Dan Turner

Dan works in London for Data Accelerator, a startup specializing in using machine learning to accelerate SQL traffic over a WAN/Internet connection by predicting what an app is going to do next. As a developer Dan has written SQL parsers in multiple languages and is possibly a little too familiar with the TDS protocol and Wireshark. Read more about Data Accelerator here: https://dataaccelerator.com or follow them on twitter.

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24 August 2017
24 August 2017

Why is My Database Application so Slow?

When your application is running slowly, the reflex action is to blame the database queries. It is certainly true that some of the more extravagant delays can be fairly blamed on a missing index or unnecessary locking, but there are other potential villains in the drama, including the network and the application itself. Dan Turner points out that you could save a lot of time and money by working out for sure where the problems lie before diving into the detail.… Read more