CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSpamScore] (@comment VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @links INT DECLARE @LenComment INT DECLARE @points INT DECLARE @hit INT DECLARE @ii INT DECLARE @Start INT DECLARE @Length INT DECLARE @KeywordLength INT DECLARE @Starta INT DECLARE @urls TABLE(url VARCHAR(255)) DECLARE @SpamWords TABLE(spamword VARCHAR(30)) --stock the spam-words table INSERT INTO @spamwords(spamword) SELECT 'Levitra' UNION SELECT 'viagra' UNION SELECT 'casino' UNION SELECT 'cialis' UNION SELECT 'nude' UNION SELECT 'tramadol' UNION SELECT 'phentermine' UNION SELECT 'xanax' UNION SELECT 'alprazolam' UNION SELECT 'amoxicillin' UNION SELECT 'xxx' UNION SELECT 'porn' DECLARE @commentstart TABLE(word VARCHAR(30)) ---stock the comment-start table INSERT INTO @commentstart(word) SELECT 'interesting' UNION SELECT 'cool' UNION SELECT 'sorry' UNION SELECT 'nice' DECLARE @keyWords TABLE(keyword VARCHAR(30)) --stock the keyword table INSERT INTO @keywords(keyword) SELECT '.html' UNION SELECT 'free' UNION SELECT '?' UNION SELECT '&' UNION SELECT '.info' UNION SELECT '.pl' UNION SELECT '.de' UNION SELECT '.cn' DECLARE @URLStarts TABLE(start VARCHAR(30),offset INT) --stock the URL Start table INSERT INTO @URLStarts(start,offset) SELECT 'HREF=',5--unquoted UNION SELECT 'HREF="',6--quoted UNION SELECT 'HREF=" ',7--I've seen this trick in spam UNION SELECT 'HTTP://',0--not in an anchor UNION SELECT 'HTTPS://',0--not in an anchor UNION SELECT 'mailto://',0--not in an anchor --Get the length of the comments and initialise things SELECT @LenComment=LEN(REPLACE(@comment,' ','|')),@points=0, @ii=@LenComment,@links=0 WHILE @ii>0--find every URL in the comments and put them in a table BEGIN--check for the next HREF, possibly 'quoted' SELECT @start=0 SELECT TOP 1 @start=hit,@keywordLength=offset FROM ( SELECT [hit]=PATINDEX ('%'+start+'%',RIGHT(@comment,@ii)),offset FROM @urlStarts)f WHERE hit >0 ORDER BY hit ASC, offset DESC IF COALESCE(@start,0)=0 BREAK--no more? --so we isolate the actual URL in the anchor SELECT @Length= PATINDEX ('%["> ]%', RIGHT(@comment,@ii-@start-@keywordLength)) SELECT @links=@links+1,--increment the URL tally @Length=CASE @length WHEN 0 THEN @ii ELSE @length END --no termination? INSERT INTO @urls(url) --add to our URL table SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING(RIGHT(@comment,@ii), @start+@keywordLength,@Length),255) --and reduce the length of the string we look at past the URL SELECT @ii=@ii-@start-@keywordLength-@Length END --How many links are in the body? if more than 2 then -1 point per link -- if Less than 2 then +2 points SELECT @points=@points+ CASE WHEN @links < 2 THEN 2 ELSE -@links END --How long is the comment? More than 20 characters and there's no links --then + 2 points -- Less than 20 characters then -1 point SELECT @points=@points+CASE WHEN @links=0 AND @lencomment>20 THEN +2 ELSE -1 END --Number of previous comments from same ID Approved comments +1 point per -- Marked as spam -1 point per --Keyword search in body of comments (viagra, casino, etc.) -1 point per SELECT @points=@points-COUNT(*) FROM @spamwords WHERE CHARINDEX(spamword,@comment)>0 --URLs that have certain words or characters in them -- .html, .info, ?, & or free -1 point per --or URLs that have certain TLDs .de, .pl, or .cn (sorry guys) -1 point SELECT @points=@points-COUNT(*) FROM @keywords INNER JOIN @urls ON CHARINDEX(keyword,url)>0 --URL length More than 30 characters -1 point SELECT @points=@points-COUNT(*) FROM @urls WHERE LEN(url)>30 --Body starts with... Interesting, Sorry, Nice or Cool. -10 points SELECT @points=@points-(10*COUNT(*)) FROM @commentStart WHERE CHARINDEX(word,@comment)>0 --Random character match 5 consonannts -1 point per SELECT @ii=@LenComment WHILE @ii>0 BEGIN SELECT @hit= PATINDEX ('%'+REPLICATE('[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]',5) +'%',RIGHT(@comment,@ii)) IF @hit=0 BREAK SELECT @points=@points-1, @ii=@ii-(@hit+5) END RETURN @points END go SELECT dbo.fnSpamScore('this is a perfectly legitimate comment that points out that phil''s code is horribly broken due to him being called out for a beer half way through writing it.') -- +4 SELECT dbo.fnSpamScore('Cool. Buy herbal viagra at http:\\ and impress your neighbours.') -- -7