Product articles
SQL Prompt

Building reusable table build scripts using SQL Prompt

You need a fast, general-purpose way to save the results of a query or batch or procedure into any sort of worktable, such as a temporary table or a table variable or table valued parameter. A simple SELECT…INTO isn't versatile enough for these requirements, and the alternative ways to handcraft the list of columns are slow and error prone. Phil Factor shows how to create a 'table-build generator' that will do all this, and save you a lot of time, especially if you use a lot of working tables in your code. Read more

Reusing Query Results in SSMS

Every time you need to reuse the query results from SSMS, for example to populate another table, or to search for matching rows in another table, it will inevitably mean a lot of manual tweaking to the get the results into the right format. Louis Davidson uncovers three SQL Prompt gems that can remove all this pain. Read more