Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Agent Module Module1 Sub Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String) Dim strServerName As String Dim strProdServer As String Dim intTLogInterval As Integer Dim intRetDays As Integer Dim intFullBkupStart As Integer Dim strBackupPassword As String ' the password for the Backup (Red Gate SQL Backup Only) Dim intRedgate As Integer Dim strNotificationEmail As String Dim strNotificationSource As String 'who notified? Dim strNotificationSMTP As String 'What was the SMTP (not SQL 2000)? Dim i As Integer strServerName = "." ' The name of the server we're connecting to strProdServer = "P" ' Production servers get Transaction Log Backups intTLogInterval = 60 ' Most servers transaction log interval is once per hour intRetDays = 3 ' Most servers will retain files for 3 days intFullBkupStart = 2 ' Most backups start at 2am strBackupPassword = "" ' the password for the Backup (Red Gate SQL Backup Only) strNotificationEmail = "" 'who do we notify? strNotificationSource = "" 'who notified? strNotificationSMTP = "" 'What was the SMTP (not SQL 2000)? intRedgate = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(CmdArgs) Dim strCmdArg As String strCmdArg = CmdArgs(i) If Left(strCmdArg, 1) = "-" Then Select Case Mid(strCmdArg, 2, 1) Case "S" 'the server name strServerName = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2) Case "P" 'is it a production server strProdServer = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, 1) Case "I" 'the log interval intTLogInterval = CInt(Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2)) Case "R" 'retention days intRetDays = CInt(Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2)) Case "B" 'backup start hour intFullBkupStart = CInt(Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2)) Case "W" 'the backup password strBackupPassword = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2) Case "G" 'Are we doing a nice Redgate backup? intRedgate = CInt(Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2)) Case "T" 'Email: who do we notify? strNotificationEmail = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2) Case "F" 'From Whom: who was the source? strNotificationSource = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2) Case "E" 'what SMTP server? strNotificationSMTP = Mid(strCmdArg, 3, Len(strCmdArg) - 2) End Select End If Next 'So, for example, to schedule a native backup, you could issue the following command line: 'u:\DBMaint\BuildDailyBackupJob -S"MyServer\Inst01" -PP -I15 -R3 -B2 -T"" 'the job will connect to server "MyServer\Inst01", cause that server to be treated 'as a Production Server, generate transaction log backups every 15 minutes, retain ' those backup files for 3 days, start the full backup job every 'morning at 2AM and notify of the backup. 'Alternatively, you can schedule the backup through your tool of choice 'In this example, we use Red Gate SQL Backup, via the following command line: ' -S"MyServer" -PP -I30 -R5 -B5 -R3 -G1 -W"brian" -T"" ' -F"" -E"" 'S"MyServer" use MyServer '-PP treat it as a production server (p) '-I30 number of minutes between log backups (30 here) '-R5 number of days to retain the files before deleting them (5 here) '-B5 backup start hour 5AM in this example '-W"brian" the backup password (redgate only) Brian in this example '-G1 Is this using Redgate's SQL Backup (Yes in this example) '-T"who@Where" To Email: who do we notify? '-F"From@Where" From Whom: who was the source? '-E"SMTP.WHO.COM" 'what SMTP server? (SQL 2005 only) 'the job will connect to server "MyServer", cause that server to be treated 'as a Production Server, generate transaction log backups every 30 minutes, retain ' those backup files for 5 days, and start the full backup job every 'morning at 5AM. 'The first thing we need to do is to connect to the server, which is 'handled in this code: Try ' Connect to the server Dim srvMgmtServer As Server srvMgmtServer = New Server(strServerName) Dim srvConn As ServerConnection srvConn = srvMgmtServer.ConnectionContext srvConn.LoginSecure = True 'We'll be creating three Agent jobs in this program, and, because we run this job 'every day, these jobs will normally already exist, so we need to delete the existing 'jobs with the same names first. Dim tblServerJobs As DataTable Dim rowServerJobs As DataRow Dim jobDumpJob As Job 'Drop the existing database_dump job tblServerJobs = srvMgmtServer.JobServer.EnumJobs For Each rowServerJobs In tblServerJobs.Rows If rowServerJobs("Name") = "DailyFullBackup" _ Or rowServerJobs("Name") = "TransLogBackup" _ Or rowServerJobs("Name") = "SystemFullBackup" Then jobDumpJob = srvMgmtServer.JobServer.Jobs(rowServerJobs("Name")) jobDumpJob.Drop() End If Next 'The jobs are gone so we can start building the new Agent jobs. We do this within subroutines 'to make the program easier to follow. All servers get full backups and system database backups, 'but only production servers (in my environment) get transaction log backups. In fact, this 'program will set the user databases on non-production servers to Simple Recovery mode so the 'transaction logs are automatically truncated on checkpoint. Within the main subroutine all 'that's left to do is execute the job creation subroutines. BuildDailyFullBackup(srvMgmtServer, intTLogInterval, intRetDays, intFullBkupStart, _ strProdServer, intRedgate, strBackupPassword, strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) ' We only need Transaction Log backups on Production Servers If strProdServer = "P" Then BuildDailyTlogBackup(srvMgmtServer, intTLogInterval, intRetDays, intFullBkupStart, _ intRedgate, strBackupPassword, strNotificationEmail, strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) End If BuildSystemFullBackup(srvMgmtServer, intRedgate, strBackupPassword, strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) Catch smoex As SmoException Console.WriteLine("There has been an SMO error") 'Display the SMO exception message. Console.WriteLine(smoex.Message) 'Display the sequence of non-SMO exceptions that caused the SMO exception. Dim ex As Exception ex = smoex.InnerException Do While ex.InnerException IsNot (Nothing) Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message) ex = ex.InnerException Loop 'Catch other non-SMO exceptions. Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("There has been a VB error. " + ex.Message) Do While ex.InnerException IsNot (Nothing) Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message) ex = ex.InnerException Loop End Try End Sub 'Failure Reporting 'The first thing we want to do is create a function for our failure reporting step. We want to use the 'same program whether we're running SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005, so within our BuildNotifyStep 'function we create the appropriate commands based on the version to which we're connected. This function 'will return the Transact-SQL command which will send the appropriate notification email, based on the step 'that failed. 'This function is used in all three programs, so it accepts the job name, server version and database name 'as parameters and uses them to construct a meaningful error message. If the error is a server-level error 'an empty string is passed in the database name parameter. Private Function BuildNotifyStep( _ ByVal strJobName As String, _ ByVal intVersion As Integer, _ ByVal strDBName As String, _ ByVal strNotificationEmail As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSource As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSMTP As String) As String Dim strCmd As String If intVersion = 9 Then strCmd = "declare @rc int, @subj varchar(255), @mesg varchar(255)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @subj = @@servername + ' - " + strJobName + " Job Failure'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @mesg = 'The " + strJobName + " job" If strDBName <> "" Then strCmd = strCmd + " for database " + strDBName End If strCmd = strCmd + " on ' + @@servername + ' failed at ' + convert(varchar(25), getdate(), 100)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @FROM = N'" + strNotificationSource + "'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @FROM_NAME = N'DB Admin'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @TO = N'" + strNotificationEmail + "'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @priority = N'NORMAL'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @subject = @subj," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @message = @mesg," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @type = N'text/plain'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @server = N'" + strNotificationSMTP + "'" + vbCrLf Else strCmd = "declare @rc int, @subj varchar(255), @mesg varchar(255)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @subj = @@servername + ' - " + strJobName + " Job Failure'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @mesg = 'The " + strJobName + " job" If strDBName <> "" Then strCmd = strCmd + " for database " + strDBName End If strCmd = strCmd + " on ' + @@servername + ' failed at ' + convert(varchar(25), getdate(), 100)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @profile_name = 'DBMail'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @recipients = '" + strNotificationEmail + "'," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @body = @mesg," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + " @subject = @subj" + vbCrLf End If BuildNotifyStep = strCmd End Function 'The BuildDailyFullBackup Agent job 'The first subroutine we'll build is the BuildDailyFullBackup subroutine, which takes all the 'parameters we received from the command line. Sub BuildDailyFullBackup( _ ByRef srvMgmtServer As Server, _ ByVal intTLogInterval As Integer, _ ByVal intRetDays As Integer, _ ByVal intFullBkupStart As Integer, _ ByVal strProdServer As String, _ ByVal intRedgate As Integer, _ ByVal strBackupPassword As String, _ ByVal strNotificationEmail As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSource As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSMTP As String) 'We need to define variables for building the backup job and the various job steps used by ' the backup job : Dim intStepID As Integer 'Identify the current StepID Dim dbcDatabases As DatabaseCollection 'The Server's Database Collection Dim dbDatabase As Database 'The Current Database Object Dim intVersion As Integer 'The Server's Version Number Dim strJobName As String 'The Job Name Dim strBackupDir As String 'The Server's Backup Directory Dim strCmd As String 'The Transact-SQL command Dim i As Integer 'An iterator strJobName = "DailyFullBackup" Dim jobUserFullBkupJob As Job 'The Job object Dim jbsUserFullBkupJobStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object Dim jbsUserFullBkupFailStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object for the failure step Dim jbschUserFullBkupJobSched As JobSchedule 'The Job Schedule object Dim strUserFullBkupFailCmd As String 'The command string for the failure step 'Next, we get the collection of server databases, and set the default initial fields for the 'server to include the "IsSystemObject" property, which speeds up the processing of the program 'significantly.We'll also get the version number of the server we're connected to, and store the 'backup directory for the server. dbcDatabases = srvMgmtServer.Databases srvMgmtServer.SetDefaultInitFields(GetType(Database), "IsSystemObject") 'Determine the SQL Server Version intVersion = CInt(Left(srvMgmtServer.Information.Version.ToString, 1)) strBackupDir = srvMgmtServer.Settings.BackupDirectory 'We can now start to create the first job. We'll instantiate the Job object, using the server's 'JobServer object and the job name as properties, then set the description, category, and owner, 'and create the job. We'll also initialize the iterator for later use. 'Create the Daily Full Backup Job jobUserFullBkupJob = New Job(srvMgmtServer.JobServer, strJobName) jobUserFullBkupJob.Description = "Daily Full Backup" jobUserFullBkupJob.Category = "[Uncategorized (Local)]" jobUserFullBkupJob.OwnerLoginName = "sa" jobUserFullBkupJob.Create() i = 0 'Within the backup job we need to clean up history and old backup files, so the first step in the 'job handles that. We establish dates to keep job history for one month, and we keep backup files 'based on the retention days parameter passed in. 'The sp_delete_backuphistory command works for both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. For purging the files, 'SQL 2000 uses the xp_sqlmaint function we'll use to back up the files , whereas in SQL 2005 we need 'to execute the xp_delete_file stored procedure. SQL 2005 also added the @oldest_date parameter to 'the sp_purge_jobhistory stored procedure so we can use that to delete job history older than one month. 'Cleanup history and backup files i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dtfiles datetime, @dthist datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dthist = dateadd(m, -1, getdate())" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dtfiles = dateadd(d, -" + Trim(CStr(intRetDays)) + ", getdate())" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Cleanup History" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory @dthist" + vbCrLf If intRedgate = 0 And intVersion = 9 Then 'In SQL 2000 sqlmaint purges the files, in SQL 2005 we use xp_delete_file strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf 'redGate backups do their own purging strCmd = strCmd + "--Cleanup Maintenance" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec msdb.dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory @oldest_date=@dthist" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'" + strBackupDir + "',N'bak',@dtfiles" + vbCrLf End If 'We've built the command for the step, now we need to add the step to the job. jbsUserFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobUserFullBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobUserFullBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobUserFullBkupJob.Alter() End If 'Notice that on success we want to skip the next step, because that's the step that will report the 'failure of the step we just created. Also, if this is the first step of the job (we know that it is 'here, but in other subroutines this will be useful) we need to set the job's starting step ID to this 'step. 'Now we need to build the failure notification step. We load the database name with the word "Cleanup" 'to indicate that it was the cleanup step that failed, if in fact that occurred. We also set the 'completion action for both success and failure to go to the next step. strUserFullBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, "Cleanup", strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsUserFullBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.Command = strUserFullBkupFailCmd jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.Create() 'We now want to iterate through the collection of databases on the server. For this job we only want 'user databases, and we don't want snapshot databases. For Each dbDatabase In dbcDatabases Dim bolProcessDB As Boolean Dim strDBName As String bolProcessDB = True If dbDatabase.IsSystemObject = True Then bolProcessDB = False End If If dbDatabase.CompatibilityLevel = CompatibilityLevel.Version90 Then If dbDatabase.IsDatabaseSnapshot Then bolProcessDB = False End If End If strDBName = dbDatabase.Name If bolProcessDB = True Then 'First we'll build the command for the step, based on which version of SQL Server we're using. 'For SQL 2000 the sqlmaint function does everything we need, but for SQL 2005 we need to execute ' a Transact-SQL statement to backup the file. We'll first construct a string containing the date 'in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format and use that as part of the backup file name. We then backup the database 'to that disk file, then do a RESTORE VERIFYONLY to make certain that the backup file is valid. i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Database " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf If intRedgate <> 0 Then strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime, @command varchar (2000)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir + _ "' + '\FULL_'+@@ServerName+'_' + @database + '_' + @strDate + '.sqb'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup System Database " + strDBName + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Select @command= '-SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE [" + strDBName _ + "] TO DISK = '''+ @strBackup + ''' WITH " + IIf(strBackupPassword <> "", "PASSWORD = ''" _ + strBackupPassword + "'',", "") _ + " ERASEFILES=14, " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "INIT, VERIFY, NAME = ''Database (" + strDBName _ + "), ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ''', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ' Database: " _ + strDBName + " Instance: (local)''" + " "" -E ' " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Execute master..sqlbackup @command" ElseIf intVersion = 8 Then ' In SQL Server 2000 use the xp_sqlmaint procedure 'Full Backups strCmd = strCmd + "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-D " + strDBName + " -VrfyBackup" strCmd = strCmd + " -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB -UseDefDir -DelBkUps " strCmd = strCmd + Trim(CStr(intRetDays)) + "DAYS -BkExt ""BAK""'" + vbCrLf Else 'Full Backups strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir + "' + '\' + @database + '_backup_' + @strDate + '.bak'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "BACKUP DATABASE [" + strDBName + "] TO DISK = @strbackup WITH NOFORMAT, INIT," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "NAME = N'" + strDBName + "-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "' )" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''" + strDBName + "'' not found.', 16, 1) end" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = @strbackup WITH FILE = @backupSetId, NOUNLOAD, NOREWIND" + vbCrLf End If 'The command now built, we'll construct the step and add it to the job. jbsUserFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i) + " Full Backup of " + strDBName) jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = dbDatabase.Name jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobUserFullBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobUserFullBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobUserFullBkupJob.Alter() End If 'We then add the failure notification step. strUserFullBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, dbDatabase.Name, _ strNotificationEmail, strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsUserFullBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.Command = strUserFullBkupFailCmd jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserFullBkupFailStep.Create() End If Next i += 1 ' Now we've cycled through all the databases, we need a dummy step so the final database has 'a step to go to when it's successful, so I added this step. jbsUserFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Command = "select 1" jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsUserFullBkupJobStep.Create() 'Now we can schedule the job. We want the job to run daily, so we set the job schedule's 'FrequencyTypes property to Daily and the FrequencySubDayTypes to Once. We set the 'ActiveStartTimeOfDay to a TimeSpan variable initialized to the time we passed in for the start 'time for the full backup. We set the end time to one second before midnight. We also need to set the 'FrequencyInterval to 1 and set the ActiveStartDate to Today. Then we can create the schedule. 'Define a JobSchedule object variable by supplying the parent job and name arguments in the constructor. jbschUserFullBkupJobSched = New JobSchedule(jobUserFullBkupJob, "Sched 01") 'Set properties to define the schedule frequency, and duration. jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.FrequencyTypes = FrequencyTypes.Daily jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.FrequencySubDayTypes = FrequencySubDayTypes.Once Dim tsUserFullBkupStart As TimeSpan tsUserFullBkupStart = New TimeSpan(intFullBkupStart, 0, 0) jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = tsUserFullBkupStart Dim tsUserFullBkupEnd As TimeSpan tsUserFullBkupEnd = New TimeSpan(23, 59, 59) jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = tsUserFullBkupEnd jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.FrequencyInterval = 1 Dim dtUserFullBkupStartDate As Date = Date.Today jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.ActiveStartDate = dtUserFullBkupStartDate 'Create the job schedule on the instance of SQL Agent. jbschUserFullBkupJobSched.Create() End Sub 'We've now created the job that will do a full backup of every user database once a day at the desired hour. ' Transaction Log backup Job ' The next subroutine we'll build will create the transaction log backup job. We'll run this conditionally, 'because we set the Dev and QA databases to Simple Recovery mode, so we don't need log backups. In the Main() 'subroutine the call looks like this: ' We only need Transaction Log backups on Production Servers ' If strProdServer = "P" Then ' BuildDailyTlogBackup(srvMgmtServer, intTLogInterval, _ ' intRetDays, intFullBkupStart) ' End If 'The structure of the subroutine is very similar to the full backup subroutine. First we define the necessary 'variables. Sub BuildDailyTlogBackup( _ ByRef srvMgmtServer As Server, _ ByVal intTLogInterval As Integer, _ ByVal intRetDays As Integer, _ ByVal intFullBkupStart As Integer, _ ByVal intRedgate As Integer, _ ByVal strBackupPassword As String, _ ByVal strNotificationEmail As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSource As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSMTP As String) Dim intStepID As Integer 'Identify the current StepID Dim dbcDatabases As DatabaseCollection 'The Server's Database Collection Dim dbDatabase As Database 'The Current Database Object Dim intVersion As Integer 'The Server's Version Number Dim strJobName As String 'The Job Name Dim strBackupDir As String 'The Server's Backup Directory Dim strCmd As String 'The Transact-SQL command Dim i As Integer 'An iterator strJobName = "TransLogBackup" intFullBkupStart += 1 ' Add 1 hour to the start of the full backups for the start of the tlog backups. Dim jobUserTlogBkupJob As Job 'The Job object Dim jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object Dim jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object for the failure step Dim jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched As JobSchedule 'The Job Schedule object Dim strUserTlogBkupFailCmd As String 'The command string for the failure step 'Notice that we set the start of the transaction log backups to one hour after the start of the full 'backup job. In some cases the transaction log backups fail if the full backups are running at the same 'time, so this protects us from these problems. Given that the backups are generally run in the wee hours 'of the morning there's generally not a lot of transaction activity at this time any way. 'Now we can get the database collection, set the default init fields, get the server version and backup 'directory for the server, as we did for the full backup. We'll also create the new job. dbcDatabases = srvMgmtServer.Databases srvMgmtServer.SetDefaultInitFields(GetType(Database), "IsSystemObject") 'Determine the SQL Server Version intVersion = CInt(Left(srvMgmtServer.Information.Version.ToString, 1)) strBackupDir = srvMgmtServer.Settings.BackupDirectory 'Create the Trans Log Backup Job jobUserTlogBkupJob = New Job(srvMgmtServer.JobServer, strJobName) jobUserTlogBkupJob.Description = "Trans Log Backup" jobUserTlogBkupJob.Category = "[Uncategorized (Local)]" jobUserTlogBkupJob.OwnerLoginName = "sa" jobUserTlogBkupJob.Create() 'strJobID = jobUserTlogBkupJob.JobID i = 0 'In SQL 2000 the sqlmaint function purges the transaction log backup files, but in SQL 2005 we use the 'xp_delete_file stored procedure to delete the files, so we need to build both the step to execute the 'stored procedure and the step to report if there was a problem with the delete. If intVersion = 9 Then 'Cleanup backup files i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dtfiles datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dtfiles = dateadd(d, -" + Trim(CStr(intRetDays)) + ", getdate())" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Cleanup Maintenance" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'" + strBackupDir + "',N'trn',@dtfiles" + vbCrLf jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobUserTlogBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobUserTlogBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobUserTlogBkupJob.Alter() End If strUserTlogBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, "Cleanup", strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.Command = strUserTlogBkupFailCmd jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.Create() End If 'Like for the full backup job, we want to iterate through the collection of databases on the server, and we ' only want user databases, but no snapshot databases. For Each dbDatabase In dbcDatabases Dim bolProcessDB As Boolean bolProcessDB = True If dbDatabase.IsSystemObject = True Then bolProcessDB = False End If If dbDatabase.CompatibilityLevel = CompatibilityLevel.Version90 Then If dbDatabase.IsDatabaseSnapshot Then bolProcessDB = False End If End If If bolProcessDB = True Then 'The log backup job step code is put in place of the ? notation. We set the database name, increment the 'step number, and start the job step command string. Dim strDBName As String strDBName = dbDatabase.Name i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Database " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf 'We'll only back up the transaction log if the recovery model is set to Full (I don't have any databases set 'to Bulk Logged). If the server is SQL 2000 we'll build a call to xp_sqlmaint, but if it's SQL 2005 we'll build ' the date string for the file name, execute the BACKUP LOG statement to back it up to the disk file in the correct ' backup directory, and then do a RESTORE VERIFYONLY to make sure the backup is good. 'Trans Log Backups If dbDatabase.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel = RecoveryModel.Full Then If intRedgate <> 0 Then '' strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime, @command varchar (2000)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir _ + "' + '\LOG_'+@@ServerName+'_' + @database + '_' + @strDate + '.sqb'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Select @command= '-SQL ""BACKUP LOG [" + strDBName _ + "] TO DISK = '''+ @strBackup + ''' WITH " _ + IIf(strBackupPassword <> "", "PASSWORD = ''" + strBackupPassword + "'',", "") _ + " ERASEFILES=" + Trim(CStr(intRetDays)) + ", " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "INIT, VERIFY, NAME = ''Database (" + strDBName _ + "), ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ''', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ' Database: " _ + strDBName + " Instance: (local)''" + " "" -E ' " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Execute master..sqlbackup @command" ElseIf intVersion = 8 Then strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-D " + strDBName + " -VrfyBackup" strCmd = strCmd + " -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog -UseDefDir -DelBkUps " strCmd = strCmd + Trim(CStr(intRetDays)) + "DAYS -BkExt ""TRN""'" + vbCrLf Else strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime, @dtfiles datetime, @dthist datetime, @sysfiles datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir + "' + '\' + @database + '_tlog_' + @strDate + '.trn'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "BACKUP LOG [" + strDBName + "] TO DISK = @strbackup WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "NAME = N'" + strDBName + "-Transaction Log Backup', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "' )" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''" + strDBName + "'' not found.', 16, 1) end" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = @strbackup WITH FILE = @backupSetId, NOUNLOAD, NOREWIND" + vbCrLf End If End If 'Now we can create the job step using the command we just built, set the job's first step if necessary, 'and build the error notification step to report any problems that occur during the backup. jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = dbDatabase.Name jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobUserTlogBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobUserTlogBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobUserTlogBkupJob.Alter() End If strUserTlogBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, dbDatabase.Name, strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.Command = strUserTlogBkupFailCmd jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsUserTlogBkupFailStep.Create() 'The transaction log backups are done pretty regularly during the day to provide more consistent recovery 'from failure. I normally run them once an hour, but one server is set to run them every 15 minutes. The 'interval in minutes is passed in from the command line to accommodate the appropriate backup strategy. 'Once again, the start of the job is set to one hour after the start of the full backup job. End If Next 'Just like for the full backup job, we need a dummy step for the last backup to jump to if successful. i += 1 jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Command = "select 1" jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsUserTlogBkupJobStep.Create() 'Define a JobSchedule object variable by supplying the parent job and name arguments in the constructor. jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched = New JobSchedule(jobUserTlogBkupJob, "Sched 01") 'Set properties to define the schedule frequency, and duration. jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.FrequencyTypes = FrequencyTypes.Daily Dim tsUserTlogBkupStart As TimeSpan tsUserTlogBkupStart = New TimeSpan(intFullBkupStart, 0, 0) jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = tsUserTlogBkupStart Dim tsUserTlogBkupEnd As TimeSpan tsUserTlogBkupEnd = New TimeSpan(23, 59, 59) jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = tsUserTlogBkupEnd jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.FrequencySubDayTypes = FrequencySubDayTypes.Minute jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.FrequencySubDayInterval = intTLogInterval jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.FrequencyTypes = FrequencyTypes.Daily jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.FrequencyInterval = 1 Dim dtUserTlogBkupStartDate As Date = Date.Today jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.ActiveStartDate = dtUserTlogBkupStartDate 'Create the job schedule on the instance of SQL Agent. jbschUserTlogBkupJobSched.Create() End Sub ' The System database backup job 'The last backup job we need to create is for the system databases. I set all my servers 'to run this backup job once a week at 2am on Sunday morning. I keep these backup files 'on disk for two weeks. If I make any changes on my servers I can easily run this job manually 'to prevent any loss, but things generally don't change frequently enough to justify running 'the backups more regularly. Your mileage may vary. Sub BuildSystemFullBackup(ByRef srvMgmtServer As Server, _ ByVal intRedgate As Integer, _ ByVal strBackupPassword As String, _ ByVal strNotificationEmail As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSource As String, _ ByVal strNotificationSMTP As String) Dim intStepID As Integer 'Identify the current StepID Dim dbcDatabases As DatabaseCollection 'The Server's Database Collection Dim dbDatabase As Database 'The Current Database Object Dim intVersion As Integer 'The Server's Version Number Dim strJobName As String 'The Job Name Dim strBackupDir As String 'The Server's Backup Directory Dim strCmd As String 'The Transact-SQL command Dim i As Integer 'An iterator strJobName = "SystemFullBackup" Dim jobSystemFullBkupJob As Job 'The Job object Dim jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object Dim jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep As JobStep 'The Job Step object for the failure step Dim jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched As JobSchedule 'The Job Schedule object Dim strSystemFullBkupFailCmd As String 'The command string for the failure step dbcDatabases = srvMgmtServer.Databases srvMgmtServer.SetDefaultInitFields(GetType(Database), "IsSystemObject") 'Determine the SQL Server Version intVersion = CInt(Left(srvMgmtServer.Information.Version.ToString, 1)) strBackupDir = srvMgmtServer.Settings.BackupDirectory 'Create the Trans Log Backup Job jobSystemFullBkupJob = New Job(srvMgmtServer.JobServer, strJobName) jobSystemFullBkupJob.Description = "System Full Backup" jobSystemFullBkupJob.Category = "[Uncategorized (Local)]" jobSystemFullBkupJob.OwnerLoginName = "sa" jobSystemFullBkupJob.Create() i = 0 'We need to clean up the old backup files if we're running SQL 2005. Also, note that for SQL 2005 servers 'I created a subfolder called ?System' in the server's backup directory, so I can have a different cleanup 'frequency for the system backup files. This is because the xp_delete_file will delete everything with the 'supplied extension value, and both user and system databases are backed up with the .bak extension. If intVersion = 9 Then 'Cleanup backup files i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @sysfiles datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @sysfiles = dateadd(d, -14, getdate())" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Cleanup Maintenance" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "exec master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'" + strBackupDir + "\System\',N'bak',@sysfiles" + vbCrLf jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobSystemFullBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobSystemFullBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobSystemFullBkupJob.Alter() End If strSystemFullBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, "Cleanup", strNotificationEmail, _ strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.Command = strSystemFullBkupFailCmd jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.Create() End If 'We need to loop through the databases, but notice that the loop is a little different than the other 'two subroutines. We only want system databases here, but we don't want to back up tempdb. For Each dbDatabase In dbcDatabases If dbDatabase.IsSystemObject = True Then Dim strDBName As String strDBName = dbDatabase.Name If strDBName <> "tempdb" Then 'Now, within the loop we build the command to back up the system databases, using either xp_sqlmaint 'or building the date string and file name, and building the backup and verify Transact-SQL statements. i += 1 strCmd = "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Database " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf If intRedgate <> 0 Then '' strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime, @command varchar (2000)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup Transaction Log " + strDBName + " w/Verify" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir _ + "' + '\FULL_'+@@ServerName+'_' + @database + '_' + @strDate + '.sqb'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "--Backup System Database " + strDBName + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Select @command= '-SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE [" _ + strDBName + "] TO DISK = '''+ @strBackup + ''' WITH " _ + IIf(strBackupPassword <> "", "PASSWORD = ''" + strBackupPassword + "'',", "") _ + " ERASEFILES=14, " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "INIT, VERIFY, NAME = ''Database (" + strDBName _ + "), ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ''', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on ' + CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 113) + ' Database: " _ + strDBName + " Instance: (local)''" + " "" -E ' " + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "Execute master..sqlbackup @command" ElseIf intVersion = 8 Then ' In SQL Server 2000 use the xp_sqlmaint procedure to backup the databases and delete old backup files 'Full Backups strCmd = strCmd + "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-D " + strDBName + " -VrfyBackup" strCmd = strCmd + " -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB -UseDefDir -DelBkUps " strCmd = strCmd + "14DAYS -BkExt ""BAK""'" + vbCrLf Else 'Full Backups strCmd = strCmd + "declare @strbackup varchar(500), @strDate varchar(30), @database varchar(50)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @dt datetime" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "declare @backupSetId as int" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @dt = getdate()" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 112)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + Left(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),4,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strDate = @strDate + SubString(CONVERT(varchar, @dt , 108),7,2)" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @database = '" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "set @strbackup = '" + strBackupDir + "' + '\System\' + @database + '_backup_' + @strDate + '.bak'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "BACKUP DATABASE [" + strDBName + "] TO DISK = @strbackup WITH NOFORMAT, INIT," + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "NAME = N'" + strDBName + "-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "'" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'" + strDBName + "' )" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''" + strDBName + "'' not found.', 16, 1) end" + vbCrLf strCmd = strCmd + "RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = @strbackup WITH FILE = @backupSetId, NOUNLOAD, NOREWIND" + vbCrLf End If 'Once the command is built we build the step to use the command, and build the error notification step 'for the database. jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = dbDatabase.Name jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Command = strCmd jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToStep jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessStep = i + 2 jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Create() intStepID = jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.ID If i = 1 Then jobSystemFullBkupJob.ApplyToTargetServer(srvMgmtServer.Name) jobSystemFullBkupJob.StartStepID = intStepID jobSystemFullBkupJob.Alter() End If strSystemFullBkupFailCmd = BuildNotifyStep(strJobName, intVersion, dbDatabase.Name, _ strNotificationEmail, strNotificationSource, strNotificationSMTP) i += 1 jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep = New JobStep(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.Command = strSystemFullBkupFailCmd jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.GoToNextStep jbsSystemFullBkupFailStep.Create() 'Again, once we're done with all the databases in the loop, we build the dummy step, as in the other subroutines. End If End If Next i += 1 jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep = New JobStep(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Step " + CStr(i)) jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.DatabaseName = "master" jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Command = "select 1" jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess jbsSystemFullBkupJobStep.Create() 'Last, we define the job schedule, specifying that the job is run weekly, starting at 2am on Sunday. 'Define a JobSchedule object variable by supplying the parent job and name arguments in the constructor. jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched = New JobSchedule(jobSystemFullBkupJob, "Sched 01") 'Set properties to define the schedule frequency, and duration. jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.FrequencyTypes = FrequencyTypes.Weekly jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = 1 jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.FrequencySubDayTypes = FrequencySubDayTypes.Once Dim tsSystemFullBkupStart As TimeSpan tsSystemFullBkupStart = New TimeSpan(2, 0, 0) jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = tsSystemFullBkupStart Dim tsSystemFullBkupEnd As TimeSpan tsSystemFullBkupEnd = New TimeSpan(23, 59, 59) jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = tsSystemFullBkupEnd jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.FrequencyInterval = 1 Dim dtSystemFullBkupStartDate As Date = Date.Today jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.ActiveStartDate = dtSystemFullBkupStartDate 'Create the job schedule on the instance of SQL Agent. jbschSystemFullBkupJobSched.Create() End Sub 'This program, once implemented, will create the jobs that run our full backups for our user and system 'databases, and will run the transaction log backups for our user databases, all at the intervals we find 'most appropriate for our business needs. End Module