SnippetName: droptable Description: drop table command, enhanced to help you with foreign keys, schemabound objects, and temporal tables Code: $SELECTIONSTART$ BEGIN TRY DROP TABLE [$SchemaName$].[$TableName$]; END TRY BEGIN CATCH --foreign key constraints that reference this object SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',referenced_table, ' DROP CONSTRAINT ',QUOTENAME(, '; --Defined as: ',constraints.definition, CHAR(13), CHAR(10)) FROM (SELECT, CONCAT(QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(foreign_keys.parent_object_id)),'.', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(foreign_keys.parent_object_id))) AS referenced_table, CONCAT('FK reference FROM ', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(foreign_keys.parent_object_id)),'.', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(foreign_keys.parent_object_id))) AS definition, foreign_keys.parent_object_id, foreign_keys.referenced_object_id FROM sys.foreign_keys) AS constraints WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(constraints.referenced_object_id) = '$SchemaName$' AND OBJECT_NAME(constraints.referenced_object_id) = '$TableName$' UNION ALL --schemabound objects that reference the object in any way SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('--WARNING: [',OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id),'].[', OBJECT_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id), '] has a schema bound reference to this object. Must be handled to drop') FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies WHERE sql_expression_dependencies.is_schema_bound_reference = 1 AND OBJECTPROPERTYEX(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id,'IsConstraint') = 0 --constraints aren't an issue for a drop table. AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_id) = '$SchemaName$' AND OBJECT_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_id) = '$TableName$'; --commands to turn off system versioning and drop the history table. DECLARE @disableCommand nvarchar(1000), @dropHistoryTableCommand nvarchar(1000) SELECT @disableCommand = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(tables.object_id)),'.', QUOTENAME(name), ' SET ( SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF);'), @dropHistoryTableCommand = CONCAT('DROP TABLE ', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(tables.history_table_id)),'.', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(tables.history_table_id)),';') FROM sys.tables WHERE tables.temporal_type_desc NOT IN ('NON_TEMPORAL_TABLE','HISTORY_TABLE') AND name = '$TableName$' AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(tables.object_id) = '$SchemaName$'; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Assistance for dropping this column is output in a result set. The error message may have more details'; PRINT 'that you have to work through. This script is not guaranteed to cover all situations and scenarios'; PRINT 'and review the code before executing it. No guarantee is provided of the safety of this code.'; PRINT ''; IF @disableCommand is not null BEGIN PRINT 'Table is a temporal table, and cannot be simply dropped'; PRINT ''; PRINT '--code to turn off versioning for table'; PRINT @disableCommand; PRINT '--code to drop history table'; PRINT @dropHistoryTableCommand; PRINT ''; PRINT ''; END; THROW; --throw the error received. We may not have 100% of all reasons a table cannot be dropped yet END CATCH; $SELECTIONEND$