SQL Change Automation 4

Provisioning a database using SQL Clone in SSMS

To start developing changes to your database you must first create a development environment where you will make changes to the schema and static data. Learn more about development sources.

SQL Clone is a database provisioning solution that lets you create full copies of SQL Server databases and backups in seconds, using around 40 MB of disk space per clone. Learn more about SQL Clone.

Provisioning a development database

When performing an operation that requires a development source (Generating migrations, Applying changes to a database) you will be notified if a development source is not currently configured.

To provision a database click on the Set development source... link.

Select the SQL Clone option from the development source dialog. The following configuration options are provided:

  • SQL Clone server URL - The location of the SQL Clone server. This is the same URL you would use to visit the SQL Clone dashboard.
  • Image - The name of the image you wish to create a clone from.
  • Server - The SQL Server instance the clone will be created on. A SQL Clone agent must be installed on the same machine.
  • Database - The name that the provisioned database should be given.

You can re-provision a database using SQL Clone at any time by clicking the name of the development database and choosing the SQL Clone option.

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