SnippetName: dropcolumn Description: drop column, providing code to identify and usually remove dependencies if they exist Code: $SELECTIONSTART$ BEGIN TRY ALTER TABLE [$SchemaName$].[$TableName$] DROP COLUMN [$ColumnName$]; END TRY BEGIN CATCH --constraints that are attached to column SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',QUOTENAME('$SchemaName$'),'.',QUOTENAME('$TableName$'), ' DROP CONSTRAINT ',QUOTENAME(, '; --Defined as: ',constraints.definition, CHAR(13), CHAR(10)) FROM (--check constraints SELECT NULL AS column_name, name, check_constraints.object_id, check_constraints.parent_object_id, check_constraints.parent_column_id, check_constraints.definition FROM sys.check_constraints UNION ALL --foreign keys, in that this column shows up in a reference to a table SELECT,, foreign_key_columns.constraint_object_id, foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id, foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id, CONCAT('Column in FK reference to: ',OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id), '.',OBJECT_NAME(foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id)) FROM sys.foreign_key_columns JOIN sys.foreign_keys ON foreign_keys.object_id = foreign_key_columns.constraint_object_id JOIN sys.columns ON columns.object_id = foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id AND columns.column_id = foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id UNION ALL --default constraints SELECT AS column_name,, default_constraints.object_id, default_constraints.parent_object_id, default_constraints.parent_column_id, default_constraints.definition FROM sys.default_constraints JOIN sys.columns ON default_constraints.parent_object_id = columns.object_id AND default_constraints.parent_column_id = columns.column_id) AS constraints WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(constraints.parent_object_id) = '$SchemaName$' AND OBJECT_NAME(constraints.parent_object_id) = '$TableName$' AND (constraints.column_name = '$ColumnName$' --table constraints don't have a direct link.. And it saves the definition --with the columns in brackets OR constraints.definition LIKE '%`[$ColumnName$`]%' ESCAPE '`') UNION ALL --indexes that this column is a key or include member of SELECT CASE WHEN indexes.is_unique_constraint = 1 OR indexes.is_primary_key = 1 THEN --for PK or UNIQUE constraints, it is an alter CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(indexes.object_id),'.', OBJECT_NAME(indexes.object_id), ' DROP CONSTRAINT ',QUOTENAME(, '--Key Cols:',STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(CASE WHEN sys.index_columns.is_included_column = 0 THEN END), ',')) ELSE --or drop CONCAT( 'DROP INDEX ', QUOTENAME(,' ON ', OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(indexes.object_id),'.', OBJECT_NAME(indexes.object_id),'--Key Cols:',STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(CASE WHEN sys.index_columns.is_included_column = 0 THEN END), ',') , ' Incl Cols: ',STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(CASE WHEN sys.index_columns.is_included_column = 1 THEN END), ',') ) END FROM sys.indexes JOIN sys.index_columns ON index_columns.object_id = indexes.object_id AND index_columns.index_id = indexes.index_id JOIN sys.columns ON columns.column_id = index_columns.column_id AND columns.object_id = index_columns.object_id WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(indexes.object_id) = '$SchemaName$' AND OBJECT_NAME(indexes.object_id) = '$TableName$' GROUP BY, indexes.object_id, indexes.is_unique_constraint, indexes.is_primary_key HAVING STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(, ',') LIKE '%`[$ColumnName$`]%' ESCAPE '`' UNION ALL --Schema Bound References... Warning only SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('--ATTENTION: ',OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id),'.', OBJECT_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id),' has a schema bound reference to this column. This script does not drop.') FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies JOIN sys.columns ON sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_id = columns.object_id AND sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_minor_id = columns.column_id WHERE sql_expression_dependencies.is_schema_bound_reference = 1 AND OBJECTPROPERTYEX(sql_expression_dependencies.referencing_id,'IsConstraint') = 0 AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_id) = '$SchemaName$' AND OBJECT_NAME(sql_expression_dependencies.referenced_id) = '$TableName$' AND = '$ColumnName$'; --only care about direct access, and non * because * is not allowed in --schemabound object PRINT 'Assistance for dropping this column is output in a result set. The error message may have more details' PRINT 'that you have to work through. This script is not guaranteed to cover all situations and scenarios' PRINT 'and review the code before executing it. No guarantee is provided of the safety of this code.' PRINT ''; THROW; --throw the error received. We may not have 100% of all reasons a table cannot be dropped yet END CATCH; $SELECTIONEND$