Deployment Manager 2

Package version syntax

Packages published to Deployment Manager's package feed or your own NuGet feed must have a version number.

Valid version formats

The formats allowed for the versions are numbers with 1, 2 or 3 decimal points.

A version can also have a text suffix after a hyphen. This can be any text string.

FormatWith suffixExamples, 1.7-alpha, 4.1.5-testing

Publishing from Visual Studio or SQL Server Management Studio

If you use the SQL Server Management Studio add-in or the Visual Studio extension to publish packages, the least significant number is automatically incremented each time.

Publishing with continuous integration

If you use the continuous integration build scripts, the build number can be passed to the script using a variable.

If you're using a continuous integration build script, you need to make sure the format of your build number is a valid format for the package version.

Learn more

The version syntax is identical to NuGet's.

For more information, see Versioning (NuGet documentation).

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