Articles tagged SQL Documentation

Any article that describes what’s required to document a database or how to do it with Extended Properties.

06 May 2015
06 May 2015

Documenting your SQL Server Database

One of the shocks that a developer can get when starting to program in T-SQL is that there is no simple way of generating documentation for routines, structures and interfaces, in the way that Javadocs or Doxygen provides. To embed the documentation in the source is so obvious and easy that it is a wrench to be without this facility. Phil Factor suggests a solution. … Read more
30 May 2014
30 May 2014

How to Automate your Database Documentation

In my previous post, “Automating Deployments with SQL Compare command line” I looked at how teams can automate the deployment and post deployment validation of SQL Server databases using the command line versions of Redgate tools. In this post I’m looking at another use for the command line tools, namely using them to generate up-to-date … Read more
07 April 2011
07 April 2011

Database Documentation – Lands of Trolls: Why and How?

When database documentation is mentioned in an IT Department, everybody nods wisely, yet everyone does their best to avoid doing it. Attention to the database documentation can be the best invertment in time a development group can make. It is essential, and no system can be properly maintained without it. Feodor gives a sensible explanation and guideline for the unloved task of creating database documentation.… Read more