My need, and the needs of my colleagues to keep up with many different platforms led to the idea of compiling a list of resources to use when you want to learn from experts about different technologies, from podcasts, blogs, and conferences. Of course, these won’t supplant search engines, large language models, and of course, Stack Overflow when you are stuck on a problem, but they are places to learn more and more of the things you don’t currently know about.

To help you get to grips with learning more about database technology and the latest industry trends, here are some of my recommended resources, along with those of my coworkers. We all have different sources we go to, so we started a list. 

Editor Note: Platforms are sorted alphabetically. It does not mean we favor one over the other.


Podcasts are a great way to learn about a topic on the go. There are a wide variety of podcasts about technology that you can pull up while you are walking or driving and learn in an often entertaining way.


SQL Server


Sometimes it might seem like reading is a lost art, but blogs are some of the best ways to learn about one or more technical subjects. That is largely what the Simple Talk website is about, but we also read other blogs as well.


SQL Server

Conferences and User Groups

While reading and listening to content on your own is great, sometimes it is nice to be amongst other people in person and learn from/meet people face to face.


SQL Server


In this section, we list some of the newsletters you can get delivered to your email box so you don’t have to hunt around for content.


Video Content

Content that is primarily video based. Typically walking you through some process and talking you through it. Can be very helpful when you are dealing with complex problems that are hard to write down, much like going to a presentation.

SQL Server

General Data Topics


In this section, I will list some well known websites that offer information beyond a regular blog.


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Tutorial content

Tutorial content differs from the other content in this list in that it is structured learning materials. Most of the material previously mentioned is more scattered, meaning the writers write about what they want to, and you either follow the person and get their information, or you find it when you are in need and are asking Google/Bing for help in crisis mode.


SQL Server


Books are very much related to tutorials, in that you know there is something you want to learn about, so you get the book and read about it. Unlike tutorials, they are usually a bit deeper and go into details that you rarely find anywhere else, in an ordered format that still only works in book form.


SQL Server


Some things you just cant find using Google/Bing and you need help. This list will give you a few places to look to find people always willing to help.


SQL Server

Just the beginning

Even though we have a lot of resources listed, there are so many more out there. We have started out this list of resources with PostgreSQL and SQL Server links, but we will be adding more and more as time passes and we discover more.

If you have resources that you feel people should know about regarding any database technology, send a message to with the subject “Learning resource suggestions” suggestions, they will be added as we have time.