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IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.It_Depends') IS NOT NULL

   DROP FUNCTION dbo.It_Depends



CREATE FUNCTION dbo.It_Depends (@ObjectName Varchar(200), @ObjectsOnWhichItDepends bit)

RETURNS @References TABLE (

       ThePath VARCHAR(MAX), --the ancestor objects delimited by a '/'

       TheFullEntityName VARCHAR(200),

       TheType VARCHAR(20),

       iteration INT )



summary:   >

 This Table function returns a a table giving the dependencies of the object whose name

 is supplied as a parameter.

 At the moment, only objects are allowed as a parameter, You can specify whether you

 want those objects that rely on the object, or those on whom the object relies.

compatibility: SQL Server 2005 - SQL Server 2012


 - Author: Phil Factor

   Version: 1.1

   Modification: Allowed both types of dependencies, returned full detail table

   date: 20 Sep 2015

ToDo: Must add assemblies, must allow entities such as types to be specified


     - code: |

Use AdventureWorks

SELECT  space(iteration * 4) + TheFullEntityName + ' (' + rtrim(TheType) + ')'

FROM    dbo.It_Depends('Employee',0)


     - code: |

Select * from dbo.It_Depends('Employee',1)

Select * from dbo.It_Depends('Employee',0)

returns:   >

@references table, which has the name, the type, the display order and th

e 'path' of each dependent object





DECLARE   @DatabaseDependencies TABLE (

       EntityName VARCHAR(200),

       EntityType CHAR(5),

       DependencyType CHAR(4),

       TheReferredEntity VARCHAR(200),

       TheReferredType CHAR(5) )


INSERT  INTO @DatabaseDependencies ( EntityName, EntityType, DependencyType, TheReferredEntity, TheReferredType )

              -- tables that reference udts

        SELECT  object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type, 'hard', ty.name, 'UDT'

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.object_ID = o.object_id

                INNER JOIN sys.types ty ON ty.user_type_id = c.user_type_id

        WHERE   is_user_defined = 1

        UNION ALL

              -- udtts that reference udts

        SELECT  object_schema_name(tt.type_table_object_id) + '.' + tt.name, 'UDTT', 'hard', ty.name, 'UDT'

        FROM    sys.table_types tt

                INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.object_id = tt.type_table_object_id

                INNER JOIN sys.types ty ON ty.user_type_id = c.user_type_id

        WHERE   ty.is_user_defined = 1

         UNION ALL

              --tables/views that reference triggers         

        SELECT  object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type, 'hard', object_schema_name(t.object_id) + '.' + t.name, t.type

        FROM    sys.objects t

                INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.parent_object_id = t.object_id

        WHERE   o.type = 'TR'

        UNION ALL

              -- tables that reference defaults via columns (only default objects)

        SELECT  object_schema_name(clmns.object_id) + '.' + object_name(clmns.object_id), 'U', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.default_object_id = o.object_id

        WHERE   o.parent_object_id = 0

        UNION ALL

              -- types that reference defaults (only default objects)

        SELECT  types.name, 'UDT', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.types AS types ON types.default_object_id = o.object_id

        WHERE   o.parent_object_id = 0

        UNION ALL

              -- tables that reference rules via columns

        SELECT  object_schema_name(clmns.object_id) + '.' + object_name(clmns.object_id), 'U', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.rule_object_id = o.object_id

        UNION ALL          

              -- types that reference rules

        SELECT  types.name, 'UDT', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.types AS types ON types.rule_object_id = o.object_id

        UNION ALL

              -- tables that reference XmlSchemaCollections

        SELECT  object_schema_name(clmns.object_id) + '.' + object_name(clmns.object_id), 'U', 'hard', xml_schema_collections.name, 'XMLC'

        FROM    sys.columns clmns --should we eliminate views?

                INNER JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections ON xml_schema_collections.xml_collection_id = clmns.xml_collection_id

        UNION ALL

              -- table types that reference XmlSchemaCollections

        SELECT  object_schema_name(clmns.object_id) + '.' + object_name(clmns.object_id), 'UDTT', 'hard', xml_schema_collections.name, 'XMLC'

        FROM    sys.columns AS clmns

                INNER JOIN sys.table_types AS tt ON tt.type_table_object_id = clmns.object_id

                INNER JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections ON xml_schema_collections.xml_collection_id = clmns.xml_collection_id

        UNION ALL

              -- procedures that reference XmlSchemaCollections

        SELECT  object_schema_name(params.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type, 'hard', xml_schema_collections.name, 'XMLC'

        FROM    sys.parameters AS params

                INNER JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections ON xml_schema_collections.xml_collection_id = params.xml_collection_id

                INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = params.object_id

        UNION ALL

              -- table references table

        SELECT  object_schema_name(tbl.object_id) + '.' + tbl.name, tbl.type, 'hard', object_schema_name(referenced_object_id) + '.' + object_name(referenced_object_id), 'U'

        FROM    sys.foreign_keys AS fk

                INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = fk.parent_object_id

        UNION ALL                


              -- uda references types

        SELECT  object_schema_name(params.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type, 'hard', types.name, 'UDT'

        FROM    sys.parameters AS params

                INNER JOIN sys.types ON types.user_type_id = params.user_type_id

                INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = params.object_id

        WHERE   is_user_defined <> 0

        UNION ALL


              -- table,view references partition scheme

        SELECT  object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type, 'hard', ps.name, 'PS'

        FROM    sys.indexes AS idx

                INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON idx.object_id = p.object_id AND idx.index_id = p.index_id

                INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps ON idx.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id

                INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = idx.object_id

        UNION ALL


              -- partition scheme references partition function

        SELECT  ps.name, 'PS', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.partition_schemes ps

                INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON ps.function_id = o.object_id

        UNION ALL         


              -- plan guide references sp, udf, triggers

        SELECT  pg.name, 'PG', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.plan_guides AS pg ON pg.scope_object_id = o.object_id

        UNION ALL


              -- synonym refrences object

        SELECT  s.name, 'SYN', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.synonyms AS s ON object_id(s.base_object_name) = o.object_id

        UNION ALL                       


              --  sequences that reference uddts

        SELECT  s.name, 'SYN', 'hard', object_schema_name(o.object_id) + '.' + o.name, o.type

        FROM    sys.objects o

                INNER JOIN sys.sequences AS s ON s.user_type_id = o.object_id

        UNION ALL


                coalesce(object_schema_name(Referencing_ID) + '.', '') + object_name(Referencing_ID), referencer.type, 'soft', coalesce(referenced_schema_name + '.', '') + --likely schema name

         coalesce(referenced_entity_name, ''), --very likely entity name


        FROM    sys.sql_expression_dependencies

                INNER JOIN sys.objects referencer ON referencing_id = referencer.object_ID

                INNER JOIN sys.objects referenced ON referenced_id = referenced.object_ID

        WHERE   referencing_Class = 1 AND referenced_class = 1 AND referencer.type IN ( 'v', 'tf', 'fn', 'p', 'tr', 'u' )




-- firstly we put in the object as a seed.

INSERT  INTO @References ( ThePath, TheFullEntityName, theType, iteration )

        SELECT  coalesce(object_schema_name(object_ID) + '.', '') + name, coalesce(object_schema_name(object_ID) + '.', '') + name, type, 1

        FROM    sys.objects WHERE name LIKE @ObjectName

-- then we just pull out the dependencies at each level. watching out for

-- self-references and circular references

SELECT  @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT, @ii = 2

IF @ObjectsOnWhichItDepends<>0 --if we are looking for objects on which it depends

WHILE @ii < 20 AND @rowcount > 0


    INSERT  INTO @References ( ThePath, TheFullEntityName, theType, iteration )


                    ThePath + '/' + TheReferredEntity, TheReferredEntity, TheReferredType, @ii

            FROM    @DatabaseDependencies DatabaseDependencies

                    INNER JOIN @References previousReferences

                                   ON previousReferences.TheFullEntityName = EntityName

                                    AND previousReferences.iteration = @ii - 1

                     WHERE TheReferredEntity<>EntityName

                     AND TheReferredEntity NOT IN (SELECT TheFullEntityName FROM @References)

    SELECT  @rowcount = @@rowcount

    SELECT  @ii = @ii + 1


ELSE --we are looking for objects that depend on it.

WHILE @ii < 20 AND @rowcount > 0


    INSERT  INTO @References ( ThePath, TheFullEntityName, theType, iteration )


                    ThePath + '/' + EntityName, EntityName, TheType, @ii

            FROM    @DatabaseDependencies DatabaseDependencies

                    INNER JOIN @References previousReferences

                                   ON previousReferences.TheFullEntityName = TheReferredEntity

                                   AND previousReferences.iteration = @ii - 1

                     WHERE TheReferredEntity<>EntityName

                     AND EntityName NOT IN (SELECT TheFullEntityName FROM @References)

    SELECT  @rowcount = @@rowcount

    SELECT  @ii = @ii + 1