Richard Costall

Richard Costall (Silverlight MVP, MCSD.NET) has over 22 years development experience and works for 1st Software, a Microsoft Gold Partner, and the UK's leading software solution for Financial Adviser and Intermediaries, designing and implementing IFA applications in the financial services sector. Richard spent 5 1/2 years as the Midlands regional coordinator for VBUG (Visual Basic User Group) before co-founding NxtGenUG, the innovative UK user group for Microsoft Technologies. Richard has written articles for publications such as ASP.NET Pro and International Developer Magazines and also co-authored the Apress title Professional MSMQ. He speaks a local user groups, Microsoft Conferences/Product launches, TechED Europe and the hugely successful DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Events.

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14 February 2011
14 February 2011

Silverlight Beyond the Browser: The Basics

Silverlight can now be used to write a complete business application that can be run outside the browser. Such an application will probably need to automatically check, and react to, changes to the network status, as well as automatically download and install updates from the server. It will need to be easily installed from the browser. Richard Costall explains how, with a complete example.… Read more