Michael K Campbell

A bit of a wimp when it comes to spiders, Michael K. Campbell is a genius when it comes to technology. In the past, Michael has worked his technical magic as a professional developer, web master, and production DBA for enormous public companies, little peon companies, and a bunch of companies in between. Michael is now the President of OverAchiever Productions, a consultancy dedicated to SQL Server Consulting, mentoring, and quality solutions. He specializes in SQL Server, ASP.NET, and related technologies and is a contributing editor for SQL Server Pro and Dev Pro. He is also an ASPInsider. Michael enjoys learning, problem solving, and teaching. According to many, he also makes the world’s tastiest BBQ ribs and wings.

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04 February 2015
04 February 2015

The Importance of Caching

Performance tuning and optimization definitely have their place in minimizing SQL Server Licensing costs - by helping keep CPU utilization low. But it's important to remember that the fastest and most efficient query possible is the one that you never execute against your SQL Server. That might sound trite, but it's at the heart of caching - which is key to helping organizations save significant money on SQL Server licensing costs while simultaneously enabling better application performance and increased scalability. … Read more