presented as an 'all or nothing' solution. Nowadays, the canny Systems Architect... 11 July 2012 16 min read
Shameer Introduction to Route 53 AWS's DNS service, called Route 53, is a reliable and cost effective service for managing your domain. It has a... 28 June 2012 6 min read
Shameer Introduction to OpenStack OpenStack is an open-source cloud platform based on Linux. It aims to allow organisations to run cloud services on standard... 10 April 2012 6 min read
Buck Woody The ASs of Distributed Computing What's The 'Cloud'? nothing more than one or more of three different types of distributed service, conceptually similar to any... 27 February 2012 16 min read